Toronto, Canada #TeenMusicTour

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I saw all the city lights as we drove pass cars. I smiled at the beautiful view. This is for real Toronto Canada. Selena and Demi were still asleep. Maybe I should let them sleep. I could have some alone time to think about the masked gunmen situation. I went on my laptop to type world's most wanted criminals. There was so many freaky pictures of them. I searched through every photo. There wasn't any pics of masked criminals. My brain clicked. Wait! If there's a group of masked gunmen, then they must be a gang. I typed masked gangs. Then lots of websites popped up about them. I scrolled down to look for more. I saw one site that seems familiar. I clicked on it and it popped up. It said 'Purge Masked Criminals'. They're considered armed and dangerous. Oh my lord. They lived in Cali and kinda close to Southern Cali. My dad knew it would be dangerous for me to walk in the streets alone. They had the same masks I saw before. The questions is how they know about us? Why they tried to kill me and the others? This is absolutely hella crazy. I gotta call Lexi. I picked up my phone and dialed her number.

(On call)

"Hello?" She said, sounding sleepy. "Hey Lex! It's Skye! I found more information about the masked guys." I told her. "Really?! What?" She said. "They're Purge masked criminals." I told her. "Purge masked criminals?!" She yelled. "Yeah I looked them up online. Southern Cali is where we live meaning they're known there." I explained. She sighed. "But how did they know about you? Why would they tried to kill the others?" She asked. "Those are the only questions I want answered." I said. "Exactly! You need to find out more once you come back here LA." She said. I scoffed. "Duh! I'll call you if there's more." I said. "K! Have fun in Toronto!" She said. I hung up and flunked myself on the couch. I can't believe criminals from Cali is probably out to get me and the others. The girls began to wake up. I quickly closed my laptop. Demi smiled sleepily. "Hey Skye." She said in a morning voice. I fake smiled. "Morning." I said. Selena rolled out of bed and rubbed her eyes. She looked at me. I smiled nervously. "What are you doing up first?" She asked. "I was just calling Lexi and telling her good morning." I lied. She nodded and went to the bathroom with Demi. I took a deep breath. That lie was too easy. I looked back at my laptop. Lexi's right. There might be more once we get back to LA.

It was past 1:00 and we finished rehearsal. Me and Justin snuck back in the tour bus. Yes, we did it again. But I kinda feel like I'm getting to the point where I'm ready for my first time. He kissed my neck softly. I rubbed his hair. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed me. "Justin?" I whispered. "Yeah?" He said. I sighed. "I kinda feel like I'm getting to the point where we do it do it." I said. He looked at me. "You mean first time?" He said. I nodded. He held my hand. "It's ok. We can wait longer if you want." He said. I chuckled. "Somehow I don't feel like we should wait longer." I said. He smiled. "So you wanna do it? Now?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Not here. When we get home." I said. He sighed. I looked at him. What's the problem? "What's wrong? You seemed pretty uncomfortable when you found out we're touring in Toronto." I said. He looked away. "It doesn't matter." He said. I scoffed. "Justin it does matter. It matters that your little sister was sexually assaulted by her mom's ex." I said. He broke down in tears. I pulled him into a hug. He sobbed on my shoulder. "Shhhh! It's alright! You can't just harbor whatever you're keeping inside. If you let it out, you'll feel much better." I said. He nodded. "Ok. I'm not very happy about Toronto. I was born in Stratford, Ontario Canada. My dad moved to Toronto where he met their mom. After they broke up, their mom lets me see Jazzy and Jaxon. But I didn't like when her ex-boyfriend was in the room. I kinda knew he was trouble. When I found out he raped Jazzy, I really wanted to hit him. He threatened to kidnap them after their mom kicked him out. Myself wanted to hurt him so badly. One day, I came to their house. Their mother wasn't there. It was just her ex. He said he was watching the kids. But I didn't believed him. I wanted to get them out of that house. He asked me if I could watch them cause he had to leave. I called my mom and we got them out the house before he could harm them. But I was scared he was gonna go after us. That's when Mom called the police. He was arrested but she didn't know where their mother was. I kept thinking of what would've happened if I didn't called her." He explained. I kissed his cheek. "You did the right thing. You saved their lives. And that's all that matters now. Justin you're the best brother they ever had. You were so brave of putting that man in jail cause he raped your sister and was dangerous on their mom. I know it's awful to see old wounds but don't forget they survived because of you." I said. He smiled. "Thank you for helping me get this out of my chest. I never told the others and I'm happy I told you." He said. I smirked. "Happy you told me? Am I the best person to talk to?" I said. He nodded. "Yes you are!" He said. He flipped me across the couch and started tickling me. I laughed. "Stop!" I said. He kept on tickling me. I laughed more. It made him laugh too. He stopped and looked at me. We looked deep into each other's eyes. We kissed passionately. He rubbed my hair. "I love you." He said. I smiled. "I love you too Justin." I said.

The concert began. I love my Canadian fans. I even got a Canadian boyfriend. I performed Princess and Red Lips. Justin came on after me. The whole audience cheered. Obvious cause he's from Canada too. He performed Baby and One Time. We was backstage. "Y'all! Yall!" Hakeem said. We looked at him. "What?" I said. He smiled. "The next city is my hometown! West Philly!" He said. My jaw dropped. That's great! I hugged him. He was a little surprised but hugged back. "It's cool to represent your people Keem." I said. He smiled. "It's cool to feel your hugs." He said. I giggled. I got off him but he hung onto me. "Ok, you can let go now." I said. He nodded his head no. "Naw. You smell like olive oil." He said. Selena and Demi giggled. I playfully pushed him off me. He smirked. "I was joking." He said. I chuckled. "Yeah right." I said. Demi went on and performed Here We Go Again and Everything You're Not. I cheered for her. Justin slightly growled at Hakeem. "I saw that hug." He said. He smiled. "Oh shut it jealous queen. The next city is my hometown West Philly! So imma perform for all my Dreamers and won't listen to your half lady voice." He said. Justin rolled his eyes. Hakeem smiled and hugged me. I sighed and hugged back. Least there's no fighting and arguing.

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