Neighbor| Juicewrld

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Today just another day of me chilling at home with my mom in summer. I walk downstairs to see my mom in the kitchen "Hii honey" She says smiling at me "Hii what's our plan today" I ask her "I have no idea there's a lot of noise outside" my mom says as I walk towards the window looking outside to see a moving truck and a family "ohhh people moving in today" I say to my mom "oh I forgot about the house ah we should go over there later" my mom says walking towards the window "you can I ain't" I say laughing "whyyy" my mom asks "cause first I'm shy second I don't wanna meet them" I say to her making her laugh "oh cmon it will be fun to meet new people they might have cute people anyways" my mom says "haha Jesus I worry well imma go outside and just chillll" I say "you gonna go watch the neighbours aren't you" My mom says looking at me "what noooooo" I say walking to the door and opening it "tell me if there any cute boys" She says "will do" I say walking out closing the door as I hear my mom laugh.

I sit on the porch on my phone looking up every once and while but I look up to see the whole family outside and a cute guy that looks about my age bring out boxes to the front of the house god damn he's cute. I didn't want to seem weird so I went back on my phone and looking up every once and a while. A couple minutes later my mom comes out sitting beside me "any cute guys" my mom asks "actually yes I found one cute guy that looks my age he looks familiar it's weird" I say to her "maybe you know him from school" my mom says "nah never seen him but I have seen him somewhere I just don't know where" I say "that boy with dreads" I say to my mom low key pointing and she looks over "holy cow he does look familiar" My mom says "mom we know them but who are they" I ask her.

We talk for another twenty minutes when the mom starts walking over to our house "maaa she uh she walking over here" I say to my mom as I look at the other mom "yaya I get to meet her" my mom says as she gets up smiling "don't act like a crazy person" I say to my mom and my mom looks at me and the women comes up to us "Y/MA/N is that you" The women says "CINDY" my mom yells and walks over to the girl giving her a huge ass hug and I stand there confused realizing it was my childhood friends mom "CINDY" I say as my mom gets out of a hug and I go up to her hugging her "omggg I haven't seen you guys in ages since the whole abusive thing happened" She says hugging me tight then letting go "omg I can't believe y'all live right by us" I say to her smiling "omgg we haven't talked in forever" Cindy says "is Jarad here" I ask "of course he is let me text him to come over here" She says pulling out her phone "don't tell that it us doe" I say to her "I won't god he has missed you for such a long time he wouldn't eat he got depressed"She says as she texts him "same with her she got so depressed it was scaring me" My mom says "god we have a lot to catch up on and he texted me he's coming" She says to me "imma go by the car" I say walking behind the car so I wasn't seen and I wait. Finally after a little he jogs up towards his mom "Hii boo" She says to him and I start smiling cause of how different he looked I walk behind him covering his eyes "what the hell" He says as he turns around looking at me then he realizes it's me "Y/N OH MY GOD" He says lifting me off the ground hugging me tightly "JARAD" I say as I hug him and then he puts me back on the ground "I haven't seen you in forever holy crap" He says as he smiles at me then he goes up to my mom giving her a right hug "I can't believe this" He says smiling "How about you guys have dinner with us tonight" My mom asks them "you sure"Cindy asks "OF COURSE just like old times" My says smiling at us "tonight at six" My mom says "we will be there" Cindy says.

It was now six we helped them unpack me and Jarad didn't really talk I was helping Cindy as I was thinking to myself the doorbell rings. I walk to the door opening it to see Jarad Cindy and his two brothers "hiii guys" I say as I let them in giving the two brothers a hug "Ma in the kitchen food almost done" I say to Cindy as she walks to the kitchen "Jarad" I say to him hugging him but after we remet he became a little distant and I didn't know why he just gave me a light hug "you ok" I ask "yeah I'm ok" He says giving a fake smile I was about to ask when my mom calls for dinner "Dinner ready"My mom says as me and Jarad walk to the kitchen finding a seat. He sits beside me and my mom and Cindy sit in front of us and the two brothers on the side of the table "Jarad how life been going" My mom asks "been going really good I'm making music" He says "really" I ask "yeah my first hit called lucid dream" He says "wait that song wait your juicewrld" I ask him "yeah" he says laughing "brooo I'm gone for 5 year and he comes back to be an upcoming rapper" I say laughing making everyone laugh "what about you Y/n" Cindy asks "Been dancing a lot meeting singers and rappers" I say "ah that's cool" Cindy says "yeah god I can't believe we would meet again I thought I wouldn't see y'all" I say.

The whole dinner we all talked catches up on things but Jarad was silent he didn't talk a lot only when my mom asked him things or his mom would ask him things. After dinner I helped clean up so did Jarad and then I went to the backyard to look at the stars my mom asked me what was wrong but I said nothing was wrong but she did know something was wrong I take off my shoes putting my feet into the pool looking into the sky when I hear someone walking towards me. I look behind me to see Jarad walking and then he sits beside me taking of his shoes and putting his feet in the water "you ok" He asks "yeah it's hella nice out" I say "I missed you Y/n" he says looking at me and I look him "When you left I went hella depressed I thought I would never see you again you didn't text or call or send letter nothing" He says looking up at the sky "I'm sorry after the whole thing with my dad my mom wanted to start a new life and every time I thought of texting you memories would come up about my dad" I say to him "I'm Sorry" He says "Nah don't be I would have felt the same way is that why you was silent at dinner" I ask "nah that's another reason" He says looking at me "what reason" I ask "don't worry" He says smiling at me "congrats on the rapper job now" I say to him "thanks honest you should travel with me cause you are a dancer and I have plenty of rap friends" He says "nah I couldn't do that and my mom" I say to him "honest I have a feeling we may be living with each other" He says and I look at him confused "well your mom and my mom dream was to live together and now that they talking again" Jarad says "ah that's true jhez I missed your ass and god damn I thought new neighbours would have cute guys I could date" I say to him laughing "heyyyy I ain't cute" He asks laughing "haha you are" I say laughing making him smile and he looks into my eyes "see one thing I wanted to do but you left" He says "what" I ask looking at him "this" he says as he leans in kissing my lips putting his hand on my cheek pulling me closer then he pulls away "I liked your ass since day one" He says looking down blushing "It's ok I did to" I say lifting up his chin and our faces were close again "ah so I can kiss you again"He says smiling leaning in kissing my lips as I kiss back smiling "ITS ABOUT TIME I TOLD YOU CINDY" My mom yells laughing and me and Jarad stop kissing looking at my mom and Cindy walks out smiling "Can I start planning your wedding" Cindy asks "Mommmm" Jarad says blushing "Ouuu we need a flower girl and bridesmaids" my mom says "Mommmm" I say laughing as they go back inside leaving me and Jarad alone "They waiting for kids now god damn" Jarad says smiling kissing my neck and putting his hand on my thigh "I would never known my new neighbour would end up being my old best friend" I say laughing "I thought I was never gonna kiss your lips" He says smiling "same" I say smiling making him smile. For the rest of the night we made out by the pool.


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