I 'Effin Love You part 34

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Hello all! I want to thank you guys for voting for this story! It's awesome to know that I have all these fans now and all these people voting for this story. It's also really amazing that this story is in round two of the Watty Awards.

Don't forget to help me out and vote for it in the best romance category. It would mean a ton to me if you guys did. That is all.

-Jay's POV-

Another day closer to school. Perfect. Dad was waiting for me in the living room when I was just about to leave to go to Jimmy's house to see Summer. He cleared his throat to get my attention.

"Before you go see Summer, there's something we need to talk about," he said when I turned around. I sighed and went to sit on the sofa in front of him.

"What?" I asked him.

"I think, you should live with your mother. She's moving to New Jersey and I think you should go with her," he said. No way.

"What?!" I exclaimed. He was insane! New Jersey?! That wasn't happening. Not that I have anything against New Jersey or anyone there, it's just....there's no way! That's way too far away from Summer. "Does she agree with this?"

"Well..." Dad trailed off, which I'm guessing means 'she doesn't like it and I'm trying to force you to go'.

"She wants me to live with you," I said. It wasn't a question, it was a fact. I was right. They were trying to push me to the other. I didn't want to live with them either. I was tired of both of them telling me what to do with my life and trying to control it. Can't they see that? Light bulb!

"What if I just got my own place?" I asked.

"You're only seventeen," he argued.

"Yeah, but my birthday is next week. I'll be eighteen then."

"Where are you going to get the money?"

"I can use my trust fund. Then, I'll find a part time job for after school, go to college, and then yeah," I said.

"Your trust fund is for college only."

"And what's it going to hurt if I use some for an apartment? Dad, you know you put enough money in there for at least fifteen years of college at Harvard."

"Well, I...I suppose it wouldn't hurt any," he said, hesitating on his answer. "We'll have to talk to your mother about it."

"Yeah, I'll do that," I lied. I wasn't going to talk to Mom about it. Technically, it was my dad who put the money in my trust fund in the first place. I think that he should call the shots with it. Until it got into my hands. Then he backs off. What I wanted to do was get my trust fund, finish high school, try to get into UW Madison, be done with college, and marry Summer somewhere in that process. Maybe after high school. It all depended on what she wanted. I would marry her right now if she wanted to. It was her choice.

-Summer's POV-

Tommy walked past me, snickering. I bit my thumb at him.

"Did you just bite your thumb at me?"

"No sir, I did not bite my thumb at you."

"It kinda looked like you did."

"That's because I did," I grinned. He shook his head and followed Jimmy outside. Jimmy told him about the celery sticks yesterday and Tommy, as I figured, started cracking up laughing about it. He snickered every time he walked by me today. Yeah, he was a butt like Jimmy.

"Summer, I trust you don't need me to get you a babysitter," Jimmy called in.

"He's on his way!" I called back to him. He knew Jay was on his way over here and he would protect me from the big bad wolf that was Josh.

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