I 'Effin Love You part 28

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Hey, hey, hey! Love you all! Thank you so much for voting and commenting on my story!

-Summer's POV-

I was so confused. Flora was sitting in the other chair across from me, watching me with an evil smirk. Creeper much?

"I bet you weren't expecting this," she said, reading my mind.

"Not really," I said. She smiled.

"I knew you would be surprised. Sonny!" she called. Sonny? Sonny as in the Sonny from Jimmy's mob? How did Flora know him? I was beyond confused now. Sonny, just the one I thought of, walked in and stood behind Flora.

"You called?" he said to Flora, but watching me.

"Yes, I was just about to explain to our guest what is happening here," she said.

"And you needed me why?"

"Oh, I'm sorry did I say that I was going to explain? I meant you."

"Glad I can help," he mumbled sarcastically. She got up and left me alone in the room with him. He sighed deeply.

"So," I said.

"You want me to tell you why you're here?"

"That would be nice, yes," I said.

"Just sit back and try to relax then," he said. Sit back? I was freaking tied to a chair. And relax? I was freaking tied to a chair by my clearly psychotic aunt!

-Jay's POV-

"Jay!" Tommy called. I whirled around, thinking he found Summer. He came running toward me, Jimmy right behind him.

"Tommy, Jimmy, what's up? Did you find something?" I asked.

"No, but Paulie just called and said that Josh showed up at my house without Summer. He says he doesn't know where she is. We have to get back there," Jimmy answered.

"Lets go then," I said, leading the way back to my car. We drove back to Jimmy's house and went inside. Paulie and Bobby and a bruised up Josh in a chair were in the living room. I nearly took the guy's head off right there.

"What did you do to her?!" I demanded, punching his stomach. He groaned and Tommy pulled me back.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I came here to see Summer, thinking you were all gone, and was pretty much tackled by these two. They've been asking me where Summer is, but I don't know. I didn't do anything to her!" he exclaimed.

"Liar!" I snarled. "Where is she?!"

"Jay, calm it down. You kill him now and we might not find out where she is," Bobby said. I cooled down after that.

-Josh's POV-

I had no idea why they thought I did something with Summer. Okay, maybe I did, but that doesn't mean that every single bad thing that happes to her has something to do with me. Sure I'm the one who set a hit out on her cousin with the....

"Marcellos," I said aloud. They hated Jimmy and the mob he was in. They had no problem with going after him when I paid them to. Why not now? Why would they stop there? If they really and truly hated Jimmy, wouldn't they go after people he cared about? Summer was number one on that list.

"How do you know the Marcellos?" Paulie asked.

"Duh, he set a hit on Jimmy with them," Bobby said. Paulie nodded.

"Oh, yeah," he said.

"What about the Marcellos?" Jimmy asked impatiently.

"They hate you," I replied.

"I am very well aware of the fact," he snapped.

-Jimmy's POV-

"If they hate you so much, wouldn't they go after people you care about to get to you?" Josh asked me. I hated to admit it, but he was right. It was something that they would do. My phone started ringing and I went to answer it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Jimmy boy," Sonny greeted. What did he want now?

"What is it Sonny?" I sighed.

"Just wanted to know if you wanted to see your little sister again," he said.

"What?" I snarled. He had her? "Why do you have her?"

"Eh, boss' orders. If we can't get to you directly, we go for the next best thing. Summer gal was the next best thing," he answered casually.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"The boss wants the money you owe to us and that's pretty much all you have to do to get her back safely. No joking around and no keeping any money away. You do that, and it's not going to look so good for Summer," he said. He wouldn't dare touch her.

"You really are a Marcello aren't you?"

"Surprise. Now if you want to see her as soon as possible, I suggest you get your butt moving," he said.

"Where do you want us to bring the money?" I asked.

"I think you know where," he said, then hung up.

-Summer's POV-

Sonny sat down on the chair.

"It's all really simple really. You are the closest thing to Jimmy, we need to hit a soft spot on him, and you were the best thing. You are his biggest soft spot and since he doesn't really care about himself too much, at least it seems that way, but he would do anything to save you. We want our money. We take you and threaten your life, we get that money," he explained.

"But why is Flora here?" I asked.

"You know the big boss, Vinny, right?"

"Vinny Marcello, yeah."

"Ever heard of his girlfriend, Angie?"

"Jimmy told me about her a long time ago, yeah. Why?"

"Let's just say that she and Flora are the same person," he said. My mouth dropped open. What did he just say? He snickered and stood up.

"I hate to leave you hanging like this, but I have a phone call to make," he said, exiting the room. I sat there, not that I had much a choice, and hung over what he just told me. I always knew Flora was evil, but I didn't think she was THIS bad. This was a new low for her. How could she do something like this? To her own son too! I could only hope that Jimmy would do what they wanted him to do.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sorry for the shortness and for posting it late! Kinda tired here. I got blue streaks in my hair! Sorry that was random, but I wanted to tell people anyway so yeah...don't forget to comment and vote! Also, don't forget this is still in the Watty Awards for the best romance category. It would mean a lot to me if you went and voted for it. Thank you all so much!

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