Counsel| Juicewrld

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Y/n pov

My Mom wants me to go to this dumb ass stupid thing. My friend died of an overdose and I started to do alot of lean and weed and Xans and the drugs were getting to me it gave me heavy depression so she sent me to this Council thingy but of couse me being me I show up late cause honest I dont wanna go. But I love my mom so I'm going for her. I walk into the building to the front desk. " Hello what are you here for" The girl says smiling " AA Counsel" I say " whats your name honey" she asks looking at me then her computer " Y/n Y/l/n I'm late" I say to her " Aw its ok I know you don't wanna be here trust me it helps" she says looking at me " head straight threw that hallway and your fourth door is where its being held" she says pointing " Thanks" I say giving her a small smile. I walk threw the colorful hallways in till I see the room I have to go in.
I walk in to see a lot of people in a circle when the counsellor looks at me " You must be Y/n welcome take a seat beside Josh" He says pointing to a guy and an empty chair. I walk over sitting beside him " ok so Y/n we were telling our stories your gonna be right after Jarad" he says pointing to another guy " so Jarad whats your story" The guy asks " Well uh its mostly me feeling alone, I have always felt alone even with a thousand people watching me perform, But when not performing Im a soft shy talker so I'm left out of groups, So I take hella drugs to make me more open and so my demons stop talking" He says looking at me " and your demons what happens when you take drugs" The guy aks " They sleep a very very deep sleep" He says " does anything else help your demons sleep" he asks " nope" he says looking at me "Ok and one last thing when did you start really taking drugs" he asked the guy " uh I would say a couple months ago" he said " ok ok nice work now Y/n what about your story" he says looking at me. " uh well um I stared really taking drugs a couple of weeks ago" I say looking down " and why is that" he asks " my friend died of an overdose a couple weeks ago and I tend to blame it on me so I take drugs to calm myself down and as that dude says silence my demons" I say looking at the counsellor "Sorry for your lose but why do a lot of drugs when your friend passed of an overdose" he asks " cause I feel no pain dying don't matter to me" I say smiling

It was an hour after the whole meeting and everyone is leaving and I'm outside waiting for my mom to pick me up when that guy comes up me " Y/n right" he says looking at me " yeah" I say looking at me " who you waiting for" he asks " my mom" I say laughing " aye that's another smile Jarad by the way" he says reaching out his hand " nice to meet you" I say shaking his hand "smoke" he asks looking at me " yes please" I say taking it out of his hand and lighting it. " Who made you come" he asks " mom hbu" I ask " Friends and by the way sorry for your lose" he says looking at me " eh it's fine she's no longer fighting her demons" I say looking down " you ain't scared of death are you" he asks " no I ain't I don't know why I just ain't" I say looking at him " for a pretty ass fine looking women you wanna die" he says " haha nah I ain't and eh depends" I say looking at him " that's so" he says " yup the right now hates me and I'm in love with him" I say " ahh if only the devil was a girl and was fine looking like you" he says as I look down blushing "ah that's my mom" I say pointing to the car and start walking " nice meeting you" I say " wait can I get your number" he asks " yeah sure why not" I say walking up to him and putting his number in my phone " I'll text you soon" he says as I walk into the car.

" Ouu who was that" My mom asks " haha his names jarad and nooo it's not like that" I say when my phone buzzes " hey beautiful😍😍" He says. My mom looks down at my phone " mhm it " nothing like that" she says laughing " ok ok maybe it is like that" I say smiling.


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