I 'Effin Love You part 35

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-Summer's POV-

Awkward situation. Too awkward a situation for me to be in, I thought. Sitting here between Rick and Jay was really....awkward. It would be worse if it was just Rick alone with me. Add my boyfriend who hates him, yeah. We were sitting on the sofa, watching t.v., in silence with me in the middle. Jay was holding my hand and Rick did 'the move'. The move where he pretends to stretch, but oh-so-slyly- note the sarcasm there- puts his arm around me. Someone finally talked when he did that. Would you be surprised if I said that it was Jay? Yeah, neither would I. He said something just as I opened my mouth.

"Do you mind?" he asked Rick. Rick smirked at him.

"No, you can stay there," he answered. I moved forward in my seat, letting Rick's arm drop behind me. I knew that made Jay happy.

"Ha ha," I heard him mumble to Rick. Did I see what happened after that? No. Am I glad that I didn't? Very. Because Rick did something that earned him a punch to the face.

"Jay!" I exclaimed after Rick's hand flew to his nose. I really didn't need him to get arrested for disorderly conduct or something like that. And that seemed like something Rick would do. He would try to get Jay arrested.

"He deserved it!" Jay defended himself.

"You are going to get yourself arrested!" I said, yanking him up of the sofa with me.

"Aw, let him call the cops!" Jay complained.

"Jay I am not going to let him do that, so please just try to control your anger for five seconds," I begged.

"Fine. One, two, three, four, five," he said quickly, throwing a glare at Rick.

"That is not what I meant!"

"Just one more punch!"

"No!" I shouted. Wait....I shouted? At him? This was our first fight since the one we had about Emma. I looked over at Rick and saw him smirking and enjoying every second of our argument. It was because of him that we were fighting. He bothered Jay and Jay wanted to hit him and I didn't want him to get arrested and now Jay and I were arguing. Why did someone ALWAYS have to come between us? Why couldn't people just people be happy for us and leave us alone?

"Why not?! He deserves it!" Jay shouted back at me. He immediately looked guilty for it when I looked at him. He never raised his voice with me. Even when we were fighting about Emma, we never raised our voices this much. We weren't this loud at each other. I felt bad, too. I had raised my voice with him too. This wasn't us. We had to be stronger than this. We promised that we were not going to let anyone else come between us. That Emma was the one and only time that someone wiggled in that tiny space between us. We promised each other that not even Josh could get there. Not our parents, not our friends, no one. No one was supposed to get there. So why was Rick? I shut my eyes and raised my hands up.

"Stop," I whispered. I opened my eyes again and saw Jay's expression go from angry to sad.

"Sum, I'm sorry," he said, pulling me in a hug. I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder and clung to him.

"Rick can leave now," I mumbled. I didn't think he heard me because he didn't leave. There was a chance that he did hear me, but was just ignoring the suggestion. I think he was ignoring it.

-Jimmy's POV-

"Your own mother?" the boss asked again. I nodded.

"His girlfriend was under my nose the whole time. I don't know how I didn't catch that before," I said. Tommy looked down at his shoes.

"Who did you find this out from?" he asked.

"My little sister, boss," I answered.

"I didn't know you had a sister," he said, confused.

"Oh, that's a funny story, boss. You see, seventeen years ago, his aunt- the one who is married to his uncle- had a fling with his dad and his 'cousin' came from that fling. He only recently found out," Paulie explained. The boss nodded.

"Did she tell you who she was told by?" he asked.

"Sonny," Bobby spat. I growled softly at the name. Traitor, I thought.

"Sonny. How Sonny?"

"That's the other thing, boss. Sonny is a traitor," Tommy said.

"He's been working with the Corinthos behind our backs," I said. The boss squeezed the wine glass in his hand and it shattered all over the floor.

"Stupid firm grip of mine," he mumbled.

"I blame the glass, sir," Tommy mumbled.

"I knew there was something about him, about Sonny. I never wanted to believe it though. I didn't want to think that Vinny Corinthos was actually smart enough to get a spy in my mob," he said, sitting down in a chair in the corner of his office.

"Trust me, we didn't either," Bobby said.

"Well, you know what needs to be done," the boss said. We nodded and left his office and made our way back to the parking lot, which was two blocks down from our hideout.

"Whoo! I'm going to have fun with that mission!" Bobby said.

"I bet you will," Tommy said.

"It has to be done, guys," Paulie said.

"Yeah it does," I agreed. It had to be done and it was going to be done. I already knew that I was going to make sure to do it when I got Summer back. I mean, no one kidnaps my little sister and gets out of the situation unscathed. There were going to be punishments. Hard and brutal ones at that. Well, maybe not brutal, but hard ones yeah.

-Jay's POV-

Was that really all it took for me to lose my cool like that? Just for Rick to point from him to Summer and mouth 'it's going to be me and her soon'. That's all it took for me to punch him on the nose while Summer was in the room? And now I was yelling at her and she was yelling at me?

"Why not?! He deserves it!" I yelled, then immediately felt bad for raising my voice like that. She looked hurt like me. She closed her eyes and raised her hands.

"Stop," she whispered, opening her eyes again. Now I was sad that I yelled at her.

"Sum, I'm sorry," I said honestly, pulling her into a hug. She laid her head down on my shoulder.

"Rick can leave now," she mumbled. I looked at him and he was staring at her. At the back of her head at least. Her back was facing him, so he couldn't see her face. When he looked at me, he just shrugged and went back to watching t.v. Ah, this one is a complicated one. Maybe it would take a mobster to get rid of him. I wasn't doing as good as I would have done if this were a Josh type situation.

"The lady said you can leave," I told Rick.

"I heard," he said casually.


"She said that I CAN leave, not that I HAD to," he informed me. No, I'm pretty sure that she WANTS you to go back, I thought. I sighed and looked down at Summer. She rolled her eyes at Rick and laid her head back down on my chest, since that was really all that she could reach. The doorbell rang and she looked out the curtains this time.

"It's Josh AND Emma," she groaned. Great. Party of the unwanted people, I thought sarcastically.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Super short, I know, but I'm super tired. That field trip I went on today has me wiped out and I'm literally falling asleep writing this. No joke! I promise to make the next part super long and good. Vote and comment on this part even if it is so short. Remember, the next one is going to be longer and remember that this is in Watty Awards for Best Romance. Please help me out!

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