Fame|Lil Tecca

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I'm so damn happy for them 🥰

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I'm so damn happy for them 🥰

Y/n Pov

It was a normal Friday for me. Pull up to the studio where Tyler was him greet me at the door and then we would have a good time and it was still like that as he got more fame but with fame he got more busy.

"Y/nnn" He smiles as I walk over to him and we hug "You literally saw me four hours ago" I laugh as we head into the building "Well I'm sorry I missed your ugly ass" He smiles as I just glare at him "Says the ugly one" I laugh as we head down the hall and into the studio he was in "Where the hell is everyone else" I ask as we take a seat "Their asses taking forever" He laughs as he lowers down the volume of the music.

"We say ass alot" I say and he just stares at me "thats facts" He laughs "I wonder how mature we could be" I ask "I aint no where near mature" He smile as he looks over at the computer and starts to type things in "How you feeling" I ask getting up and walking over watching him do magic on the computer 'Music makes me tired" He whines "You wanted it cant back down" I explain "I just wish I had a preview of what I was coming in to" He explains as he looks up at her "I told you how it was gonna be but your deaf ass said nahhhh that wont happened I'll be ok" I say in his voice.

"First of all I do not sound like that second you never once told me that and third you ugly" He smiles "Yes you do and yes I told you and shut itttt" I laugh as we hear people yelling and laughing down the hall "Your big ass crew finally here" I laugh as I walk back over to the couch taking a seat and then they all walk in.

Somehow this studio went from having two people in it to thirty people in it and it was crowded as fuck "Aye Y/n" His friends says as he takes a seat nex to me and side hugs me "Aye child its been a minute since I seen you" I laugh "Tecca has me doing shit for him" He groans "He a lazy ass person" I smile as a couple other guys come up to me hugging me.

"Still looking beautiful" another guy says "Thank youuu" I smileee.


That's pretty much what happens in the studio. Me and him talk for a little then his friends come in and start blasting music and smoking. "I cant believe youre still single" A girl says to Tyler as I walk over to them "Too much work" He laughs "ah you're so cutee" Another girl says as I roll my eyes "And who are you" She asks looking over at me and Tyler looks over "I'm his friend" I laugh and he just stares at me "one of my guy friends are close with her" He say as he just stares at me "I think you should go sit back down" the other gal says "Unless you wanna grab some snacks from us from the store" He says and I just glare at him.

"Ill go sit" I say as I turn around walking back over to my seat and I sit down as I watch him talking to the girls and his crew "You good" One of his friends asks "Yeah just tired" I smile.

That's how it went for a while. He didn't even come up to me and have an excuse he just talked to the girls like nothing was wrong. It was scary that it wasn't the first time he's done thing hes been doing it for the last month we would be good but right when his crew and the girls come in he changes. They say you shouldn't be scared of fame and he wasn't but I was scared of what fame was turning him into.


It's been a day since the studio and me and him were texting like nothing happened at all like he didn't treat me like shit. But no matter how rude he was to me I would always come and watch his show thats one promise we made to each other and we never broke it if he has a show I have to go if I have to walk down the runway he has to watch. So here I was at his show waiting to see him before he went one stage and then I saw him and he was by himself.

"Look what satan brought in" I smile walking over to him and he pulls me into a hug "Glad you came ugly" He smiles as we pull away from the hug and we walk up to the stage as everyone chants his name "Lil Tecca ready" I ask as he looks down at the ground taking deep breaths.

"I hope so" He smiles as his song starts and he runs onto the stage and starts to rap as the room fills up with screams as I watch him be the guy he wanted to be.


It was now halfway thru the show and he was doing amazing and the crowd was hype as fuck "I didnt think I would see you here" A girl says and I look ove to see it was the girl from the other night "Brittany" She says as she watches him "and why not" I ask as she just looks at me "well Tyler said that you guys arent friends and that you follow him everywhere he goes and that your some sort of stalker" She explains as I look back over at Tyler "Tyler said that" I ask "Yup So i suggest you get out of here before you get arrest you pysho" She smiles as Tyler looks over at both of us as the song ends "Yeah I think I should" I say as I try to hold in my tears trying to not be a sensitive bitch.

I turn around and I start to walk from backstage and I go faster cause I hear someone calling my name "Y/N" Tyler yells as I hear him running up behind me and he grabs ahold of my wrist spinning me around "Why are you leaving" He asks as he tries to catch his breath "Cleary we arent on the same page of being friends" I say as he just stares at me "Im confused" He asks "TYLER YOUR NEXT SONG IS STARTING GET BACK ON STAGE' His friend yells "bye Tecca" I say turning around walking away.


It's been a couple since me and Tyler last talked. It hurt my heart so much that he was acting that way and a lot of people would ask me why do you believe that girl. When Tyler looked over at me and "Brittany" he knew the things he said and that I would leave he knew that if he didnt keep an eye on me and Brittany she would tell me...and she did..

I was now at shoot getting my makeup done as Max stops and looks at me "Girl forget about him for to hours" He laughs as he does my highlighter "God I wish" I say as I get up looking into the full body mirror "Its gonna be super hard for her to do that when hes walk in" Haley says and I look over and she was right he was walking in. But he was also walking over to me "I'm going to leave" Max says and I look over at him "Your gonna stay here" I say as Tyle makes it way over to me "Can we talk" He asks as I just stare at him "Please" He says "I don't think she wanna talk to you" Max says as he takes a seat in the chair.

"Can you tell her I wanna say sorry for being such a dick to her and that I let fame getting over my head" He says as he looks right at me "Thats so much to say" Max whines.

"And that I shouldn't have treated her like that cause shes been the only one to support me and shes been my rock and that stupid brittany aint worth it" He says "keep going" Max says as Tyler looks over at him glaring.

"Im sorry Im a big dick I guess I never knew what fame really was till this last month it was shocking to me, I treated you like shit when the girls around cause I wanted to make you jealous because it seemed like you liked other people and not me" he says "This has taken a turn i'm now interested" Max laughs "I guess I have a weird way of showing people I love them but that aint no excuse for what I did and said to you" He says then turns around and starts to walk away as I just watch him "Girl you better go kiss him or I will" Max says and I nod walk over grabbing ahold of his wrist and he turns around "Oh thank god I thought you were max" He laugh as I just stare at him.

"KISS HIM" Haley and Max yell making me laugh but before I could he pulled me in kissing my lips "Man I really wanted to kiss him" Max laughs.

Ayeeeee hope y'all enjoyed this imagine I thought it was super cute

For the first time I can't believe I'm saying this...Requests are closed... 😭😭

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