I 'Effin Love You part 38

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Oh my god, I have been buried in homework lately and I have been coming home late. So sorry to keep you waiting peoples.

-Jay's POV-

"Back off ladies," Emma said to the girls around me.

"Seriously Emma, what are you doing here?" I asked her. She looked at me, surprised.

"Didn't your dad tell you? I'm going to school here now," she answered. Not. Cool. I swear I was going to go insane and it would be all her fault. There was NO way that she was going here! She was lying. She had to be. Her and Josh both said that they would be leaving Summer and me alone. Did you expect them to keep their word, I thought. The bell rang and I happily ran to my first class only to discover that she had the same first class as me. And second. And third. I had three classes too many with her. I was sitting at lunch now, with Tyler and Russ and a bunch of pissed of girls. I looked around for Emma and didn't see her. Maybe she found that this was a mistake? Because it was. Maybe she knew that she shouldn't have transferred here. Oh my god! Please let that be it! Please let it be that she went back to New-

"Hi Jay," she said happily, glaring at the girl who was sitting right next to me. The girl looked down and moved over. Emma took her seat next to me while I got up and said that I was done and left the cafeteria. Tyler and Russ weren't that far behind me.

"What was that about?" Tyler asked me.

"Who was she?" Russ asked.

"I'm surprised you don't know. That would be the daughter of the governor of New York. She's got this big crush on me and she got preggo and she tried to tell me that I was the father of the kid," I explained.

"She doesn't have much of a bump going on there," Tyler said quietly.

"I didn't pay much attention to tha-" I stopped talking and walking. "Tyler, say that again."

"That again," he said.

"No, the other thing."

"The other thing."

"No, the thing you said before!"

"The thing I said before!" he said seriously. He wasn't messing around. I slapped my palm to my forehead.

"He said she doesn't have much of a bump going on there," Russ said, sensing my annoyance. It was September. She told me that she was preggo in July. Her lunch tray only had a bottle of water. Shouldn't she be having cravings? Shouldn't she be eating more than that?

"That little-"

"Liar?" Tyler guessed.

"You read my mind," I said.

"So, she's not preggo?"

"I don't think so. I think she's full of it."

"How are you going to get her to admit it?" Russ asked.

"I'll get her to say it. I'll find a way," I said.

"Ooh! I wanna help plot operation admittance!" Tyler said.

"Operation admittance?" Russ and I said at the same time.

"You know it," Tyler grinned.

"You're a bigger nerd than I am," Russ said.

"That's saying something," I teased. Russ punched my arm. "Douche," I mumbled.

-Summer's POV-.

"Get out of here, Josh," Annie snapped. Austin jumped at the hostility in her voice.

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