I 'Effin Love You part 42

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Wow I just wanna say that you guys all have different opinions of what should be said to Annie. Eh, I'll work with it. Beware, the end is near.

-Summer's POV-

I had my feelings on my skin. When I called, I was all set to tell her off. When she answered, I wanted to tell her that I was getting married.

"What?" she asked after I told her I had something to say to her. But what? What do I tell her? I settled for what I would want her to tell me.

"I'm going to marry Jay," I said.

"What?" she gasped.

"Yeah. I'm going to marry Jay."

"But didn't you break up with him?"

"Yes I did. On Friday over text. Of course I could have told you that but you were kinda busy," I said.

"Summer about that-"

"Don't bother. I get it. You wanted to go out with Austin again. You chose a douche over a decent guy."

"You call Jimmy a decent guy? He's in the mob!"

"Oh god! So what?! He's trying to get out, I told you that! But you getting back with Austin would be like me getting back with Josh."

"There's a difference between the two."

"Oh yeah, Josh hit me, Austin just calls you names. Not that bad, right?" I asked sarcastically.

"I know what you may think, but trust me when I say that he's changed over the summer."

"Just save the speech for someone who wants to hear it, Annie. I didn't call to fight with you, I called to tell you that I'm getting married. I also called to see if you had a good explanation for what you said."

"I just...it's what I thought was true. I thought that you would just be getting hurt again if you stayed with Jay and he ended up cheating on you and..."

"And you wanted to protect me?"


"And I appreciate that, but..."


"You made me doubt him when he was perfectly trustworthy. You met him, you know he wouldn't do that."

"Looking back at that now, I know. And I'm really sorry."

"I'm not completely ready to forgive you, Annie. You can come to the wedding if you want. I'll talk to you later, maybe," I said, hanging up. I tossed my phone onto my bed and exhaled. That was harder than I thought it would be. I really wanted to tell her to go screw herself and to never ever speak to me again, but I just couldn't. The girl was always like a sister to me, for god's sakes. I couldn't just tell her flat out that I never wanted to speak to her again. I rolled my eyes and walked out into the living room.

"I'm the lucky one," Jay said, smiling to himself. I smiled at him sitting there, feet up on the sofa. He told whoever he was talking to that he had to go and then shut his phone. I walked over and sat on top of his legs on the sofa.

"How did it go?" I asked him.

"It went- are you crying?" he asked. I looked to the side and wiped one eye. Sure enough it was wet. I didn't even realize that I was crying until he pointed it out.

"No, don't worry about it," I lied.

"Summer I'm going to worry if I see you're crying," he said, pulling me down so I was laying on his chest. "Now tell me."

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