I 'Effin Love You

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So, I'm just starting this new story here, I will continue on my first one. I just had this idea pop in my head and- if you know me- then you would know that I have to write down my ideas right away before they go bye bye.

This one sounded good to me and I didn't want it to go bye bye.

Anyway, here is the first part to my new story- which at this minute- I don't know what it's called.


<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Summer POV-

My life sucks. It sucks. No, I don't have one of those horrible lives where my dad is an abusive alcoholic and my mother does absolutely nothing to stop him. I'm not that unlucky. And no, I'm not a complete loner and I'm not picked on at school. My parents are actually both good people, overall, and we're not poor, but we're not rich either. I live in Marshall, Wisconsin. A very small town. I live with my mom and dad and my big sister April. I know what you're thinking. April and Summer. Don't ask me, because I don't even know. I think it has something to do with the fact that my mother's name is October and her mother's name is June and my mother's sister's name is May. It's a strange family, my mother's side. I bet you're wondering why my life sucks, though. It sucks because everyday is the same. I see the same people, do the same things and get the same saying from my mother and father. The "why can't you be more like April?" speech. The one I am tired of hearing. Why can't I be more like April and get all A's, when I get a B. Why can't I be more like April and have a job, when I just applied for one. Why can't I be more like April and clean my room every week, when I do it every two days. I was even given that speech when I told my parents I was going to go vegetarian in the fourth grade! Why can't I, why can't I, why can't I? I guess I think my life sucks because my parents don't really appreciate anything that I do. I am sick of being compared to my sister, who is perfect in all ways. My sister. With her stupid nutmeg brown hair, her sky blue eyes, her stupid all A report cards, her stupid scholarship offers, her stupid acceptance into Yale and just...just...ARGH! Maybe I don't want to be like her! She's a bitch anyway. Well, to me at least. The sucky thing is that she is my only sibling. No other sisters and no brothers. Just my friends and one cousin in New York. I stared at myself in the mirror after hearing the "why can't you be more like April?" speech after I told my mom that I was quitting the dance classes I was taking.

"Why can't you be more like April and finish the things you start?" she asked me. I didn't even bother to answer her, and just came upstairs. Is she going to ask me why I can't be more like April when I turn eighteen in a year and move out of this house? Is she going to say "why can't you be more like April and stay here until you're twenty?" I snickered at the thought of it. There I was now. Staring at my reflection. Staring at my fire red wavy hair and orange highlights, my chocolate brown eyes, and my fair skin complexion. Why couldn't I be more like April? I mentally slapped myself. No! You do not want to be like her!

"You're different, Summer," I said to myself, repeating the words of many who have learned about me. I'm different. I didn't know what that meant when they said it. If it was a good thing or a bad thing. I knew I was different and I saw that as a good thing. I wore weird outfits every now and then, my hair was less than normal, and I wasn't afraid to smack a bitch. I felt suffocated here. I couldn't do anything or go anywhere without being interrogated by my parents and if I gave the wrong reason, it was the "why can't you be more like April?" time. I gritted my teeth. April, April, April. I hated that month now. I always thought life sucked, but that trip to New York changed everything.

-Jay's POV-

The name is Jason. I go by Jay. And life sucks. Why? Because when you have parents who want you to be perfect, so perfect that you're fake, and they slam everything you do that they don't like, you tend to think life sucks. That's the deal with me, at least. My parents are filthy freaking rich. They did what they wanted. Dad was a big-shot lawyer who wanted me, his only kid, to be just like him. I didn't want to be like him. I didn't want to live in this big mansion in Chicago or have people to boss around, believe it or not. I didn't want all the money I had. I know I should be grateful for the crap I have, you know thanks to the bad economy and crap, but I don't want it. I'd rather give the money to the people who actually need it.

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