Bad boy| Lucas Coly

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I walk into school and everyone just standing around talking looking at me and talking to there friends and I'm just the nerd who knows everything and is quiet as fuck and the one everyone goes to when they need to copy off my work. I walk around the corner to see my bully Jay every day he has shit to say and hands to use and I mean punch me slap me anything and when he sees me all the words like cunt hoe faggot bitch slut asshole uglyass and so on. I start walking past him when I hear him call my name "Yo Y/n" he says to me and I look back with a frown and all his friends look at me "What" I say to him rudely "You ugly" He laughs at me "thanks" I say giving a fake smile "Meet me at lunch" He says "why" I ask him "aww honey you know why" He says smiling widely at me "o..ok" I stutter as I continue to walk to my class.

I reach my class walking in right when the bell rings and everyone rushes in taking there seat as I take a seat in the middle of the class waiting for it to start when my bully walks in with his friends and he jokes with Lucas as they take a seat behind me but before Jay could he pushes one of my books to the grounds "Whoops" He says laughing and taking a seat and I bend down reaching for my binder when I look up Lucas is looking at me and I frown at him looking back up at the teacher.

It's now lunch and the bell has just rang and I walk to my locker grabbing my stuff when someone slams my locker close "Hii Bestie" Jay says looking at me "hi" I say quietly to him "you know what time it is" He says smiling at me "no" I say to him and he grabs my arm having a tight grip "don't play with me honey" He whispers in my ear the Lucas runs up looking at me and him and his grip on my arm "Y..Yoo you ready to go grab some food" Lucas asks him looking at me  "uh yeah" Jay says as he let's go of my arm "you better be at this Locker when I come back" He whispers in my ear walking away and Lucas just looks at me while walking with Jay.

It's almost the end of lunch when I see Lucas and Jay and a couple other friends of there group walk down the hall I'm in and Jay looks at me walking faster closer to me "guys I'll be right back" He says pulling me to another hallway and Slamming me against a wall "Ugly ass Cunt why you staring at my friends like that huh" He says to punching me in the stomach and I moan in pain "shut the fuck you fucker" He says punching me again harder but I'm dumb ass decides to talk "Fuck You you bastard" I say trying to push him off me and that ticks him off as he slams me to the ground repeatedly punching and kicking me and I yelp in pain hoping someone will find us. After him punching and kicking I start bleeding when I finally feel him getting ripped off me and I see all these guys on tip beating him up and busting his ass I back up scared and in pain crying seeing all the blood on me. I back up to the lockers holding my knees crying when I hear teachers pull the boys off Jay "What is going on here" The principle asks "he was beating her up and making her bleed look" Marcus says pointing at me and the principal looks at me shocked "everyone to the office and go nurse please take care of her" He says as the nurse helps me up and the boys follow the principle to his office.

After a while the nurse helped clean my up me and her had a nice chat turns out the bleeding was from his ring and it kept stabbing me. I ask the nurse if I could see the boys and she says yes. So here I am walking into the office to see police my bully and the boys all beat up sitting in a chair "Y/n" My uncle nicks says and also a police officer "Hi" I say "He beat you up" He asks and I nod my head and my uncle looks at Jay "You did this to my niece I don't give a fuck You coming down wit me thank you guys a lot he would have killed her" He says as he picks up Jay shoving him against the wall and they walk out "they don't get in trouble right" I ask the Principal "I would say yes but no they won't y'all are free to go" He says smiling "thank you guys" I say to them smiling "I didn't know he was doing that to you" Anther boy asks "I was used to it but whoever pulled him off me thanks" I say "your welcome" Lucas says quietly "we will leave you alone" The boys say getting up and walking out of the office and I look at them confused and right when I was about to talk to Lucas my mom calls "Bonjour (Hi)" I say to her "Chérie, j'ai entendu dire que tu as battu bébé ok ok dis que tu vas bien (Honey I heard you got beat up baby you ok please say you ok)" She says to "maintenant maman un garçon m'a aidé (I'm ok now mom a boy helped me) I say to her. We talk for a while till I get off the phone and by now he staring at me "you speak French" he asks biting his lip "yeah" I say as he holds the door open for me as we walk out and outside "Bonjour beau (hi beautiful" He says winking at me "I didn't know you spoke" I say to him smiling "grew up there then came here" he says to me "well damn I'm so lucky I did say how cute you was on the phone to my ma" I say laughing and he comes closer "ah you think I'm cute well damn I wish I did hear that" He says smiling "thank you for today I didn't know he would go that far" I say to him looking down and he lifts my chin up "always there for you babe" He says smiling hugging me and some people look at us while walking past "haha everyone gonna think we dating or shit" I say to him laughing "good" He says winking at me and smiling widely.


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