I 'Effin Love You part 30

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-Sighs- sometimes, people. Sometimes. He's at it again. Oh good lord. Sorry for taking so long on uploading, I've been very busy lately. Anyway, here's your story people. Oh, and it's been brought to my attention that there is a soap opera character name Sonny Corinthos and I have a character in this story named, Sonny Corinthos. My mom watches soap operas and I wasn't really thinking of that character on the show at the time I was making this one. My friend, Shanell told me because I was looking for 'mobster' names and she blurted that one out, so yeah. I just went with it.

-Summer's POV-

Now if this was a super cool action movie, I would have gotten out of here by now. I would have used my super cool high powered mini laser and cut through these ropes and would have beaten up any mobster than gotten in my way out of here. Yeah, that wasn't really happening right now. Instead, I was still stuck in this chair in this same room with the one light. I really wondered where I was. I mean, really! I couldn't see squat besides the light and the chair in front of me. I looked around at the darkness. Were they watching me? Did they have those windows where they could see me, but I couldn't see them? I threw my head back and let out a loud groan. My butt was starting to hurt. Stupid uncomfortable wooden chair.

"Hello?!" I called out, knowing that no one was going to answer. It was just one of those things where you're hoping to get someone's attention, but you know that you're not going to. I groaned again, but jumped when a reply came.

"What?" a voice growled. It belonged to a man and I didn't recognize it. I opened my mouth to say something, but came up with nothing. I didn't plan on someone actually answering me. Let alone a stranger.

"Who are you?" I asked, truly curious.

"You want my name?" he asked.

"That would normally be the answer to who are you," I said.

"First name, none. Middle name, of-your. Last name, business," he snapped. None of-your....well, that was just rude.

"Fine, be that way," I said.

"Alright, I'll be nice. My real last name is Marcello," he said.

"Well, I would assume so considering that you're working with them," I said. He came forward toward me and leaned into the light. I saw his face. He was middle aged with dull blue eyes, graying black hair, and a muscular look to him. He frowned at me.

"You look a lot like Jimmy. Except the hair," he said, observing me. I self consciously shrunk in my seat. Or I tried.

"What is your problem with him?" I asked.

"Jimmy? He owes us money, he's messing around and we're really not in the mood for it. This was what we had to do in order to let him know that we mean business," he said.

"Why is his mother with your boss? I mean, if she knows that her son is in his enemy mob, why would she be with him?"

"She didn't find out until she was already in love with him."


"Would you leave the man you love in that case?" he asked. I looked down. I couldn't imagine a life without Jay, but I wouldn't want to be with someone who could hurt my son in a snap.

"I would think that if he really loved me, he wouldn't hurt the people I care about," I said finally. He gazed at me.

"You must not be related to Angie at all," he said. I scoffed.

"Not at all. She was married to my dad. That's absolutely it. She's not my mom or my aunt. She was just someone who was married to my dad," I said.

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