I 'Effin Love You part 11

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Okay, last part sucked. Homework was killing me. Sorry about that! Just bare with me here, please. Okay, now I'm going to get ya to part 11. Here you go.

-Summer's POV-

"Hang on," I said to Annie, looking at my cell phone. "It's Jay!" I told her.

"Answer it!" she squealed, hopping across from me on my bed.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Summer," he said.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. "You sound sad about something."

"Try mad."

"Why are you mad?"

"Dad," was all he said and I got it. Tough time with his dad again.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. He's an ass."

"That coming from his own son," I said.

"Yeah, right?"

"Hey, guess what."


"My best friend is here."



"Best friend interview," she said, holding her hand out.

"She wants to talk to you," I told him.

"Okay. Should I be afraid?"

"Yes, be very afraid," I teased. I handed the phone to Annie.

"Are you planning on knocking my girl up?" she asked right away. I spit out the sip of Mountain Dew I took. She snickered at me and put him on speaker.

"Uh..." he trailed off awkwardly.

"You don't have to answer that," I coughed, choking the unswallowed drink up.

"Phew," he said. I cough laughed.

"Okay, okay. What are your intentions for my best friend?" Annie asked him. She sounded like a father or a mother interviewing their daughters new boyfriend.

"Um.....be her boyfriend?" he guessed. I snickered at him. "I hear you laughing!" he said to me. I bit my lip to hide my burst of laughter at that.

"What do you like about her?" Annie asked.

"She's beautiful, smart, funny, she's got good taste in music," he began.

"Aw," I said.

"So sweet. What do you love about her?"

"Her smile, her laugh....just everything about her," he said.

"Aw!" I said louder.

"So if I started hitting on you, would you hit on me back?" she asked.

"No offense, but no," he said. "I like Summer too much."

"AW!" I said. Annie gave me a thumbs up.

"You pass the best friend's test. A plus. Good job....I forget his name," she whispered to me.

"Jay," I mouthed.

"Jay," she finished.

"Thank you very much, Annie," he said.

"Aw! He remembers my name," she said.

"Well duh," I teased, taking the phone back. "My phone."

"Summer, do you want to hang out again tomorrow?" Jay asked. "You can bring Annie."

"Sure. Do you want to pick us up at like noon?" I asked.

"I would pick you up at dawn if you wanted me to," he said. Sigh. I love this guy.

"Noon it is. I'll see you tomorrow," I said.

"I'm counting down already. Good night, Sum," he said, hanging up. I clicked end and smiled happily.

"I'm going to meet him in person?" Annie asked, looking at her nails.


"Finally," she teased.

-Jay's POV-

Almost instantly after I hung up, my phone started ringing again. I looked down at caller I.D. hoping that Summer hadn't changed her mind. That's weird, I thought.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Jay! How are you?" Uncle Rick asked.

"Uh, good? Uncle Rick?" I said.

"Yes," he replied.

"Why are you calling me?"

"Because your moron of a father isn't answering his phone and you ditz of a mother isn't answering hers either," he said. Always so blunt. He was Mom's little brother and he HATED my father. Snicker.

"I see."

"I just thought I would let you guys know that I'm coming into the city and I'm going to be visiting for a while," he said. Not good.

"You are?" I asked.

"I am," he confirmed. Not good. I may have liked Uncle Rick more than my own father, but he was young and he was a major flirt with pretty girls. He would want to meet Summer. Summer was a very, very pretty girl.

-Summer's POV-

"He actually said that to April?!" Annie exclaimed.

"You bet your ass he did," I said.

"I officially love your new boyfriend, Summer," she said honestly. "If he said that to your sister, he's a keeper."

"I really do like him. Oh, and you'll never guess who we ran into at the governor's ball," I said.


"His ex-girlfriend, for one. But she was totally cool and she wasn't like one of those exes where you know they're going to try and get the person back. She was super friendly. And second, we ran into Josh," I said. Her mouth hung open.

"I'm so sorry! I never should have told him you were here! I would have told him you were in Egypt if I knew he was going to come here," she said.

"Not your fault, you didn't know."

"What did he want?"

"Just to say hi and he came back so we can be together and crap like that."

"Yuck. Why'd you guys break up anyway? You never told me."

"He ditched me, remember?"

"I know, but before that you told me you were going to break up with him and then he left and you were all happy again."

"Long story, Ann."

"We have all night," she said. I sighed. Well, my boyfriend knew. Why not my best friend? I was about to tell her, when something hit the window. Not something big, but like someone threw a pebble or a rock to get our attention.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I don't know," Annie said, following me to the window. I opened it and looked down. And groaned.

"What the hell do you want?" I snapped.

"What do you think I want?" Josh asked.

"I hate you. Go away," I said, slamming my window shut.

"Hate is a very strong word," Annie said.

"It's not when it comes to him," I mumbled.

"Okay, really. What was so bad that you hate him now?"

"He beat the crap out of me Annie!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cliffhanger! HAHA! Live in suspense now.

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