Chapter 11 - A New Life in Alola

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After spending an hour with all of his Pokemon building a cottage in the Ten Carat Hill Area, Ash and his Pokemon then took a 30 minute break, where they had lunch and ate some berries they had collected when arriving.

After the half-hour break, Ash and his Pokemon were content with their stomachs full. "Ready for training?" He asked his Pokemon, earning roars of agreement in return. "Then let's get started."

Before anything, a cry was emitted somewhere in the mountains, where a few seconds later, a figure approached Ash and his Pokemon. It resembled a strange figure, with yellow shields that were attached to it arms with yellow and orange bristles on its head as well as what appears to look like a mask on its head.

"What's that?" Ash asked to himself. "Judging by the pose it is showing to us, it looks like it wants to battle," said Lucario." "Well before anything else, let's take a photo of it so I can show it to Professor Kukui," said Ash as he took out his Nanodex and took a photo of the Pokemon.

"Pika, Pika!" Pikachu growled at the Pokemon with sparks emitted from its red cheek pouches. "Pikachu do you want to battle it?" Ask inquired. "Pika!" Pikachu replied.

"Alright Pikachu, start off with Quick Attack!" Ash commanded and Pikachu immediately leapt towards the Pokemon, but the opposing Pokemon easily dodged the attack.

"It's fast," commented Lucario in amazement. "Then use Thunderbolt on the ground," ordered Ash, as Pikachu then fired a thunderbolt on the ground, causing splinters of the earth to separate from the ground and head towards the Pokemon.

The opposing Pokemon was unfortunate to completely shield itself from the attack and took some damage as a result. After recovering, it gave Ash and Pikachu 2 strange items: A small yellow rhombus shaped crystal and a ring that was supposed to be wrapped around the wrist.

Ash looked at the Pokemon in confusion and asked to the Pokemon, "Do you want us to use this in battle against you?" He was given a nod in reply, where it directed Ash and Pikachu how to set up the two items.

"Ready Pikachu?" asked Ash after a minute of setting up. "Pika!" came the reply. As they began for the dance, a strong beam of light enveloped Ash and Pikachu and it then released a powerful attack, which appeared to be at least 3 times more powerful than Pikachu's Volt Tackle and scored a direct hit on the opposing Pokemon as well as creating a powerful dust cloud for half a minute.

After the dust cloud cleared up. It revealed that the opposing Pokemon was knocked several metres back and struggled to get up. A few seconds later, it finally stood up and flew off into the distance while giving off a huge cry, leaving Ash and his Pokemon in awkward silence.

"What power," Lucario said in awe while still trying to absorb what just happened. "Let's go to Professor Kukui to see what he knows about," said Ash while putting his mask on and recalling all of his Pokemon except for Pikachu and Lucario into his Nanodex and headed off to the trainers' school and the research lab.

After 10 minutes, the trio found Professor Kukui, where he was teaching the 5 students about Mega Evolution. "Professor Kukui," Ash shouted. "Red! What seems to be the matter?" asked Professor Kukui, spotting the two items he got from the strange Pokemon.

"Dear Arceus! Where and how did you get this?" he asked. "That's what I'm trying to figure out," Ash replied while taking out his Nanodex. "This Pokemon just appeared out of nowhere and challenged me to a battle and gave me these two items in the process," he continued and showed Professor Kukui and the students, shocking all of them after seeing the Pokemon.

"No way! That's Tapu Koko!" exclaimed Sophocles. "Tapu who?" asked Ash in confusion. "Tapu Koko," replied Mallow. "The guardian of Melemele Island as well as a legendary Pokemon," added Lillie.

"Impossible! Are you saying that I ran into a legendary Pokemon!?" Ash asked in shock, receiving nods from everyone. "And what exactly are these two items?" Ash inquired.

"That's a Z-Crystal, which happens to be an Electrium Z and a Z-Ring," explained Professor Kukui. "You receive one of these Z-Crystals after competing an Island Trial challenge."

"And exactly how does it work?" Ash asked. "I can explain that," answered Kiawe. "These two items you were given is what performs a Z-Move, which can be used only once in a battle. The power of Z-Moves depends on the power of your base move. What was your Pikachu's base move?" Kiawe asked.

"Volt Tackle," replied Ash. "Then that would be very powerful. The Z-Move you perfomed was Gigavolt Havoc," said Sophocles.

"But why did Tapu Koko challenge me to a battle?" asked Ash in curiosity. "Well, legends say that if a person in Alola does a notable good deed, the island guardian will then meet the individual and reward him/her a Z-Ring and a Z-Crystal as well as challenge them to a battle," explained Professor Kukui.

"So I guess Tapu Koko was watching me when I saved you guys from Team Skull then," Ash said in awe. "Most likely so," said Lana.

"And if I completely finish all of the Island Trials and the Grand Trial, does that mean I will get a bunch of these Z-Crystals?" asked Ash in excitement.

"That's right," answered Professor Kukui. "Well Red, even though you have been in Alola for only today, you certainly have made many accomplishments here already," he added.

"Haha, thanks Professor Kukui," Ash replied. He then turned to the students. "Also, have you guys decided to join the tournaments or not?" asked Ash.

"Out of everyone here, only I have decided to compete," replied Kiawe. "However, Professor Kukui and the other students are going to accompany me throughout the tournament."

"Very well," Ash stated. "I'll get Charles Goodshow and Scott to send you guys invitations to the tournament and they will also manage all of the accommodation for you without you requiring to cover the expenses, so no need to worry," Ash said, briefly smiling while remembering his Sinnoh journey with Dawn and her unforgettable catch phrase she always used.

"Thanks Red," Kiawe. "Good luck with your Island Trial Challenges. After seeing your battle against the Team Skull grunts earlier, there is no doubt you will complete the challenges and the Grand Trial in no time."

"In the meantime Kiawe, train hard for the tournament. It is a global event so there will be many people competing and the competition will be very tough," Ash advised.

"Got it. Maybe I might even battle you if I'm lucky," Kiawe said chuckling at the prospect of facing against Ash in the tournament.

"Who knows," Ash laughed. "I'll be heading home at Ten Carat Hill. Thank you guys for providing me information about Tapu Koko and the Z-Move items," he added.

"No problem, see you soon Red. Take care," everyone said as Ash recalled Lucario and took out Charizard and flew off with Pikachu into the distance.

"Wow, a Charizard," Kiawe said excited as he watched Ash, Pikachu and Charizard disappear into the distance.

"That Red is definitely no ordinary trainer," said Lillie.

"Yeah I wonder how he will battle his way through the tournament in 2 years," wondered Mallow.

"Regardless of how, it is definitely going be an exciting event for all of us," stated Lana.

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