I 'Effin Love You part 22

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He he he, sorry for the double cliffhanger there. I just wanted to see people's reactions. Some of you didn't have good ones. I promise never to do a double cliffhanger like that again. Remember, I said DOUBLE cliffhangers. Never said anything about not leaving CLIFFHANGERS again. Which I might.

-Summer's POV-

"What do you want?" I asked him. He smirked.

"I'm sure you know," he said.

"How did you find out I was here?" I asked.

"I was right there when you told Jay you would be staying with your cousin, Summer," he said.

"I know that. I meant how did you find out where he lived, Rick?"

"Not that hard to find out," he said slyly.

"That's a pure sign of stalker," I said. He only grinned.

"Only a little," he said.

"That's not a compliment."

"I take it as one."

"You shouldn't."

"But I did."

"That just proves that you are indeed a stalker."

"I don't think it's stalking."

"I do. Jimmy's probably wondering why I haven't gone back upstairs yet. I should go."

"I saw him and his friend leave not too long ago."

"My god, you really are stalking me aren't you?" I asked, unable to believe that he knew that they were gone. Who knows how long he was sitting out there. Maybe he saw Jay leave too. Well I wasn't in a good position now at all. That sounded really wrong. Total that's what she said moment in my head there.

-Jay's POV-

MOM! Really?! Really? Was she seriously- oh that's just WRONG! I quickly shut the door and ran to my room. It burns! My eyes burn, I screamed in my head. Not something I wanted to see at all! I'm going to have nightmares for a month, maybe more. Just-

"Agh," I said, disgusted. I went into my bathroom and rinsed my eyes out with water. Ew, ew, ew, gross! Nasty!

"Ew," I groaned. There was tapping at my door.

"Jay? Are you in there?" Mom asked. Oh snap, I thought. She heard me. Answer, don't answer, answer, don't answer. The options were running through my head up until I got down to three options. Option one, jump out the window. That would be suicide considering we were at the top of a twenty four foot building. Not a good plan. On to option two, sneak around her ninja style. Sounded good. Option three, give myself up. Yeah right! Go ninja it is, then. I was about to activate my plan, but my bedroom door opened. I literally dropped to the floor and rolled under my bed. I saw my mom's feet and some other dude's feet. I didn't know who she was with, I just saw her.....yeah, I don't want to go into details.

"Jay?" Mom called again. The guy was right next to my bed. I wrinkled my nose.

"You sure you saw him?" asked a familiar voice. My mouth hung open and I covered it with my hand. Oh, that wasn't who I thought it was, was it?

"I thought I did. Or I thought I saw someone closing the door again. Guess I'm just seeing things," Mom said.

"Well, let's get back then," he urged. Mom giggled and they made their way out my room. I gagged as soon as they shut the door again. The governor? Mom, really? The governor? This was beyond wrong. That was like, uber wrong. Not right at all. That hit all levels of NASTY. Dad must have not been home if that was going on in his own bedroom. That kinda made me wonder about him and the governor's wife. If mom and him were messing around, then did that mean dad and the governor's wife were.....I do NOT want to know. That was out of my hands. Not something I wanted to be my business. What they did in their spare time was their business, not mine. Just like what I did in my spare time was my business, not theirs. I wrinkled my nose again and super rolled out from under my bed and snuck back out ninja style. See? I still did my plan.

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