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Y/n Pov

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Y/n Pov

I walk into school to couples making out by the lockers and friends gossiping that's just another day in high school. I'm the schools nerd no one really knows me but when they need homework they always running up to me just so your work shit ain't that hard for real. I walk up to my lockers and as I open and go thru grabbing my stuff I hear a loud group of boys walk in. I look around to see no other then Michael the prince of the school. I mean you probably wondering why not King see his other friend is the King I mean everyone knows the whole group but his friend they know everybody but Michael prince people know him but he don't know a lot of people it's confusing but it's a fact. While I'm getting it stuff I hear guys start to argue. I turn back around to see some of there group and Another group yell at each other this shit happens everyday so it doesn't get a lot of attention anymore they start yelling everyone looks and looks away and they go back to what you are doing. The bell rings and everyone starts heading to class all the boys stopped fighting but I knew there was gonna be a fight after school and they would get a hug crowd. I walk into class and take a seat waiting for everyone to come.

It's now almost the end of class and my teacher calls me up "Hey Y/n I was wondering if you can something for me" My teacher says "What's up" I ask looking at him "One of our students needs help a lot of help" He says "Oh who" I ask looking at him "Michael" he says as he looks at Michael "Uh but sir" I ask looking at him "I know he is difficult but I can see he can do it just needs help please" He says "I'll raise your grades I mean you always have nineties but" He says "Fine I'll do it" I say to him "Thank you" He says "Yup" I say and I walk back to my seat waiting for the bell to ring. After I went back to my seat the teacher called Michael up and they was talking for a few minutes but then Michael started looking at me greattt. Finally the bell rings and I leave the room michale kept staring at me the whole time it was creepy.


It was now lunch and I'm chilling sitting on a bench eating my food. Once again I hear loud voices echo the hall. I look over to see Michele and his group yelling and laughing and joking around they start passing by when Michael sees him oh boy. Michael stops and talks to his friends and I can tell he says be right back and starts walking towards me "You Y/n" He asks coming up to me "Yeah" I say raising my eyebrow "Ah you my tutor" He asks "Yup" I say to him "You busy after school" He asks "Nope" I say "you can come over to my place" I say "Ah I was about to ask all my home boys gonna be at my crib smoking and I don't know if you fuck with that" He says "Eh" I say "Be at my house for four" I say to him "Alright well they gonna be a fight but I'll try to be there by four" He says winking at me and goes back to the group what the fuck just what the fuck I think to myself and I go back to eating hungry bitch over here.


It's now after school and there's a big crowd forming outside it's off school property it's just around the forest. I was gonna start heading up but the people was blocking my way home cause I had to walk the forest way. I walk to where the fight is and I go to the very front. After a couple minutes Michael and his group shows up but I could see Michael telling them to not fight cause it was a one on one kinda thing. A few minutes later the fight starts punches are being thrown and everyone chanting it got hella loud.

By now Michael was on top of the guy and Michael had a bloody lip and a couple scratches on his face but the guy he had a whole bloody face nose was bleh Lee's was bleeding couple teeth got knocked out it was a rough ass fight. After another couple minutes the fight finally ended Michael arm was bleeding when the guy started digging his nails into his but Michael won the fight for sure. The crowd starts moving and I start walking when I hear a voice call me "Ayo wait up" Michael says and I look back and I wait up for him. He runs up and we start walking "Did you watch the whole fight" He asks and I nod my head "Why so quiet and dry" He asks looking at me and I shrug my shoulders.


The whole walk was silent and if we did talk it was just him talking and me nodding my head yes or no of shrugging. We walk into my house and he takes a seat in the living room while I get some water for the both of us and I walk back into the living room "You ready" I say to him "Yeah" He looking at me and I sit beside him and I open my books and he opens his books.

"Alright do you get how to do that" I say to him "Why does this man have to keep looking for his x like give up" Michael says making me laugh "Rightttt manz tries to hard" I say laughing making him smile "Ah thanks for helping me tho I'm a dumbass when it comes to this stuff" He says looking down "When I first was trnna learn it was hella hard I just had to keep doing it" I say him "I just wanna drop out" He says "Why" I ask him "I wanna do my music career this is my last year there's no point" He says "But you made it to this year so shh" I say to him "Eh" He says "Don't eh me you made it till grade twelve so give up" I say to him "Plus if you wanna make music I suggest you don't be a high school drop out like all the other rappers" I say to him "You be different" I say to him and he smiles at me "Ah I hate that your right" He says "I love it when I'm right" I say "How come you never said hi to me" He asks "I don't know why didn't you say hi to me" I ask him and he gives me a glare making me laugh.

We get back to work and we finally finish and it's now five and he was getting ready to leave "Thanks for helping me out I understand it" He says smiling to me as we walk to the door "I'll prob be back tomrrow afternoon" He says and asks looking at me "Sure" I say smiling at him "Great and oh can I have your number" He asks "Yeah pass" I ask and he hands me his phone and I take it and put my number in then giving it back to him "Hope to see you tomrrow" He says opening the door and starts walking "And aye don't try to find a boyfriend tonight you'll be calmed tomrrow" He says winking at me making me blush and look down at the ground and I walk back inside closing the door and leaving again it "Jesus fucking Christ" I say to myself smiling.



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