The Daddy Visit

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It's 2pm in the afternoon. Me and Lexi chilled eating lunch. I had so much fun with Justin yesterday. Though I still gotta tell him that me and Hakeem kissed. The others left home. I was still writing my song for the showcase. I'm a hard working songwriter. The first song I ever written was called 'American Girl'. It's all about life as an American girl. You're pretty much a freed girl. She looked up from eating her breakfast. "Writing a song?" She said. I nodded. "The same I gotta sing for the showcase." I told her. She smirked. "Don't worry Skye, you'll own it up there." She said. I chuckled. "Thanks." I said. She rubbed her head frustrated. I looked at her. "What?" I said. She huffed. "It's the car accident dream. I'm still trying to figure out what it's telling me. Its mind boggling!" She said. I smiled a little. "I could help you." I said. "How?" She asked. "Ok what's the first thing you see in the dream?" I asked. She sighed. "A man who looks exactly like my dad and his wife leaving after a romantic date. They drove off in the car and I started running after them." She said. Wow, that is a little mind boggling. "What happened next?" I asked. "A truck comes and the man tries to get away from it. Then their car crashed into a lake." She said. "Who made it out alive?" I asked. "The man. He cried...just watching his wife sink to her death. He looked at me and said I'm so sorry Lexi. Then I wake up." She said. "Why he would say sorry?" I said. She groaned. "I don't know why he said that! As if I knew the woman." She said. Hm, a man who look exactly like her dad leaving with his wife after a romantic date. After the accident, he said sorry to her. Wait a minute! My jaw dropped. Oh my god. Was that woman her—Suddenly the door busted open. We looked and it was Uncle Brant. Lexi's dad. He smiled. "Daddy and uncle's here!" He said. I huffed. Lexi cheered and hugged him. "I missed you so much!" She said. He kissed her forehead. "I missed you too pumpkin." He said. I got up from the couch. I fake smiled. "Hey uncle Brant." I said. He hugged me tightly. "I missed my little niece so much! Your dad told me you guys moved here!" He said, letting go of me. I smiled. "Yeah I'm actually happy here." I said. He smiled sadly. "Also, I'm really sorry about your mom. She was a good woman. A really good woman." He said. I nodded in agreement. "It's ok." I mumbled. He took a deep breath. "Why don't we catch up on everything?" He said. Lexi cheered. I smiled sadly.

I think I know why the man said sorry in the dream.

Through the day, we done lots of uncle fun. Uncle Brant took us to McDonald's, the mall and he showed us his workplace. It was actually cool. It's like a billion-dollar company enterprise. Myself was having fun but I really gotta tell Lexi the truth. We came back home. Uncle Brant laughed. "Now that was a fun time! Wasn't it?" He said. Lexi squealed. "I know! I'm glad we went to the mall! I needed crafts for the designs on my outfits." She said. I chuckled. I pulled her aside. "Lexi, I need to talk to you. Alone." I whispered. She looked at me. "About what?" She said. I almost spoke till Uncle Brant walked up to us. "Skye, do you know where your dad is? I haven't seen him much." He asked. I sighed. Neither have I. "It's his business trips. That's why." I said. He hugged me softly. "I'm sorry." He said. I nodded. "If you see him, tell him I was here and I wanna catch up with him." He said. I nodded. He began fixing his tie. "Anyways, girls I have a meeting today before the company closes at 7. Are you gonna be ok by yourselves?" He said. Me and Lexi looked at each other and back at him. "Yeah." We both said. He smiled. "Great! I'll see you my pumpkin and you Skye!" He said. He kissed Lexi's forehead and left. But I caught up to him at the door. "Uncle Brant!" I said. He looked at me. "Yes?" He said. I sighed. "Have anything ever happened to you years ago?" I asked. He was confused. "Like what? Nothing happened." He said. "Lexi's been having this dream about a car accident involving a man and his wife. And she said the man looks exactly like you. After the wife died, he told her he's very sorry. Do you know something about that?" I told him. He was shocked by what I told him. I hope he knows cause I kind of figured why he said sorry. "I do actually." He said, sounding a little sad. "You do?" I said. He nodded. "September 7th, 1996 I was leaving with her mom after a date. Lexi was 2 years old. That night, she was at her grandma's house. Along the way home, a truck came and I was trying to get away from it. But the car crashed into a lake. I got out and tried to get her mom out. But the car door was locked. I the car sunk with her inside. For a long time, I kind of regretted not saving her. It's my fault." He explained. I shed a long tear. "Accidents happen uncle Brant. You didn't kill her at all. Accidents happen. Somebody was bound to die from it. I know Lexi lost a mother she'll never get to know. I lost one too. Least we have our dads that will protect us and love us the same." I said. He smiled sadly. "You're right." He said. "I figured that woman was her mother. Go to work! I'll talk to her." I said. He nodded. "Also, tell her Alena would've been the best mom to her." He said. Alena? That was her mom's name. I smiled sadly. "I will." I said. He smiled a bit and left to his car. I huffed. Truth must come out.


After uncle Brant left, I chilled in the living room. I've been thinking about what he told me. It's crazy we lost our moms tragically. But our dads took care of us and love us a lot. She saw me and smiled. "Hey!" She said. I fake smiled. "Hi." I said. She flunked herself on the couch. "I thought you were still writing your showcase song." She said. I sighed. "I'm taking a break. Lex, there's something you gotta know." I said. She nodded. "What?" She said. I took a deep breath. "About your dream, I talked to uncle Brant. The man who looked exactly like him is him. He did leave with that woman after a date. Along the way, the truck came and his car crashed into the lake. When you told me, he looked at you and said he's sorry as the woman died in the water, the answer was clear to me. That woman...was your mom." I explained. She looked at me. I felt tears coming but I held them. A tear came naturally down her cheek. "So, that dream was reality and it was trying to tell me something. You know what that is?" She asked. I looked at her. "My mom died and I couldn't remember who she was!" She yelled. Her eyes welled up with tears. I got up and hugged her.
She hugged me back. She sobbed on my shoulder. "Why my mom was taken Skye? It took my mother away before I could know her." She cried. I shedded a tear as she cried on me. I don't know either why our moms had to leave us. It's such a tragedy. We stayed like this for a while. I walked in the kitchen to pull out ice cream from the fridge. I made two bowls for us: Lexi's chocolate, mine's vanilla. I gave Lexi her bowl and she smiled sadly. We chilled, watching Full House. I looked at her. She tried her best to smile but failed. She's always happy when there's ice cream. But she just found out about her deceased mother. She laid her head on my shoulder as we watched the show. "Skye?" She said. "Yeah?" I said. She sighed. "I wish our family was like the Tanner's. We'd have a big family with ups and downs but we're always there for each other. No one leaves anyone behind." She said. I nodded in understanding. "Sometimes me too." I told her. If the world was different, we'd still have our moms here.

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