Alone in the Schoolhouse

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It was another school day. I got excited cause this school ain't like other schools. The sleepover was wild. We ate candy, homemade popcorn, and drank lots of soda. I think I saw Miley get up groggily eating chips for breakfast. We ate eggs and pancakes Lexi and Kendall made. It was 7am and school doesn't start till 8:30. Lexi's face lit up. "Ooh I have an idea!" She said. We looked at her. "Since nobody will be in school till 8:30 we should wander around the school!" She said. I like that idea. "Cool! We'll be the first ones in class!" Kylie said. Miley scoffed. "Who will drive us? Skye's dad left." She said. Lexi smiled deviously and showed us car keys. "Oh lord." I mumbled. "What?" Selena said. "Just prepare to not die." I whispered to her. She was confused. We got ready to leave. Our eyes grew wide at the sight of the car. "This is your car?!" We yelled. "Nope! A friend lend it to me just in case." She said. It was light-blue Jeep in the driveway. Miley hopped in the front seat. Rest of us was in the back. "Ready?!" Lexi asked. "Yeah." Everybody said. Me? I prayed that I won't die. The girls had no clue they're in for a wild and probably deadly ride. "Um Lexi, you can't drive!" Selena said. She scoffed. "For this car who needs a license!" She said, stomping hard on the gas.

The car rode fast on the road. We screamed. The wind blew Demi hard. Selena flipped over her seat. Kendall tried to hanging onto hers but failed. Kylie did the same. I kept praying and praying that we won't die. "We're gonna die!" Selena whined. The car was moving faster every time Lexi stomp on the gas pedal. "Get ready guys! From the ramp to the school!" She said. We drove up the ramp. I saw we were high from the ground. This made me panic more. "We're gonna die!" I screamed. Me and Selena tried to hang on to each other as we fell back on the road. I quickly closed my eyes and hoped we weren't dead. The car screeched and we pulled over in front of the school. "That was awesome!" Miley cheered. "I know! Ain't that right guys?" Lexi said. Demi was hanging on to the rooftop. "No it's never right." She mumbled as she got off the rooftop but fell to the floorboard. Me and Selena stopped holding on to each other. Kendall unbuckled her seatbelt but she was upside down. Kylie looked up from her knees. Her makeup was smeared from the ride. We looked at her. "Guys, that was wild! Do my makeup still look good?" She asked. We looked at each other and smiled nervously. "Great! Cute!" We lied in unison. She smiled and pushed her hair back. I walked to where Lexi was in the drivers seat. "Let's do whatever we want in that school!" I said. They cheered though they was still shaky from the ride.

In school, we was in the corner where the front door is. Lexi made sure we weren't caught. "Ok. I think the coast is clear." She whispered. I scoffed. "You know there's nobody here so you don't have to whisper." I told her. She scoffed. "If you don't wanna get caught then yes." She sassed. I rolled my eyes as we followed her through the hallway. I heard small voices. I tapped Demi's shoulder. "You hear that?" I said. The voices got bigger. "It sounds like a bunch of young men." Lexi said. I rolled my eyes and groaned. "We need to see who it is." Miley insisted. Selena nudged her arm. "So you want us to go after the voices but there's a slight chance it's the teachers and we'll have detention? Yeah that's a good idea." Selena said sarcastically. Miley rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Ms. Goodie two shoes." She mumbled. Selena growled. "Alright quit it! We need to know ok?" I said. Lexi nodded and we followed where the voices was. It lead up back to the hallway where a group of boys were chatting which happens to be Hakeem, William and...Justin! They went silent as they saw us. We looked at each other in shock. "I'm sorry, who asked you guys to be here?" Miley growled.. "Uh we wanted to be here before school starts!" William said. I nodded. "Same thing. Looks like both had the idea." I said. They turned their attention to Kylie's smeared makeup.
She covered her face. "What's wrong?! Is my hair?! My lips? My eyes?!" She panicked. Lexi snickered. "Nope just your- I cut her off and hit her arm. "Your prettiest look we just can't get enough of." She finished. I looked at Justin. He smiled at me. "So why don't we wander around this place then?" I said. Everybody agreed and separated. Justin walked up to me. "You don't mind if you and me wander around together?" He said. I smiled a little bit. "Nope! I don't mind." I told him. I clearly do. Its been 3 minutes and me and Justin was wandering around the school together. I loved being around him. "Ever wonder what it feels like if you like someone?" He asked. It feels right and good. "Yes kinda. It would feel so amazing. And so beautiful. But for me, I had trouble with love. First guy I ever liked only dated me cause I'm pretty. He didn't seem to care about my feelings or personality. After that I kinda gave up on guy would ever love me for me. Not every relationship is like a fairytale." I admitted. I felt tears about to come. He smiled sadly. "Skye I would never ever hurt you. And I would never like you cause of your beauty. I realized you're a beautiful, smart, very talented and sweet girl. I would like you because you be're confident and funny. You even already made friends on your first day." He said. Shocking. Right? I snickered. "Technically cause of Lexi." I said. He laughed as we walked inside our homeroom class. I looked around the room. "Have you sung any of your songs in class?" He asked. I fake pouted. "Sadly, no." I said. We laughed. "Well I did. It's actually a love song. It's called Overboard. It still needs something or maybe I'm doing it wrong." He said, giving me the lyric sheet. I studied the sheet and looked at him. I know just what it needs. "What? Do you know?" He said. I looked at him. "It's not a solo it's a duet." I said. He scoffed. "Oh please how do you know?" He asked. I pointed to the first written verse. "Now. Who would be sinking in the water? Man or woman?" I asked. He smirked. "Woman." She said. I giggled and clapped. "And who would be the one to save her?" I asked. He chuckled. "Man." He said. I clapped again for his learning. He laughed. I gave the sheet back to him. "I bet some girl will rock out this song with you." I said. Then he stared at me. "How about you?" He said. Oh lord no. I awkwardly stepped back. "No way! I'm kind of a little shy." I said. He didn't buy it. "You didn't seem shy when you sung that cover song. By the way I love the Lion King! It's my favorite Disney movie of all time." He said, smiling. My eyes went wide. "It's my favorite too! I always watched it with my mom and I couldn't help singing the songs!" I said. He was surprised I love it as much as I was. We seemed to have everything in common. And I started to feel butterflies in my stomach. It's the same feeling when I see Justin. "Will you sing with me?" He asked nicely. I giggled and nodded. "Let's get started." I said. We began working on the duet in homeroom.

Lexi POV

I kept yelling out Skye and Justin's names. They were nowhere to be found. Maybe they're in one of the classrooms. I heard music. The girls and I were helping me as I followed the music. It came from Ms. Oh's classroom. We saw Skye and Justin working on a song together. I sighed happily. I knew they had feelings for each other. "OMG." Kendall said. Kylie's jaw dropped. "OMG." She whispered. Demi put her hand in her mouth in shock. "Wow." She said. Miley's eyes went wide. "Oh damn." She muttered. We looked at her. She smiled nervously. "Sorry." She said. I wanted to dance to it but she'll see us.

Skye POV

I smiled at Justin. He smiled sweetly to me. I gripped my mic tight. We began to sing the song this time as a duet.

While we sung, I couldn't keep my eyes off his. He twirled me around like a princess. I madly blushed as we eye locked. One of our hands intertwined. We took two more steps closer and as the song was coming to an end—our lips touched. I was shocked at first but I melted in the kiss. I wrapped my arms around him and his hands were on my waist. We kissed for 2 minutes. Suddenly, I heard clapping. My arms were still around his neck as I pulled away from the kiss to see the girls growling at Lexi who clapped. Lexi smiled nervously and waved. I groaned. Justin chuckled. I let go of my arms shyly. But I don't wanna let go. I wanna keep kissing him. I want him to hold me and never let go. What am I saying?! We blushed embarrassingly while the girls left with Selena grabbing Lexi by the ear. I breathed. I didn't know what to say to him. "Uh...that good." I mumbled. Skye you shouldn't had said that! He took my hand and rubbed it. "I know." He said softly in my ear. I blushed but brushed it off. "What to do now? I literally don't know what to do after I had my first kiss." I told him. He chuckled and still had my hand in his. I don't want him to let go of it. Butterflies kept flying in my belly. I tried to control them but they're totally flying. "Your voice is amazing." He said. My knees went weak. "Thank you. Yours is too." He said, smiling. "We should go. School hasn't started yet and we don't want Ms. Oh to know we snuck here." I said. We left the classroom together.

It was 8:30 and school began. Lexi knew a lie to tell the principal about being here early. As for Kylie, I helped her with her makeup. Some of us were in homeroom period. We was learning about the preparations that come with being a singer. I really couldn't stop thinking about Justin. He's such an amazing guy and a goofball. Well my goofball. He was sitting in the back with William. Every time I turn around, he makes a silly face that makes me laugh. I knew it. I knew it since I met him. I knew I loved him. A whisper was heard and it was Lexi. "I'm so proud of you!" She whispered. I giggled. "Thank you." I whispered. Selena and Demi made kissy faces. I rolled my eyes and tried hard not to laugh. "All of you are goofballs." I mumbled. They pretended to be offended. I giggled. I bet Justin feels the same way. It's true now. I really like Justin. But I'm gonna give it time before I tell him. Later, I flunked myself in bed. Dad made dinner but I didn't wanna eat. I told him about my classes and Justin. He thinks he's a good guy means he likes him. I walked pass Lexi who was knocked out in bed. Guess she worn herself out. My phone ringed 3 times. It was the girls and William and Hakeem trying to text me. I hopped under the covers and started texting them. Why Justin didn't text me? It's probably because of the kiss. Again I'll give it time.

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