I 'Effin Love You part 29

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I LOVE MY SISTER! Just sayin' guys. Babyinthemicrowave has a good story going on there, it's called 'Sunday, Bloody Sunday'. You should all read it. It's not that far in, but it's good so far. Anyway, thank you for voting on my story and commenting. AND FOR FANNING! Thank ya so much. It means a lot to me. Anyhoo, I'll get to our epic little story here.

-Jay's POV-

I was still glaring at Josh by the time Jimmy came back from answering the phone.

"That was Sonny," he said. Tommy's grip on me loosened when Jimmy said that. I was confused. Was that a bad thing? A good thing? What was I missing here?

"Who's that?" I asked.

"A traitor," Tommy mumbled. "But that's just what I think."

"You were right," Jimmy said.

"He was right?" Bobby said.

"Sonny's working with the Marcellos. They have Summer," Jimmy said. Tommy let go of me completely and let out a line of profanity. Bobby punched Josh.

"Hey, I wanted to do that," I complained.

"I needed to let off steam," he said, punching him again.

"Do I have a say in when I get punched?" Josh asked.

"No," Paulie answered, punching him for himself. I let him have one from me.

"Sonny said that we have to bring them their money and we have to bring all of it, give all of it to them, and we can't mess around. They're serious. If we don't give them their money, then we aren't going to see Summer again," Jimmy explained dreadfully. My heart was sinking. Never see Summer again? I couldn't even bare to HEAR the words let alone have them be real. We had to get them that money.

"Do you have their money?" I asked.

"Not all of it. We're about a third away from having all of it. We would have all of it if SOMEONE didn't take any out for their special illegal medication," Tommy said, looking at Bobby. Bobby fake coughed guiltily into his hand.

"Well, we're just gonna have to get it back," Jimmy said.

"Don't we collect today?" Paulie asked. If there were light bulbs over people's heads, Jimmy's would have gone on.

"We do, we do, we do. All of them put together should make more than enough. So we would still have money to give to the boss," he said.

"What are we just standing around for then?" I said, going toward the door.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, you at the door. Yeah, you. Stay here," Jimmy said.


"Because. You don't need to spoil your good reputation by going out and doing mobster work. Don't need that. Us four will go out. You stay here with our little prisoner and if you would please control yourself. I don't want any blood stains on the carpet. And I really don't feel like stashing him anywhere," he answered. I sighed and looked down.

"Fine," I grumbled.

"Good. Stay here. Don't kill him," Jimmy ordered and went outside, the other three followed, leaving Josh and me in silence.

"So," Josh said after a while.

"Don't talk or I'll just be tempted to beat you up," I said.

-Summer's POV-

Still sitting here. In the chair. Still tied up. In the chair. Still playing where are the psychos. In the chair. I looked around to see if I could see anything else but the empty chair and the light hanging above me. It was so dark out from under the light. I couldn't see a thing. I could hear though. And I just heard a door close. Flora, or Angie, came under the light and sat in front of me. Her expression was amusement mixed with hatred. She didn't say anything and neither did I. She wanted to play stare down. That was fine with me. I rocked this game. She blinked first and I shouted 'VICTORY' in my head. She cleared her throat.

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