The Perfect Duet Duo

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Another fun school day. I was in music period aka homeroom. We worked on different assignments Ms. Oh gave us. Either you do a solo song or duet with somebody. But its 40% of our grade. It's kind of serious to do well on either. If we do both, we'll get extra credit. Demi wants to have extra credit. I was thinking of which to do till Hakeem took a spot next to me. He smiled. "Sup?" He said. I chuckled. "Don't you got two assignments to do?" I asked. He nodded in disagreement. "No I'm actually doing one. A duet." He told me. I looked at him in shock. "Really with who?" I asked. He smirked at me. I started to freak out. "What?! You and me can't do a duet! What would everyone think? I don't think Justin will be comfortable with that!" I said. He rolled his eyes. "He only get jealous if it's a love song. We won't have to do a love song. It can be something else." He said. Maybe, it can be. But I hope Justin's ok with it. I sighed. "Ok we'll do a duet." I told him. He smiled. "K I'll see you in the studio B." He said and went back to chatting with William. I felt somebody play with my hair. I giggled and saw Justin. He kissed my cheek. "Hey babe." He said. I rubbed his hair. "Hi Sweetie!" I said. He scooted closer to me. "Would you like to sing with me again?" He asked softly. I looked at Hakeem who's laughing with William and Selena. I smiled nervously. "Sorry babe, I'm doing a duet." I said. He nodded in understanding. "It's ok! I'm not mad." He said and kissed my lips. I melted in the kiss. Lexi, Kendall and Kylie came in. She repeatedly tapped my shoulder. I looked at her annoyingly. "What?" I asked. "Remember as students in fashion period we're supposed to make fashion designs for any of you who's performing anywhere for school and in the auditorium." She told me. I looked at her. "So when I finished working on my duet you'll design my performance outfit?" I said. She squealed and nodded. I smiled. That's really awesome! "What duet? You're singing with Justin?" She asked and winked at me. I nodded my head no. "Hakeem." I said. She covered her mouth in shock. "Singing with Hakeem? Is Justin ok with it?" She said. I sighed. I really hope he will. "I don't know but I hope he will." I said. She smirked. "I don't know. Singing with somebody else always lead to a new love." She said. I quickly looked at her. "Wait what- She cut me off. "Bye! Gotta prepare your outfit!" She said and skipped out with Kendall and Kylie. I groaned.
Now I'm nervous of what'll happen in that auditorium.

After lunch period, I came to Studio B where Hakeem was sitting, thinking for a minute. He looked at me. "Thanks for coming." He said. I smiled a little. "I have to. Or else I get a 0 grade." I said. He chuckled. "Let's get started." He said. I smiled sadly. He noticed it. "You good?" He said. I fake smiled and nodded. He nodded in disagreement. "That ain't true." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Ok. I'm a little worried of how Justin will feel about us singing together. Or what everybody else think. Lexi said when two people sing together it leads to a new love and I don't love you like that." I told him. He chuckled. "Can you stop believing what Lexi say? That doesn't always happen. Besides you ain't my type." He said. I scoffed. "You're not mine either." I said. He was fake surprised. "Damn, ok." He said. I laughed. "I guess it doesn't matter what they'll think. We're just doing our craft." I said. He smiled and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, of course they'll think we're cool together but fans be fangirling." He joked. I laughed. "Ok let's do this before Lexi styles us." I said. We started working on the duet.


In the auditorium, everybody from our class was in the audience with other classes. We was backstage with other performers. Lexi was finishing the last touch on my outfit and Hakeem's. She cheered. "All done!" She said.

 "All done!" She said

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I smiled. "Not yet." I said. I wrapped my mom's necklace around my neck. Lexi smiled proudly. I looked at Hakeem. He had on black jeans with Nikes and a golden necklace around his neck. He had a shirt with a saying number and wore shades on. I saw Justin in the crowd. He smiled and mouthed 'Love you' to me. I blushed and waved.
Ms. Oh came backstage. "Ok, you two ready?" She asked. I nodded and so did Hakeem. "K!" She said and came back on stage. People stopped chatting and looked at her. "Give it up for Hakeem and Skye!" She yelled in the mic. Everyone cheered. I can tell the gang were confused especially Justin. I looked at Hakeem. He nodded and we went on stage along with the backup dancers. I took a deep breath while people looked at us. No worries, just sing I always tell myself and our song played.

The crowd went insane even the gang in the audience. I laughed at William. Justin was probably mad right now. He growled the whole time. But there's nothing going on between Hakeem and I. I hugged him as we went left the stage. "We did it!" I squealed. He laughed. "Yeah, we sing good together." He said. Ms. Oh closed down the auditorium and everyone started to leave. Lexi and the others came backstage. "You guys were awesome!" William said. Selena hugged me. "I didn't know you guys were such a great duet duo!" Miley said. I laughed. "We didn't know either!" I said. Justin walked up to me. Hakeem looked at him with a straight face. "There's nothing going on." He said. I smiled. "I agree." I said. He crossed his arms. "Better not be." He growled. Hakeem rolled his eyes and followed the others. I kissed Justin's nose. "There isn't." I said. He smiled. "You were amazing up there. Especially with that skirt." He purred in my ear. He rubbed my sides. I pushed him back gently. "Till 17 Boo." I told him. He groaned. "But 17's so long!" He said. I giggled and huffed. "Ok. Don't go very deep." I mumbled. He smirked and wrapped his arm around me as we left the auditorium.

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