I 'Effin Love You part 13

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Hehe, I'm uploading now. I decided against not uploading tonight. Just because I'm bored and I already know what I want to happen in this story, so yeah. Here's part 13.

-Summer's POV-

Jay pulled me away from his uncle and held me in his arms.

"Are we going now?" Rick asked. Jay nodded stiffly and waited for Rick and Annie to get in the backseat and me to get in the passenger side before closing the door behind me and running around to the other side. He started the engine and drove off.

"So, where are we going?" I asked him.

"Wherever you want to go," he answered.

"No, I always choose where we go. Your turn."

"I think you should choose."

"I insist you choose."

"Beach?" we said at the same time.

"That was freaky," Annie said. We laughed. Jay drove us to the beach, in silence except for the radio. We got to the beach and made sandcastles and played volleyball and crap like that. Annie and I were wearing swimsuits just in case we decided to come here later. Jay did the same. His Uncle Rick just took his shirt off and relaxed on the sandy ground. I noticed that he had almost the same six pack as Jay. Annie and I buried Jay in the sand and decided to tease him by leaving him there for a while.

"Hey! Come on! Am I going to get out of here today?" he asked us.

"Um, no," I teased.

"Sum," he warned.

"Uh uh," I said.

"You asked for it," he said, starting to get out. He successfully got out and started chasing after me. This boy really like chasing me, didn't he? As always, he caught me by my waist. I tripped over something and went back and took him with me. I landed on my back with him on top of me.

"Cozy position," he said, pretending to go to sleep.

"Get off," I laughed. Instead, he lifted his head and kissed me. I kissed him back and rolled on top of him.

"HEY! That's supposed to be a drink, not the actual thing!" Annie called over. I laughed against Jay's lips and lifted myself off him and helped him up. He hugged me and rocked us from side to side.

"There's something I really want to tell you," he said.

"And what is that?" I asked, kissing his chest.

"Summer....I..." he trailed off. My head snapped up to him. What was he trying to say? I was starting to get worried when he finally talked.

"Summer....I 'effin love you," he said.

"You what?" I asked, not sure if that was like the type of love Annie and I used with each other or the type of love I thought I felt for Josh. EW! Go away Josh thoughts. Ha ha. He got his ass kicked by my cousin last night, who was more like a big brother to me. I loved that big brother cousin of mine who was stupidly in the mob.

"I said I love you," he said more firmly. I could not describe how happy I was to hear him say that. Or to even know that's how he felt.

"I 'effin love you too!" I exclaimed, jumping up to kiss him. He grinned so widely at me.

-Jay's POV-

She loves me bitches!!!!! First, she agrees to be my girlfriend and now she tells me she loves me. Life was sweet. Eh, not so sweet was Uncle Rick coming over to us.

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