Princess and the Frog Play

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Next day, we chatted in class till Ms. Oh had our attention. "Class as you know, the Disney movie Princess and the Frog is we're doing a play of it!" She said. Everyone's jaw dropped and they had happy looks. I smiled. Last time me and the others went out to see the Princess and the Frog. Now they're making a play of it! Some in the class rolled their eyes. The entire school is inspired by Walt Disney and his Disney work. They even got a library with a statue of him holding Mickey Mouse's hand. It's really cool! Selena nudged my arm. I looked at her. "What?" I said. She smirked. "It's not too late to get a part in a play." She said. I don't know if I should. What part should I play? Will I get it?

Ms. Oh started announcing who's playing Ray the firefly, Charlotte who's Tiana's best friend, Louis the alligator and one of the teachers will be playing the villain Dr. Facilier. Aly and AJ. The blonde twin sisters who's a two-person music group smiled at Ms. Oh. One of them, AJ won the role to play Charlotte. I tapped my desk with my pencil. I didn't even audition and other people had. Demi looked at me. "Skye, you should have a role in it!" She said. I rolled my eyes. "Why should I?" I said. She scoffed. "Cause you're the only one in the class who never auditioned for a play." She told me. I groaned and kept tapping my pencil. Ms. Oh looked at me and cleared her throat. I sighed and stopped tapping. Justin grabbed a seat next to me. "I wish we could play Tiana and Naveen. You're my Princess." He said and kissed my cheek. I smiled. "And you're my Prince." I told him. He smiled. But honestly, I never auditioned for the play. Why would I get a chance? "Alright everyone! We already chose our Tiana and Naveen! Hakeem will portray Naveen...and Skye Brooke as Tiana!" She said. My eyes widened. "What?!" The girls yelled. "What?!" Me and Justin yelled. "Say what?!" William and Hakeem yelled. She smiled and nodded. "As the main leads, you will learn the choreography of when you dance and sing. Even the most special part in the end which is Tiana and Naveen's kiss turn them back human. Also the play's tomorrow so we got today to prepare." She said. I looked at Justin. He huffed and growled. The girls looked at me. "At'll be playing Tiana!" Miley said. They cheered. I fake smiled. I'll be kissing Hakeem at the end of the play. Wow.

During lunch, everybody prepared for the play. One of the dance teachers Janelle Ginestra had me and Hakeem learn some moves for when Tiana and Naveen dance together. I chuckled as he didn't get some moves right but tried again. I'm worried if Justin will get much more jealous or mad once we do that kiss scene. Altogether, we said our lines and started the dance. Its the scene where Tiana and Naveen as frogs get intimate while Ray sings about Evangeline. I eye locked with Hakeem as he held my waist and twirled me around. We also were going to wear the frog costumes and Hakeem had to speak French to sound like Naveen. We also sung one of my favorite songs from the movie. It is When We're Human and the song I did by myself Almost There. The hard part was when we had to jump from a flower to make a romantic ballet pose. Thanks to gymnastics, I nailed that. Hakeem? It took 4 tries till he finally got it. When I acted with AJ on some scenes as she was Charlotte, we became good friends and she's such a sweet person. For a nice break, we ate lunch before coming back to the auditorium to finish the scenes. We done the last scene. It ended when me and Hakeem danced on top of a building...then the kiss happened. I was so happy Justin didn't saw that. We danced the night away as the music stopped. Ms. Oh and Janelle clapped. I smiled as we all did our bow. Ms. Oh smiled. "Great job everyone! The play's gonna be amazing!" She said. Hakeem high five me. "See? We're just doing our craft." He said. We left to catch up with everyone. He's right. I don't know why I'm worrying about if Justin will be mad. I'm excited for this play tomorrow.


Another school day which is the day of the play, the gang were super excited to see me and Hakeem in it. William and the girls joked about me and him portraying the couple. The play begins at 6:30pm so we had a chance to leave school earlier to get dressed and come in the auditorium. We was backstage. The auditorium was a full house. Dad was sitting next to Lexi and the gang were next to her too. She squealed excitingly. I chuckled. Hakeem's family was there too. His five brothers and one sister named Allonie. I met Allonie when she came to pick him up from fashion period. She was so nice and very pretty. The gang and Lexi waved at me. I smiled and waved back. Somebody tapped my shoulder. I turned around and there was Justin with a bouquet of roses. My jaw dropped. He smiled. "For my special princess. I'm sorry I was mad earlier that you and Hakeem will play Tiana and Naveen. I just thought people would think you love him instead of me. I didn't wanna lose you at all." He said. I don't even like Hakeem that way and I be mad too if anyone thinks that. I smiled and took the roses. "Justin, you're never going to lose me. I know I'm not gonna lose you. Me and Hakeem are just doing what we love to do. Who cares if people think I belong with him? I know where my heart is and that's with you." I said. He smiled and we hugged. We kissed. "You're gonna shine up there!" He said. I laughed.The play had begun and man, the gang loved it so much. I literally had fun doing scenes with AJ and Ms. Dale who portrayed Tiana's mother. It reminded me of my own mother. She was supportive, warm and loving. When it was time for the song involving Louis, I shook away all my nervousness. Yes I was a little nervous, don't judge.

I smiled widely. That was awesome! The lights dimmed as we went backstage to be ready for the next scene. It was Tiana and Naveen was tied up and Ray came in to help them find Mama Odie. Here came the first biggest part I joked in my opinion: we romantically danced as Ray sang about Evangeline. I took a deep breath. 'No worries, just sing' or dance I guess.

That scene was so intimate and beautiful. Justin wasn't even upset the whole time. Janelle said it's a very intimate love scene so we gotta feel the chemistry Tiana and Naveen feels. It was so good. Hakeem didn't miss a move as he twirled me around. The little hard jump happened. Me and Hakeem posed romantically and landed safely on feet. Luckily, the next part we almost kissed.

After the scenes which I can tell entertained Hakeem's family and the gang, there was one more scene and it's the coolest. Tiana and Naveen finally human again. I smiled brightly. This one's honestly my favorite. Mostly, me and Hakeem will kiss.

The gang's jaws dropped. William covered his mouth to chuckle. Justin rolled his eyes. I laughed quietly as we went to change for the last scene. Everybody including Ms. Dale that portrayed my mother and Naveen's parents, Charlotte and Louis.

The music stopped and everybody applauded. I smiled as we took a bow. Mrs. Calloway, Hakeem's Mom got up from her chair. "Yes! That's my baby!" She cheered. The gang and I laughed. Lexi smiled and wiped a tear. "My little cousin is in a Disney play!" She said. I kept laughing and we ran backstage as the curtains closed. Best play ever!!!!

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