I 'Effin Love You part 43

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Okay, so there have been questions as to if I am writing a sequel to this and there are requests for me to write one, too. The thing is, I don't really see this as a story that could have a sequel. It's not that I don't enjoy writing this story, because I do, but yeah. There wouldn't be much to write about in that sequel, you will soon see why.

Sorry if you were really hoping for one, but that's the way I see it. Anyway, you guys can write one yourselves if you can think of one and if you want me to read it, I would be happy to do so. Okay, enough babbling now.

-Summer's POV-

I stormed back into the dressing room and changed back into my normal clothes. How did she find me here? Not that I was happy with it, but she was supposed to be stalking Jay, not me. But at least I could make sure she kept her hands off my man this way. I came back out to see Kari glaring at Emma's back while she was looking through wedding dresses.

"So, what are you doing here anyway?" I asked Emma.

"Is it important?" she mumbled.

"Um, yeah. I would like to know why you're stalking me now."

"I'm not stalking you."

"So you just happened to end up in the same town, in the same store, at the same time as me? Especially since this is a bridal store," I said. She smirked. She was plotting. "Oh, no. Don't think that you're going to marry Jay. He's mine."

"I think I can change his mind," she said. I scoffed and Kari shook her head at me. I went up to Emma and smiled at her.

"Listen chick, you're under this crazy delusion that Jay actually likes you in the least bit. I just want to clear the air and tell you just how wrong you are about that. He doesn't love you and he never will. So just back off and leave us alone," I snapped. I walked over to Kari, grabbed her hand, and we walked out of the store, leaving Emma behind.

"Well done, well said," Kari congratulated me. I gave a small frustrated laugh.

"That girl just will not leave me and Jay alone," I said.

"She's the crazy one you told me about, right?" she asked me. I nodded.

"That would be her," I confirmed.

"Glad I gave her the death stare then," Kari stated proudly.

"I bet you are," I said, pulling out my cell phone.

"Whatcha doing?" she asked.

"Calling Jay and telling him his stalker became my stalker for the day," I said.

"Oh, tell him I said hi," she said. He answered right away.

"I'm going to kill your ex," he said.

"Well, hi and I miss you too," I said sarcastically.

"Hi, I miss you, I 'effin love you, I'm going to kill your ex," he said.

"Now that's the thing I would expect Jimmy to say. Minus the I 'effin love you part. Although I'm not surprised that you said it. You know what? Never mind, why are you going to do the thing of which we must not speak of, of which we speak of...anyway," I said.

"Sum, I love you but I have no idea what you just said."

"Just...never mind. It confused me too, anyway why do you want to kill him more now?"

"He's freaking stalking me now!"

"What? Are you kidding me?"

"No, he showed up when me, Tyler, and Russ were getting our tuxes! He's all 'uh, Summer's mine' and I was all 'in your dreams' and he was all-"

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