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Unika Pov

I sit on top of a guy kissing his lips as he pulls pulls my shirt off and leaves a trial of kisses down my neck "When your boy toy getting home" He says turning us over and he gets on top "Hour but shhh"I say smiling bitting my lip pulling him in for another kiss "God Damn" He says smiling kissing my lips pulling my tights down when the door busts up "WHAT THE FUCK" Stokeley and the guy jumps off me "WHAT THE FUCK UNIKA" Stoke yells and grabs the neck and slams him to the wall "WHY THE FUCK YOU ON MY GIRL WHY ARE YOU KISSING HER AND WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TAKING OFF HER CLOTHES" Stok tells turning red "I'll leave..I'll leave" The guy says trnna leave stokes grip but damn Stoke was to strong and his veins were popping Jesus "Pretty boy you ain't going no where" Stoke yells and punches the guy repeatedly and the guy tries to punch back but Stoke slams him to the ground and gets on top of him punching him "Stokeley stop" I slightly yell walking towards them "SHUT THE FUCK UP UNIKA IMMA GET TO YOU IN A MINUTE" He screams and punches the guy and he had blood all over his fists and the guy had everything bloody and punches him a couple more times then stops "GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY HOUSE AND DONT COME BACK" He yells picking the guy up and throwing his clothes at him and the guy runs out of the bedroom. "WHAT THE FUCK UNIKA" Stokeley yells in my face "I...I"I stutter but have no words to say "You better speak the fuck up what the fuck was going on huh why was y'all kissing why the fuck was you cheating on me" He says trying to calm down "I..I don't..know" I stutter "How could you do this to me I love you so fucking much I was gonna surprise you for the day" He says looking me straight in the eye "Tired of being alone and bored so I  brought one guy I met and well you saw the rest if you was here more I wouldn't have to feel this way" I say looking down "Unika" He says and I look up at him as I see tears in his eyes "I have done so much for you and you play me like this your the only one I fucking loved why do you gotta play me like this what happened to you being my future wifey and never mind I can't believe you would do this to me" He says and the room goes silent "Unika" He says to me "Get out"He says and my jaw drops "GET YOUR CLOTHES AND GET THE FUCK OUT" He screams standing up and walks to the wall and punches it leaving a hole and I run to my closet grabbing a bag and getting clothes and stuffing them in the bag.

After stuffing my bag to the rim I walk out of my closet to see any empty room I guess he went downstairs.

Yes I did put clothes on. As I walk downstairs I see Stokeley staring at the wall just blankly but I guess he hears me and turns around and looks at me "I..I'll leave now" I say as I frown walking to the door opening it "You were really gonna fuck him weren't you" He says staring blankly at me and I look at him and walk out closing the door behind me and burst into tears "Why me" I say crying and walking to my car and getting in.

"Your room 407" The girl says handing me the hotel key see I would stay with my best friend but she's with up with family and I don't even know but I have called her and told her what happened.

I make it to my room opening my door walking in and dropping my stuff on the one side of the room "Greatt" I say jumping on the bed and going on insta to see he posted on his story "💔Single y'all😕" He says and I burst into tears once again.


It's been a couple days by a couple I mean two days shit goes by so slow when you depressed and shit like for real. I had to do some modelling gigs and some meetings for high end people and shit was boring I mean every morning Stoke would give me a hug and tell me everything gonna be ok he was always there he was the rock that I always needed and after work he would ask me how everything went and what drama god I made a mistake I was gonna go talk to him but I know he needed time and I would just make it worse. Mid thinking I get interrupted by a call I walk over to the dresser to see he is calling and I grab it as fast as I can and answer "Hello.." I say thru the phone ""He asks with a cracking voice sounded like he been crying for forever "A hotel" I say quietly "Witch hotel" He asks sniffling "Saintmon Hotel" I say taking a seat on my bed "Room number" He asks "407" I say "ok" He says and it goes silent "Hello" I say the buzz sound comes on "Great" I say putting my phone back on my dresser and grabbing two towels and walking into the washroom.

I get out of the shower putting on a thong and a bralette when there's a knock on the door. I walk to my bed grabbing my robe and placing it on me covering my body and I walk to the door opening it to see Stokeley  crying and holding a rose "Oh...hi" I say looking down "Can...I..come in" He asks slightly stuttering "Yeah" I say moving out the way and he walks in and takes a seat on my bed looking down and the room does silent "Why Unika" He asks looking up at me "Why what" I ask looking at him "come sit next to me" He asks and moves on the one side of the bed and I walk over to him sitting beside him "Why did you have to kiss him" He asks looking at me "I don't know I really don't know" I say as I fiddle with my fingers "I miss you but I don't wanna take you back if you gonna do this again and again"He says as a tear leaves his eye and I wipe it off and he looks at me and smiles then frowns "I don't know why ok I just I guess I thought you didn't love me no more and I thought you was cheating on me so I was like huh maybe I should cheat on him" I say "Why you think I was cheating on you for" He asks "People people people all this hate gets to me sometimes and you became distant so I was like huh maybe he is cheating" I say "You my Queen I would never ever cheat on you I love you you were my baby" he says and god when he said you were that shit tore me in pieces "I understand if you don't want me no more" I say getting up and walking towards the door and opening it "I know you wanna get all the answers then leave me in the dust but I'm to depressed I wanna die and me seeing you will want you back even more and even tho you don't wanna get back with me I do and ugh I don't know why I'm ranting I guess I love you but I know you probably hate me by n-" I say rushing my words before being interrupt by being kissing on the lips by stokeley I smile back kissing his lips as he closes the door "Women you talk to much but that's why I love you" He says laughing making me laugh "You forgive me you ain't gonna leave" I say smiling "Promise me you wont do that dumb shit again" He says "I pinky promise" I say holding out my pinkey and he laughs and we do a pinkey promise "I love you to much to let this relationship fall into pieces" He says kissing my lips smiling and hugging me tight.

Ayooo hope yall enjoyed this imagine it was requested by @UnikaDominique Requests are open message or comment

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