Chapter 95 - Section 5 (Part 2: Ash VS Alain)

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"This will be an official 6 VS 6 battle between the trainers Ash and Alain. Substitutions can be made at any time and the battle will be over when all of either side's Pokemon are unable to battle. Can both trainers please send out their first Pokemon?" requested the referee.

"Tyranitar, let's go," said Alain as he sent out the Armor Pokemon into the battlefield. Seconds later, a powerful sandstorm began to cover the battlefield.

"Starting off with Tyranitar like last time? Alright, Serperior, I choose you," said Ash as he sent out the Regal Pokemon into the battlefield.

"So Ash's Snivy became a Serperior now? Would be interesting to see it up against Trip's Serperior," said Cilan.

"I, along with Mallow, Kiawe, Sophocles, Lana and Lillie were very lucky to see Ash's Serperior in action," said Professor Kukui.

"Yeah, it easily won against one of the Island Kahunas," said Mallow.

"Wow, it sounds really strong," said Bonnie.

"But then, we would all know who the winner is," said Stephan who shrugged his shoulders.

"Battle begin," said the referee.

"Tyranitar, start off with Stone Edge," ordered Alain as the Armor slammed one of its fists on the ground, causing several sharp stones to appear from the surface and head towards the opposing Serperior.

"Destroy the stones with Leaf Storm," commanded Ash as Serperior whipped up a powerful storm of leaves with its tail and fired it towards the approaching Stone Edge, immediately destroying it and scoring a super effective hit on the opposing Tyranitar.

"Why Leaf Storm? Wouldn't that put Serperior at a huge disadvantage since it harshly lowers the special attack?" asked Cameron.

"You'll see," answered Professor Kukui.

"That was impressive, but let's see how long your Serperior can last with its special attack severely lowered. Use Fire Punch," said Alain as both of Tyranitar's fists became encased in flames and ran towards the opposing Regal Pokemon.

"Stop it using Dragon Pulse," ordered Ash as Serperior fired a powerful purple beam of energy towards the approaching Tyranitar and dealing effective damage as well as causing it to falter.

"Is it just me or does Dragon Pulse seems to be more powerful than before?" said Tyson.

"As a matter of fact, you're right. It is more powerful, thanks to its ability Contrary," replied Kiawe.

"So the ability Contrary reverses the stat changes of the Pokemon, where it an effect would lower a stat, it becomes increased instead and vice versa," said Lillie.

"In this case, Leaf Storm would usually sharply lower the user's special attack, as Max pointed out, but Contrary makes the special attack sharply raise, which is pretty much the same as using Nasty Plot, but the only difference is that Nasty Plot does not do any damage to the opponent," said Mallow.

"Amazing, that puts Ash at a massive head start," said Dawn in admiration.

"Especially when you take into account that Ash's Serperior has the type advantage and is faster as well," added Serena.

"Damn Ashy-Boy, you're truly impressed everyone here," said Gary in approval.

"Wow, just wow..." said Alain in shock. "Alright, use Stone Edge, but don't aim it at Serperior. Instead, hit it with your tail," ordered Alain as Tyranitar slammed its fists on the ground again, causing a few rocks to appear on front of it and the Armor Pokemon then slammed it with its tail, causing the stones to break down in to small, sharp pieces and fly towards the opposing Serperior.

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