Selena's Dating Dilemma

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I was reading my favorite book. Aka Twilight. The one where Bella falls in love with Edward before the triangle. Justin doesn't like Twilight so I hide this book somewhere in my bedroom. I was in the living room, reading chapter 12 till somebody came in and slammed the front door. I closed my book and saw Selena. She looked very upset. "Ugh! He's such a jerk!" She growled. She came in the living room and grabbed my book and started reading it. I sighed. "Mind telling me why you came here upset and took my Twilight book?" I said. She quickly closed it and looked at me. "Why are guys such jerks? When you start to love one you really can't get over him!" She said. I huffed. "I understand guys are stupid. But you'll find somebody who knows what's up." I said. She rolled her eyes. "Demi fell in love with Cade and look how they turned out." She said. I patted her shoulder. "She got revenge because Cade was a total idiot." I said. We laughed. She smiled. "I do have a crush on somebody." She said. I giggled and smiled. "Who?" I asked. She looked at me with goo goo eyes. "He's Nick. One of those brothers who's in a band." She said. Nick? Nick Jonas? Omg! "Cool! He seem pretty cute." I said. She gripped my hand. "You gotta help me ask him out!" She begged. I scoffed. "Yeah right. I'm not a cupid who can stick arrows to make people love each other. If you need help, watch Twilight." I told her. She looked disgusted. "Ewww who watches Twilight?" She said. I growled slightly and looked at her. My brain clicked. Maybe I can help her ask him out. "Ok, I'll help you." I said. She smiled and hugged me. I giggled and hugged back. "Ok what do we do?" She asked. I picked up my phone. "Imma call a little birdie to hook you up." I said.

3 minutes later, Lexi came in. She had her makeup kit, curling iron and a dress covered in plastic which must be Selena's outfit. Selena's jaw dropped. "What did Nick say?!" She said. Lexi cheered and smiled. "He'll meet you in the carnival at 8:00!" She said. Me and Selena cheered and I hugged her. "Ok enough chitchat! Time to style you!" She said and grabbed both our hands to go upstairs.


It was 7pm right now. I was curling Selena's hair while Lexi was doing her makeup. Bet Selena and Nick look great together. She smiled widely. I giggled. She probably really likes him. "Excited?" I asked. She nodded. I put down the curling iron.
Lexi finished her makeup and closed the kit. "All done! All perfect!" She said. Selena gasped. "I look so gorgeous! Thanks guys!" She said. We smiled. "You're welcome!" We said. She got up and went to change her clothes. Lexi's phone vibrated. I looked at her confusedly. "Who's that?" I asked. "It's Miley. She needs me to dress her up for HER own date." She said. Omg. Now Miley? Is everyone going on dates right now? I rolled my eyes. "Is everybody going on dates?" I asked. She chuckled. "No Miley asked out this guy yesterday. She's really excited for it." She said. I looked at her. "I thought she was gonna wait till her 20s to date." I said. Lexi giggled. "It doesn't hurt to go crazy on love." She said. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. She walked out and I went back downstairs. I helped Selena try on her dress. It's so cute. She smiled and hugged me. "Thanks for helping me get ready to see Nick." She said. I smiled and hugged back. "I do anything for a friend." I said. "Wish me luck." She said. I waved as she left. Then I felt a tap on my back. "BOO!" The person yelled. I quickly jumped. It was William. I groaned and he laughed. "You oughta stop that." I growled. He smirked. "Sorry not sorry." He said. I looked at him. "What you doing here anyway?" I asked. He smiled. "I saw Selena come here. I followed her." He said. I smirked. He looked at me. "What?" He said. "You followed her. First she blush when she looks at you, then you gave her your blanket when she was cold, and now you following her. What is going on?" I said. He slightly blushed. I smiled. "Do you like Selena?" I asked. He scoffed.
"No. Yes!" He told me. I laughed. "I've liked her since we were 13. She was so shy, sweet and nice and I found it super cute. Selena's had some problems with other guys. In my opinion, they're jerks. They don't deserve an amazing-beautiful girl like her." He said. Awww! It's sad she's going out with Nick though. "I'm sorry she's going out on a date with Nick." I told him. He was confused. "Nick?" He said. I nodded. "As in Nick Jonas?" He said. I looked at him confusedly. "Um, yeah. Their date's at 8:00." I said. His jaw dropped. "No! No! No! He's Miley's date!" He said. Miley's date?! Is he dating Miley?! "Miley's date?!" I yelled. "Miley's date?!" Lexi shouted. I rolled my eyes. "She told me they went out together yesterday! 8:00 is the exact same time their date is!" He explained. I covered my mouth in shock. "So when Selena gets there...she'll see him with her!" I said. Lexi gasped. "We gotta get to Selena before she sees him!" She said. I nodded. "Ok but how we'll get to the carnival?" William said. Lexi smiled and squealed. She showed the keys to the Jeep. I groaned. William saw a motorcycle outside with no owner. He scoffed. "I got a better idea!" He said. I saw the motorcycle and groaned. Lexi smiled. Just hope I'm not riding in a full stomach. We put on helmets and I held onto Lexi's back as William started the motorcycle. We rode faster on the road and got through car traffic. I screamed. Lexi cheered. "Woo hoo!" She yelled. I closed my eyes. I prayed that I wasn't gonna throw up or die. William stepped hard on the pedal and the cycle speeded up. I screamed and screamed. Then I saw the rollercoasters from a far. It's the carnival! "Guys I see the carnival!" I yelled. He smiled. "Alright we should get there in a second!" He said. I looked at him. "How?!" I said. "This way." He said. He rode the motorcycle crazily to where the cotton candy shop is. It screeched to a stop and we crashed through the shop, falling off the motorcycle. Lexi fell into the cotton candy section. William fell onto the piles of rubble. I fell onto the floor. I groaned in a little pain. I saw Selena and my eyes quickly opened. William helped me up. Lexi wiped the sticky candy off her shirt. Selena was walking to where Nick was. He was near the Ferris wheel. We quickly ran out the store. "Selena wait!" I yelled. But she didn't hear me. "Selena, Nick's with- William stopped when he saw her watching Nick laughing and chatting with Miley. Then they kissed. Tears fell from her eyes. "Miley." He finished. I sighed sadly. Can't believe this. And I can't believe Miley also. "This cannot get any worse." Lexi said. Suddenly, a thunder noise struck and it started raining hard. Everybody in the carnival ran. We stayed, getting soaking wet. Selena covered her face and ran away. Nick put his jacket over Miley. She smiled and kissed his cheek. Disgusting. She saw us and smiled. "Hey guys!" She said. I angrily walked up to her and slapped her across the face. She groaned in pain. William and Lexi's jaws dropped. "What the hell Skye?!" She shouted. I looked at her. "For stealing your friend's date and being a bitch." I growled. She was confused but I didn't care. Lexi looked at her coldly. William rolled his eyes at her. They followed me back home. We changed our wet clothes and hung out in the living room. The thunderstorm finally stopped. I was still mad for what Miley did. I've called Selena many times and she's not picking up. Damn she's really hurt. William called his mom and went home. I sighed. Lexi patted my shoulder. "It's ok. Selena will get better." She said. I don't think she will, thanks to Miley. Bet she knew Selena had a date with Nick so she stole it. I nodded in disagreement. "For what Miley did, I doubt she'll be any ok." I said. She looked at me. I got up from the couch. I grabbed my jacket and put it on. I'm gonna go see if Selena is and will be ok. Lexi looked at me. "Where are you going?" She asked. I can't tell her. "I'm going for a walk." I lied.
She nodded. I opened the door and left.

I was walking on the sidewalk. The thunderstorm stopped but it got a little cold. I slowly stopped walking when I saw Selena's house. I could see her bedroom window. I ran to hide in a bush. She was just walking into the room. Her hair was still wet. Then I saw this...

 Then I saw this

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I sighed. I almost got away till I tripped on a log with a thud. She turned around and saw the bush shake. She opened her bedroom window and saw me. I smiled nervously. "Hey Sel." I said. Again, I felt bad for her. She scoffed. "You can come in." She said. I smiled sadly and got through the window. Her face was dried from tears. She sniffled and more tears fell. I hugged her and she hugged back. She sobbed on my shoulder. I rubbed her hair.

Like I told Lexi, I doubt Sel will ever be ok again.

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