Family Dog| Ybn Cordae

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Sorry guys I had to put my feelings somewhere I thought this would be sad and cute hope you guys enjoy

Y/n Pov

I sit at the vet crying in tears beside my mom our dog that our family has had I feel like all my live passes in front of us even tho we have a couple more dogs he was the grandpa and also like another brother to me when my other brother were with his girls or friends and I could hug my dog and kiss him I wouldn't be judged for shit. My phone starts ringing and I leave the room and answer "Hello" I say thru my tears "Hi baby" He says "How did it go how's everyone and you" He asks "Tears pain sorrow broken" I say "I'm sorry I couldn't be there baby" He says "It's ok I understand you had a lot of things to do" I say as tears leave my eyes "How you doing for real" He asks "I could be better we asked the vet what could have been wrong with him" I say "What they think" He asks "They thing he hurt his spin and it connected to his legs" I say as I hold in tears "Oh gosh" He says "Yeahhh" I say "Baby call me whenever ok" He says "Ok I have to go" I say "I love you Y/n" He says "I love you to cordae bye" I say to him and hang up and my mom and dad and brothers walk out and my mom comes up to me giving me a hug "He got his wings now mom" I say hugging her tight "Hopefully he's happy" She says "We all hope" I say and everyone starts to leave "Aye I'll be right back" I say and I walk back into the room where my dog lays dead and I kiss his head "Until we meet again promise you'll wait for me" I say and I kiss his head again and I leave the room tears falling down my face "Sorry for your lose" The nurse says giving me a weak smile "He's no longer in pain" I say to her and I leave the building and I walk fast to the car and I get in and my dad starts driving.

The whole car ride was me and my one brother hugging and crying I never knew I would ever have to go thru this pain it's the worst thing that can happen to someone. We get out of the car and we start heading up to the house "When's cordae coming" My brother asks "I don't think he coming at all" I say looking down at my feet "Aw let's go inside and try to have some food" My mom says putting her hand around me and we start walk up to the house and my dad opens the door and walks in and we follow behind him.
We walk inside and I take a seat on the couch "I can't believe he gone" My dad says "Yeah" My brother says "He lived a good life tho" My mom says as she tears up "He did" I say then the door knocks and everyone looks at me "Why y'all looking at me for" I ask "Go open the door" My dad says "Why me I don't live here" I say and my mom starts slightly laughing and I finally get up and walking to the door and opening it and "It's Cordae" I say looking back at my mom and she starts slightly laughing "ITS CORDAE" I scream realizing it's him and I turn back jumping on him and I could tell he knew that was coming cause he caught me didn't almost fall or anything "I thought you was in La" I say and ask him "I was then I you told me what was gonna happen so when I told you I had to do a meeting and my phone would prob be off I was heading here and I got here eh twenty minutes ago" He says and I hug him tighter "Sorry I couldn't go with you" He says "It's ok glad you here now come in" I say smiling and getting of him and walking inside "That's why we made you get the door" My dad says laughing "I mean cordae if you wanna catch me and do sum Titanic thing" My dad says laughing making everyone laugh "Imma head to bed" My brother says "Same here" My parents say and everyone heads upstairs "Fine I'll have food by myself" I say and I walk to the kitchen with cordae following behind me "Imma make an egg want one" I ask looking back at him "I'm always hungry so yes" He says coming up to me and giving me a hug from behind and I start to get all the things.

After cooking and eating and cleaning up we head up to my room and I het change butting on track pants and a sports bra and he already laying on my bed ready to sleep. I get into bed and he pulls me closer to him hugging me tight "I feel really bad for not being there" He says "Don't be baby at least you here wit me now" I say kissing his cheek "How you feeling" He asks "I mean I'm sad but I know he's in a better place so I'm happy for him my baby now finally got his wings" I say and he hugs me tighter "He may watch over you" He says "Maybe" I say and I hug him tight falling a sleep.


Two weeks later

It's been a long two weeks me going from La back to my hometown it's over whelming Cordae came with me this time cause manz didn't wanna leave me and sum shit happen. We walk into the house and we take a seat in the living room talking about La and how my parents may wanna live there when they retire "Ohh yeah so I got two things so I couldn't get brothers so I had to go to two different people god damn so Y/n ones for you and ones for your mom" He says getting up and me and my mom look at each other confused he walks out of the room and a couple minutes later he walks in with two Carriers with two puppies inside and he gives one to my mom and one to me we both open it at the same time and the puppies come running out licking my face "Cordaeee" I say smiling "Surprise" He says and I get up hugging him tight and kissing his lips "Thank you Baby" I say to him "No problem babes" He says and after my mom gets up happy crying and gives him a hug "He's a keeper" My mom says winking at me.

She's right he is a keeper.


And thank you for all the kind comments made me hella happy :) y'all mean a lot to me

Thank y'all for waiting almost two weeks I been going thru a lot with depression and pain and all that and now im trnna look for a job but yeah im back gang gang

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