"I Still Love You Skye."

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I laughed as Rochelle made a joke about Aunt Kimberly's wardrobe malfunction. I always known Aunt Kimberly dresses well but something bad finally happened. Rochelle came back but is staying. She wants to become a model and I bet Lexi's now her mentor. We were sitting on the couch watching Twilight Saga: the Eclipse. Yes I'm still a twilight fan. Don't hate! If I wasn't, I wouldn't had the book. We chilled eating popcorn and soda. She's drinking soda, I'm drinking cup of water. Rules of pregnancy of course. "I'm excited to see my niece and nephew!" She said. I smiled. "Yup. I really can't wait to get my body back." I said. She chuckled. "I understand the pregnancy issues." She said. I huffed. "I'm carrying twins." I said. She looked at me. "I know." She said. I rolled my eyes and continued watching the movie. The love story just reminds me of Hakeem and Justin fighting over me. I can't believe I became Bella this whole trip. Suddenly, Rochelle's phone beeped. She groaned. I looked at her. "It's Lexi! The mentor wanna teach me about being the model for somebody's clothing line." She said. Exactly what I thought. I nodded in understanding. "Rochelle, it's fine. You wanna be a model and Lexi's helping you. Go ahead." I said. "Are you sure? Skye, you can't be alone while you're pregnant! What if your water breaks? What if you need something? I just...can't leave you alone." She said. I huffed. She got a point. I literally can't be alone while carrying twins. She smiled. "Maybe you could come with me! Lexi has like 5 models lined up to do her clothing line photoshoot!" She said. My jaw dropped. 5 models? Damn it must be trending a lot. I smiled. "Ok, let's go." I said. She cheered and helped me get off the couch. I grabbed my purse and we drove in my car.

We walked inside the store Forever21 and saw 5 models lined up. All of them weren't girls. Half of them are girls and other is boys. Lexi was sitting on the cashier table with the co-workers. I looked to the right and saw two girls wearing designed outfits posing for the camera. Omg. This is for real insane. She looked up and waved. I waved back and walked up to her. She smirked. "There you are smartass! I was about to get worried!" She said to Rochelle. She rolled her eyes. Lexi's still getting used to the nicer Rochelle so she's the one giving smart remarks. "Sit down. I'll explain everything to you while I'm working. But I may need help getting every model's headshots and their applications. They're all wearing my designs for women and men. They must do the photoshoot that's near us." She said. Rochelle smiled at me. I sighed. "Do I have to?" I said. She smirked. "You can't stay home alone remember? And why not help these new stars?" She said. I sighed. Oh what the hell? "Fine." I said. Lexi cheered. "Great! Skye, you'll help with the applications. You'll get to know their age, hometown and why they wanna model. The co-workers will help as well. I'll be showing Rochelle what's it's like in the model industry." She said, grabbing her arm. She slipped it off her grip and left. I took a deep breath. I sat next to a brown haired girl with gorgeous earrings. She smiled at me. "Hello." She said nicely. I smiled. "Hi I'm Skye." I said. She laughed. "Lexi told me a lot about you." She said. I nodded. She looked at my baby bump. "Congrats!" She said. I chuckled."Thank you." I said. Then we began meeting every single model.


A while later, we did four out of five people. The fifth was the last person. I finished putting the fourth person's application in a pile with the others. "Anyone else?" Bay, the co-worker said. The boy standing came up to me. He had brown hair, brown eyes and a real killer smile. He was tall like 6 feet. He looks familiar though. Bay smiled. "Hello! Nice to meet you! What's your name?" She said. He smiled that killing smile. "My name is Dylan Reyes. I'm 17, almost 18." He said. Dylan Reyes? That name sounds really familiar. "Where are you from?" Bay asked. "Southfield, Michigan." He said. Oh god. This guy is so familiar. He looked at me and smiled. Even the smile's familiar too. The store's phone beeped. "I gotta take this Skye. Can you handle this?" She said. I nodded. "Sure." I said. Dylan smirked. "So you're helping Lexi?" He said. I sighed. "I'm only doing it cause I can't be a pregnant woman alone." I said. He chuckled. "She can be so..."Lexi." We both said in unison. We started chuckling. This guy seem cool. And he's from my hometown. "Why you wanna be a model? It's my duty here to ask." I asked. He sighed. "I'm not conceited but I'm really a good looking guy." He said. I smirked. "Oh I know." I said. He chuckled. I laughed. He's so sweet. Much sweeter than I remember. "Anyways, my sister was a young model and somehow it came to me. I really see beauty from inside. And lots of guys should respect girls and probably guys when they're in a position to be naked." He said. Wow, that's cool of him to say. He gave me his application. I began to read it. Somehow my gut makes me nostalgic about this guy. As if I...knew him before. His headshot was with the rest. He waited patiently. I kept trying to study that familiar face. "Hey, you pretty much look like my...ex girlfriend." He said. I looked at him. "Really?" I said. He nodded. Awww! That's sad. "Oh! Um, I'm really sorry." I said, awkwardly. "No it's ok. We started dating when we were 11. She was my first love. People used to call her the weird girl but I didn't cared. I loved she was different than other girls in class. I messed up because this girl tried to kiss me. I thought she liked me. But I told her I'm taken. I knew she found out which is how we broke up. She moved to LA and became a star. It was the last time I seen her. I still love you Skye." He said. How does he know my name? And why he- I took a moment and studied his eyes. He smiled sweetly. It's him. All he said was true too. I gulped. "Dylan?" I whispered. He smiled. "Hey Skye. I missed you so much." He said. This can't be good at all.

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