"Heart Wants What It Wants."

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A year later...

I sighed happily. Last year, I toured around the world for my Lion tour. And it was a massive success. After the kids were born, I got into working out because my body would be kinda of chubby after pregnancy. I still kept in touch with the gang. Me and Miley were on good points and Demi too. William and Hakeem are still friends and hanging out. Selena and I are more closer than ever. No offense to them but she's like a big sister to me. Everyone had their 2013 tours. Lexi was on covers of Vogue, Cover Girl and Seventeen. She worked on another clothing line involving Khloe Kardashian. We spent Christmas with Mom and Melissa, Mackenzie and Maddie and Jonah. Dad was there too. It got a little awkward that his ex-wife and woman affair was in the same room. I'm still healing from what dad done. I'm even healing more from what Rachelle done. I pray she gets the help she needs. It's wrong to call her a damaged whore.

It was 8pm right now. Justin was out with Khalil. I stayed at home watching the kids. Kalani was asleep in bed and Jason was awake. I cradled him and kissed his cheek. I wished Justin would've stayed but he likes to go out and party. I would do the same but we got two kids to take care of. I'm not gonna come home drunk and not worry that I woke them up. Jason smiled and jumped in my grasp. I chuckled. "I love you." I said. "I wove you." He said in his baby voice. I kissed his forehead. He looked and saw a photo of Justin near his bed. "Dad da!" He said. I smiled. "That's daddy." I said. He cheered and I put him down. He grabbed the frame and showed me. I chuckled. "Do you miss daddy?" I asked. He nodded. I looked at him in awe. Him and Kalani turned 1 last year. They're growing up so much. This year they'll be 2 and more cuter.

Kalani Bieber

Jason Bieber

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Jason Bieber

I playfully tickled his cheeks

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I playfully tickled his cheeks. He smiled and giggled. He tried to climb on Kalani's crib to look at her. "Sissy!" He said. I chuckled. "Yeah that's your sister." I said. The front door opened. "We're here Skye!" I heard William's voice. I smiled. Oh my god, I can't believe they're here. Jason ran into my arms. I picked him up. "Cmon! Let's go see your aunts and uncles!" I said. "Yay!" He said. I chuckled. I walked downstairs. The others looked at Jason in awe in the living room. Hakeem smiled. "Sup little man!" He said, giving him a high five. Jason high five back. Selena waved at him. I put him down. "Auntie Selena!" He yelled. We laughed. He ran but tripped. We laughed again. He got up and ran into her grasp. "I missed you!" She said. "I missed you." He said. I laughed. Jason does get excited to see everybody. "Where's Kalani?" Lexi asked. "She's still sleep upstairs." I said. William grabbed the remote. "We had long weeks, months of work. Can we turn on the TV?" He said. I chuckled. "Go ahead." I said. He turned on the TV. Jason played around with the girls. Kendall rubbed his blonde hair. Lexi kissed his cheek. I sat on the couch. I was still thinking about Justin. All our friends are here and he's out partying. I'm starting to get tired of it. "Skye, where's Justin?" William asked. Hakeem rolled his eyes. "Knowing him he's probably out drinking while his girlfriend's watching his kids alone..." he said. William smacked his arm. He yelped. Kendall and Kylie growled at him. I huffed. "It's ok guys. I'm fine." I lied. Hakeem's jaw dropped. "Yo! Check this out!" He said. We turned our attention to the news. "The Canadian Pop Idol Justin Bieber was arrested for a DUI in Miami. The police said he was driving under the influence and smelled alcohol in his breath. Luckily, with a 25,000 fine he was released but could still face months or years. More on this topic later on." The anchor said. Everybody looked at each other in shock. I sighed. My insides boiled with anger. Jason was confused of course. I didn't want him to see a mugshot of his dad on TV. "Lexi, can you take Jason upstairs?" I said. She nodded and picked him up. Hakeem growled. "Wow really? And he has a son?" He said. I groaned. I wouldn't blame him. I'm tired of being the sit at home mom-girlfriend while he's out there getting a warrant for his arrest. I got up and ran upstairs. Lexi was still in the kids's room watching Jason. I went in me and Justin's room and grabbed my suitcase. I began putting my clothes in it. The gang carefully ran upstairs without waking up Kalani. "Skye, what are you doing?" Selena asked. "I'm done. I'm tired of having to see every scandal and stupid things Justin has done. I'm going to stay with my mom." I slightly growled. "What about the kids? They need you!" Hakeem said. I scoffed. "I'm not leaving them. They're coming with me. I just need to pack their stuff and some of you oughta help." I said. Their jaws dropped. "We're not gonna help you take the kids and leave Justin!" William said. I looked at him angrily. "Why not?! Seems like all he gives a damn about is partying and don't care we have a family! I just saw my son look at his father getting handcuffed!" I yelled. Selena shushed me. "Kalani is asleep remember?" She whispered. I took a deep breath. Hakeem growled. "That's it. Dude needs a whup ass for hurting you and your kids." He said. William pulled him from leaving. I dropped to my knees and broke down in tears. I cried silently to not wake up the kids. Selena, Kendall and Kylie comforted me. "This is too much for me! I had enough!" I cried. I held my stomach while tears fell. "Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop." I told myself. This is all I ever felt inside. Pain. Heartbreak. Scandals about Justin being with other models and told me many times he didn't do stuff with them. Sometimes he would just push me away.
My brain didn't believe he was telling the truth. But my heart thought different. Selena held me as I shedded more tears. "Let it all out. Let it all out." She said in a soothing voice. I gulped and cried out all the pain. "We'll be downstairs if you need us." William said. Hakeem looked at me. "For real. If you need anything." He said. I tried to smile but failed. "Thanks." I whispered. They went back downstairs. I got up on my feet and took a deep breath. "Can you give me time alone? Please." I said. Selena nodded. "Sure. We'll be with Lexi." She said. She left with the girls. I closed the door. I walked into the bathroom. I huffed and wiped my eyes. I went on my phone to try to call Justin. There was an old voicemail. I answered it.

Hey babe it's me. I just wanna call and tell you that I love you so so so much and want to tell you that you are my princess. You and our kids are worthy of all the love in the world. You are the love of my life. Love you bye.'

Tears fell from my eyes. I love him so much. Things were so great when we were crazy teens. He is more different than Dylan. I was almost starting to believe dad was right about him. My uncle Phil said he's an irresponsible kid who's not doing his job and taking care of his kids. Maybe they're right. There's a million reasons why I should give him up but the heart wants what it wants. I heard a knock. "Skye you ok?" I heard Lexi. "Stop! She needs alone time." Selena whispered. I sighed and rewashed my face. I came out the bathroom. I opened the door and went to the kids's room. Lexi and Selena came behind me. "I rocked Jason to sleep." She said. I smiled sadly. "Thanks." I said. "Skye, we're gonna leave and let you have time for yourself." Selena said. I nodded. "Thank you." I whispered. Lexi patted my shoulder. They left the room and shut the door quietly. I walked back to our bedroom. I turned off the light and crawled into bed. I love Justin with all my heart. After everything that's happened, Should I even stay or go?

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