I 'Effin Love You part 10

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HEEHEE!!! Number 48 on the What's Hot list! I'm so happy. It would still be awesome if it ranked up some more, but right now I'm just super excited because it's at that number. Sweetness! Again, thank you to all my fans, new and ones that were all ready fans. You guys are awesome and now, *clears throat* the results of my survey at the end of the last part. Hope you guys enjoy it.

-Summer's POV-

I slowly walked over to open the door. I took a deep breath and gulped. What if it was Josh? My parents were here, so were my aunt and uncle. I could just simply scream and they would come running. And then I would finally have to tell them the truth about him. Just get rid of him, Summer, I thought. I opened the door and instantly let out a sigh of relief.

"Excuse me miss, pigs fly and banana trees are poisonous," the guy said. He was just some hobo off the street. I couldn't help but laugh, which made his eyes widen and he tilted his head to the side. I walked to the closet in the hall and got ten dollars out of my wallet. I came back and handed to him.

"Get yourself something to eat," I said. He took it and looked at me confused.

"Uh, no. I just need a dollar!" he said, almost crying.

"Yeah, and that's ten of them," I said.

"Is that a rabbit in there?" he asked, looking behind me.

"What?" I asked, looking over my shoulder.

"THAT'S A RABBIT!" he freaked out, running away. Okay. That wasn't weird or anything. I shut and locked the door quickly. Just in case some other New York hobo decided to come and inform me of the poisonous banana trees and the flying pigs. Oh, let's not forget the rabbit. Can you say, on drugs? I was about to go upstairs, when someone else knocked on the door. Great, I groaned in my thoughts.

-Jay's POV-

Just casually look around and if I just happen to coincidentally see Josh, I'll kill him. No such luck. What kind of guy hits a girl? Especially, a girl like Summer. Why would you hit her? Take a deep breath Jay, don't do anything you'll regret. Who was I kidding? I could end up in prison for the rest of my life and not regret smacking the bastard around. But I would regret it because it would mean seeing Summer for a limited amount of time. I was not going to have that. If he just stepped off the curb and I didn't see him and he just happened to get hit with the car.....bad Jay. No, no. Not a bad idea.....SHUT UP! Alright, alright.

"She's wearing shades but we all see, behind the tinted glass. And I got 99 biker friends, that wanna kick your ass," Bowling For Soup sang. Weird timing for it. I didn't have 99 biker friends, but that could be arranged. Just by telling them what this kid did could be enough to make them want to kick his ass. Not a bad plan at all. I was thinking about who all I could ask to be my 99 biker friends when I got up to the flat.

"Jason, we need to talk," Dad said right away when I walked in.

"Not now, thinking," I said, deep in thought and still walking toward my room.





"Enough of that, Jason," Dad said.

"Enough of that, Jay," I corrected.

"For the love of- your name is Jason. We named you Jason and you will be Jason. Jason Kevin Night the third."

"It's funny how you're name isn't Jason, but mine has to be."

"Your grandfather's name was Jason and so was his father's."

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