I 'Effin Love You part 40

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Should I stop writing this story? Some comments on this are making me realize some things and yeah. *sighs* I don't know peoples. I don't know. I mean, yeah of course I don't expect this story to win for best romance in the Watty Awards, it would be amazing if it did, but I don't expect it to. Oh well.

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Jay's POV-

"Thanks a lot, Jay," Arnie said as he walked out.

"No problem," I said, following him, shutting the door and locking it behind him. Then, I turned to Tyler, who was sitting guiltily on the sofa. Russ started snickering randomly at the table.

"Shut up, Russ," Tyler mumbled.

"Do you see now why I don't let you have chips or dip?" I asked.

"I do," Tyler answered.

"You begged and begged and begged and finally I got some out and what happens?"

"He started it."

"Tyler, he accidentally bumped into you, I hardly think that deserves a bowl of dip dumped on his head," Russ said.

"Yeah, and now I have a stain on the carpet!" I complained, looking down at the big red stain.

"Ah, relax, it'll come out," Tyler said.

"You better hope it comes out!" I said as I went to go get the carpet cleaner. I came back and squirted at the stain and scrubbed at it. Nothing. I got up and stared down at it. "You, sir, are a shrewd and devious opponent," I said. Tyler leaned forward and looked at it.

"That stain doesn't want to come out," he said. Russ laughed.

"Thanks a lot Captain Obvious," he said.

"You are very welcome, Lieutenant Sarcastic," Tyler retorted.

"Idiots," I muttered, going back to the stain. It still wasn't coming out. "I really don't like you, stain."

"I'm sure the stain doesn't like you either," Tyler mumbled. I bit my thumb at him. "Okay enough with the thumb thing!"

-Summer's POV-

I peeked over the sofa, hoping that Josh was gone now. My foot was sleeping and the numbness really bugged me. I would call Annie, but I didn't want to get her in this now.

"Sugar honey ice tea," I mumbled. There was no way that I was opening that door now. Not until tomorrow. I bit down on my lip. He wouldn't stay here all night, would he? I mean, as it was his dad was probably wondering where he was. And that struck a question in me. Where was his dad when he came to New York? He just let his son wander around the city? Now Jay and I had a different story, our parents didn't care all too much about us, but his dad was....let's put it this way. If he could put a tracking device in Josh, he would have. Deciding that I had enough with this, I ninja walked to the front of the door, peeked out the peephole and...nothing. I'm watching you door, I thought. I looked at the time. Oh he really wouldn't be here still. It was ten thirty and it was a school night. Nope, not here anymore. Thank. You. Lord. I yawned and took that as a sign that it was time for bed. I walked to my bedroom and got ready to go to sleep. Before I did, I sent a text message to Jay saying good night. He replied and told me he 'effin loved me. I smiled.

*One Month and a Half Later*

I was jumping up and down in front of the calendar, clapping my hands. Annie put her hands on my shoulders.

"Sum, calm down! I'm excited too," she said. I kept jumping with a big grin on my face.

"I can't help it!" I exclaimed. "He's going to be here tomorrow!" I cried out.

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