ThunderStorms| Trippie Redd

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Here I am laying in bed by myself and it's pouring outside and I love rain and I love thunder but there are times where I hate it specially when I'm alone it makes me hella scared and I always want someone when it happens but I live alone and my boyfriend Michael don't live together yet witch I hope we do soon that would be fricking amazing.

As I'm watching Netflix the thunder starts a roaring but I keep focus on the tv till a big asss bam shot threw the sky making my walls shake (first don't think dirty 😂 and second y'all that happened to me for real). I start getting scared I would call up my boi but I don't wanna bother him. I try to distract myself by turning the volume up but it doesn't work the thunder gets louder and louder I start shaking hoping it will stop soon I text Michael to see if he awake but I get no reply. I shake even more getting nervous when there's a knock on my door. I get up thinking who could be at my door. I turn the lights on walking downstairs nervously wondering who it could be I walk to the door and open it to see a drenched/soaked Michael at my door "baby" I say looking at him "I get no hug wow fine I'll leave" he says as he's about to turn around. I grab his arm pulling him into me giving him a tight ass hug "why did you come" I say letting him inside "I heard the thunder and it was getting hella messy out and I knew you wasn't feeling happy" He says looking at me "aww baby your soaked" I say looking at him and my clothes that are wet from his hug "do you hav-never mind of course you have my clothes" He says laughing walking upstairs as I follow behind him turning the lights off and he walks into my room and going into the dresser to find some of his clothes "how did you get all soaked" I ask "I walked outside and was trnna find my keys and couldn't find them realizing that I left them in the house so went back in the house got my keys got here walked outside got more wet and here we are now" he says laughing as he pulls his shirt off and takes his pants off and putting his track pants on "Thanks for coming I was getting really scared" I say looking down embarrassed "babe why you looking sad for" he says as he sits on the edge of the bed pulling me between his legs "I feel like people think I'm weird and fucked cause I'm scared of thunder" I say looking down "baby no one thinks that trust me that shit gets pretty loud sometimes I have been scared bare times" he says lifting up my chin "you Michael have been scared that's new" I say laughing "ayee there's that smile and yes I have I was scared to talk to when I first met you I was scared when I met your parents" he says looking me deep in the eye "ohhh yeah and that time you screamed like a girl cause there was a spider" I say laughing " hey hey heyy that shit was hugeeee" he says "Michael I wasn't scared of it and I fucking hate spiders" I say laughing "oh please your bitch ass screamed with meee" he says as he tickles me "ayeee stoppppp" I say laughing as he throws me in the bed tickling me "admit it you was scared for your life and was screaming" he says tickling me more "nooo" I say laughing "fine I'll keep going" he says "fine fine I was hella scared" I say to him and he stops tickling me and kisses my lips "wanna watch Netflix" I ask looking at him "hell yeah" he says smiling as he lays on the bed getting under the sheets and I get up grabbing some clothes from the dresser "baby cmon" he says patting the spot beside him "Baby I have to get changed" I say as I pull my sweater off to show my sports bra "mm baby just keep that on no sweater" he says staring at me "Jesus child" I say pulling down my pants "ok ok babe leave it like that you look hot asf" he says looking at me from head to toe "now get in bed" he says as I look at him but listen getting under the sheets cuddling beside him as he turns on Netflix.


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