I 'Effin Love You part 33

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Has to be finished by December 31. That's going to be fun. Okay, here is parte 33. Double three. I'm thinking about bringing it to an end soon, but I don't know how soon. Here we go.

-Summer's POV-

"I don't think we have officially met. I'm Emma," she smiled. I nodded.

"Summer," I introduced myself. She nodded and looked me up and down.

"So, you're his girlfriend," she stated. I knew she was talking about Jay. She flipped her curls out of her eyes and made eye contact with me.

"That would be me," I said. She gave me a dirty look at that.

"I hope you know he's only with you to get over me," she said, obviously lying. I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe you should go Emma," I said.

"Not so friendly. What's wrong? It's a public sidewalk and I saw you and just wanted to say hi," she said innocently.

"After you tried to break me and my boyfriend up, I'm surprised you didn't expect me say that," I said.

"I would never!" she cried out with fake hurt.

"Saying that he's the father of your baby, when he's not, yeah I think that's what you were doing," I said. She patted her still flat stomach.

"Not my fault he keeps denying it," she shrugged. I scoffed.

"Who is it really?" I asked her.

"It's him. He just doesn't remember," she said. I rolled my eyes again.

"You're just as crazy as..." I bean mumbling until he caught my attention by coming out of the bushes, not seeing that Emma and I were standing right behind him. He was looking up at the windows that looked into my room on the second floor. He kept backing up slowly until he was between me and Emma, and even then he didn't pay attention to us. I cleared my throat. He jumped and looked at me. Speak of the devil, I thought.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. He gaped at me. I repeated my question.

"Who is this?" Emma asked me.

"This?" I said. She nodded. "Oh, this is just some kid who got out of the mental hospital recently. My brother, Jimmy, used to help out there and this kid here just got so attached to him that now he just wants to hang out with him all of the time."

"Mental hospital?" Emma said, looking at Josh.

"Yeah, he's not really right in the head. Jimmy's his best friend. They love spending time together," I lied.

"HA HA HA! That's sooo funny!" Jimmy called out sarcastically from his window. I grinned. "Josh I'm giving you to five again," Jimmy warned. Josh put up his hands.

"I'm going," he said, but he stopped and looked at the locket around my neck. "What is that?" he asked angrily.

-Jay's POV-

"Man! I haven't talked to you since June, Jay!" Russ shouted into the phone. I held it about three feet away from my ear and put it back when he was done yelling.

"Yeah, man. It's been a while," I said. Russ was my best friend and he was also rich. Probably one of the only reasons that my dad let me hang out with him. We were alike in almost every way. We hated being rich and we had the same basic attitudes toward our fathers. I've been so distracted lately that I just realized that I haven't told him what's been going on around here lately.

"So what's going on?" he asked.

"I met a girl."

"Speak, dude. Does your dad approve?" he asked sarcastically.

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