I 'Effin Love You part 7

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Hey you guys! Okay so when I first started writing this story, no joke, I honestly thought "hey this is just going to be another crummy little love story, no one is going to like it" and to be honest, I am surprised at how many fans I have gained due to this story. I have also gotten amazing reviews from readers and I just wanted to thank you all for that and thank all of you for becoming a fan! It really is an amazing feeling you get when you see that someone enjoys your work.

Anyway, I got requests to upload very soon otherwise an army of pirate-ninjas and their pet zombies are going to be sent to my house. Jk, no 3mo_pRincess made that comment and I laughed hard at it. RosalieYourNightmare also made a funny comment. Don't call Melvin Night on me! Jk, lol. Anyway, here's your part 7 to our little story here.

Peace out,

-Summer's POV-

My perfect day in the past was when Josh only slapped me twice and when I just sat in his house, unable to go anywhere because he didn't allow me to. He was the most possessive bastard ever. Now, my perfect day is going whenever and wherever I want, with Jay. No slaps, punches, kicks, or hits involved. A very good improvement. We did run into Jimmy though. Literally. Well, Jay did at least. He was running, looking over his shoulder and paying no attention to where he was going and clashed right into Jay, making him fall back.

"What the?" Jay said, sitting up.

"Dude, what was- Jimmy?" I asked, taking Jay's arm to help him up. Jimmy had stood up already.

"Hey Summer," he said, out of breath and throwing an anxious glance over his shoulder.

"Uh, Jay this is my cousin, Jimmy. Jimmy, this is Jay, the guy I told you about," I introduced, seeing Jay's confused expression. I had a history of bad punishments for not introducing guys I was talking to right away to the boy I was going out with. Bad Summer, I thought, kicking the thought from my head. Jay wouldn't do that.

"Oh, yeah! The super cute one," he said, obviously trying to embarrass me. Jay grinned at me and I blushed and looked down. "Nice to meet you, man."

"You too," Jay said, shaking Jimmy's hand who, once again, threw another anxious glance over his shoulder.

"Jimmy what are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just a little trouble at work. You tell the smallest joke to someone from another shop about not having money for the bet you lost and all of a sudden some legs are going to be pulled off," he laughed, throwing his hands in the air. Jay gave a confused laugh. I raised an eyebrow.

"You did what?" I asked. Jay laughed because he thought Jimmy meant normal work. Jimmy laughed because....well, because he's an idiot.

"Relax, Sum. I've gotten out of much worse than this," he said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I SEE HIM!" a guy screamed, pointing at Jimmy from across the park.

"Shit! See ya," Jimmy said, taking off. A few guys, who were obviously mobsters, chased after him. Normally, a person would worry about that dummy of a cousin. I didn't. This was Jimmy. He has gotten out of much worse.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Jay asked me, looking after them.

"Yeah, he'll be fine. I just don't like how he provokes people like that. It's like he wants to be chased around," I said.

"What does he do for a living?" Jay asked. I used Jimmy's cover story.

"He's a massage therapist," I lied through my snickers. Of all things, Jimmy. Of all things.

"Massage therapists chase each other around like that for money?"

"Uh...weird ones, yeah. I'll tell you later," I said quickly. Normal ones? No. Mobster ones? Oh yeah.

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