Prank War; The Avenge

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It was early morning. We was in school. I barely talked to Justin after last night. I couldn't bring myself to tell him my terrifying nightmare. Lexi, on the other hand, is trying to figure out why she keep having a nightmare of a car accident. Maybe she's right. We should find out if they're telling us something. It's weird when I was little, I watched The Jungle Book and got so terrified of the tiger Shere Khan. I can even see him when I open my eyes. It's even scarier that he comes in my dreams. I scoffed. Jungle Book cannot actually be real, right? Just because I dreamt Shere Khan been sworn to kill me. He actually been sworn to kill Mowgli, why should he hurt me? I was in my thoughts till Selena tapped me. She looked at me worriedly. "You ok?" She asked. I fake smiled and nodded. She smirked. "We can talk alone in your room." She said. I groaned. No way I could lie to my friends. "Fine. Don't tell anyone." I said. She nodded. Suddenly, I heard William and Hakeem's little loud conversation. I looked at my notebook. I have to finish writing the song for the showcase. I began writing more but try to hear their conversation. "Guess what I'll do to Kendall for prank week? Dump a bucket of paint on her!" William said. Hakeem scoffed. "That's too easy. Besides Kendall's very sassy she could cuss you out for that." He said. William chuckled. "Worth a shot." He said. I giggled. Kendall would really get sassy on them. But what's prank week? It seems cool. "Yo, William and Hakeem are talking about prank week. What's that?" I asked Demi. She groaned. "Every year, the guys plan a week full of pranking...and I damn there hate it!" She told me. I smiled. Pranking each other? That's awesome! "Do you guys hate pranks?" I said. Miley scoffed. "We love it! It's just the guys are always pranking us. They're just too smart at it." She said. I looked at William doing slapjack with Hakeem. I smirked. I doubt they're that smart. Justin looked at me and smiled. I blushed. He cannot be devious in pranking like William and Hakeem. My brain clicked. I have a plan. "After we talk alone, get all the girls in the room. I have a plan." I whispered to Selena. She nodded. "Ok." She whispered. I smiled and went back to writing my song. I'll help the girls give some real payback.

We was back in the house. The girls hung out in the living room. Kendall was brushing her hair on the couch. She looked at me. "How my hair look?" She asked. It was long and well brushed. I smiled. "Perfect!" I said. She smiled and kept brushing. Little did we know that the guys were hid behind the counter. William smiled deviously. "Let's do this!" He whispered/yelled. Justin cackled wickedly. "We'll beat them again this year!" He said. As Kendall got up, two buckets of blue paint splashed on her. All our jaws dropped. Kendall growled. "No no no! I just did my hair!" She yelled. The blue paint was all over her. Clothes, face and hair. The guys came out and laughed. "Got ya!" William said. Hakeem scoffed.
"Watch out for that sassiness." He whispered in his ear. Kendall pushed William harshly. "I just did my hair idiot! Do you know how hard it'll be to wash this paint off?! Ugh!" She growled angrily. They chuckled and laughed. "Well, there's nothing you could do to get us back!" Hakeem said. Lexi and the girls helped her go upstairs to clean up. Selena pulled me to my room. She sighed. "See? They can get us because we're girls. They're boys meaning they're stupid and immature." She said. I nodded in agreement. My brain clicked. Girls are exactly tough as guys! We don't have to be stupid and immature though. "I have an idea!" I told her. She looked at me. "I thought we were gonna talk about how sad you looked in class." She said. I sighed. "We'll deal with that later. Girls are so tough as guys and we literally don't have to be stupid and immature. We can really beat them!" I said. She smiled. "How?" She asked. I smiled deviously. "They prank us...we prank them back. Girls vs guys." I said. She knew what I meant. She smiled. "I like that." She said. I nodded. "So do we." A voice said. It was Kendall's. The girls stood beside the door. They agreed to my plan. I smirked evilly. "This isn't prank week. It's Prank War." I said. Everybody cheered. I smirked.
"So, I have a list of pranks all of us will pull on them." I said. Their eyes widened. "A list of pranks? That's genius!" Lexi said, high fiving me. I laughed. "Why you think I'm so good at pranking you?" I said. She laughed then stopped. "Wait. What- I cut her off. "Anyway, it's all in my book of pranks. I made this book to write and concoct my evil awesome pranks and master plans to get even with somebody. I think everyone should pair up for this. Selena, me and you will do Prank #1. Trust me. They won't know what hit them." I said. They giggled and smiled deviously.

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