Chapter 9 - 2 Years Later (Part 2)

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With Ash at Alola Airport:

After the 2 hour flight from Kanto, Ash's plane has finally descended into Alola. As soon as Ash exited the Airport, he took Lucario out of its Pokeball and allowed it to walk freely with him. Looking at the map of Alola he recently obtained from the information centre in the airport, he searched for any possible mountains in Melemele Island. To his luck, there was one located in the Ten Carat Hill area.

As Ash, Pikachu and Lucario began their trek to Ten Carat Hill, he heard a commotion, which appears to be from a Pokemon School and a research lab that is located several metres ahead of him. "What's going on?" he thought. "Better go check it out," Lucario stated, and they ran forward to see what was happening.

Once the trio reached the Pokemon School and the research lab, he noticed three strange people, 2 men and 1 woman, wearing black outfits with a few white stripes and a skeleton cap antagonizing a group of 5 students, Kiawe, Sophocoles, Mallow, Lana and Lillie.

"Yo kids, fork over your Pokemon if you don't wanna get hurt," one of the three people, Tupp (male) demanded.

"That's right. If you refuse, we attack you with our Pokemon," stated the second, Zipp (male).

"But if you do give your Pokemon to us, we leave you alone and leave this place," Rapp (female).

The moment after the trio said that, they immediately sent out their Pokemon, where Tupp sent out 3 Salandit, a small black salamander-like Pokemon. Zipp sent out 3 Yungoos, a long-bodied Pokemon resembling a mongoose and a Garbodor while Rapp sent out 3 Zubat.

"We're outnumbered," Kiawe said. 

"He's right," Lana agreed. 

"What are we going to do? There's no way we're gonna hand over our Pokemon to them just because they told us to!" Mallow said in defiance.

"Then you leave us with no choice," Tupp said.

"Hold it right there! Just what to you think you're doing? Stealing other innocent people's Pokemon?" shouted a figure from a short distance, accompanied by his Pikachu and Lucario. All eyes turned on the approaching figure.

"A Pikachu? And a Lucario?" Kiawe said, surprised at Ash. 

"Wow, this is the first time I've seen a Pikachu in real life," said Sophocles, who was particularly interested in electric type Pokemon.

"He looks strong. What is he going to do to them?" Lillie asked.

"If it's a battle you're asking for, it's a battle you're gonna get and regret," Ash said to the trio.

"Humph! Who on earth are you? Get out of our way! We have some business to deal with here," Zipp snarled.

"Wait, Zipp! Tupp, are you willing to battle this person in front of us three against one?" Rapp asked.

"Well since he agreed to battle us, I don't see why not," Tupp replied. He turned towards Ash. "Wle accept your challenge," he said. "But it's us three against you."

"That's the least of my concerns. It doesn't stop me from winning," Ash replied while shrugging his shoulders.

"You're a cocky one. We'll see about that. Now send out your Pokemon," Rapp said.

"Pikachu, Lucario, ready to battle?" Ash asked, getting two nods in agreement. "Alright, Krookodile, I choose you!" taking out Krookodile. As the large crocodile wearing sunglasses stood on it's 2 hind legs appeared, it gave a growl at the opposing Pokemon.

"Key Stone, respond to my heart. Lucario, MEGA EVOLVE!!" Ash said as a beam of light connected from his key ring on his wrist to Lucario's Mega Stone, widely changing Lucario's appearance.

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