I 'Effin Love You part 37

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-Summer's POV-

Now how does this work out? How was I just walking in the door of my new apartment one minute and then waving my hand around, trying to find the off button for the alarm, the next. School was starting today already and Annie was going to be here in half an hour to pick me up. I groggily got up from MY bed in MY room in MY apartment and yanked on some clothes. Purple skinny jeans with my original Converse shoes and a Beatles t-shirt. I brushed through my hair and walked out into the kitchen right in time to hear Annie knock on the door.

"It's open!" I called. She came in.

"You leave the door unlocked?" she asked.

"Who's going to break in?" I asked her. Marshall was hardly a crime streak town. I think the biggest crime anyone committed here was shoplifting. We had a few rare robberies at the bank, but that was it.

"Good point," she said, plopping down on a stool at the counter. "I still can't believe you got your own place."

"I didn't get it all by myself," I said.

"Right. My very generous boyfriend helped you out there," she grinned. She was so happy with the fact that Jimmy was her official boyfriend now and he was just as happy with that too. I smiled.

"Yes he did," I said.

"So, when did he say he was coming here?"

"Uh, he and Jay said they were coming in October sometime?" I guessed. The didn't say the exact date they would be here. Jay would be coming as soon as his school had a long weekend in October.

"Yay, can't wait for October," she grinned. "He's still in that mob, isn't he?"

"Unfortunately. They're kinda hard to get out of, you know?" I said.

"Yeah, you're right," she sighed sadly. "Ready to go to school?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Not really. Come on," she said, grabbing my wrist and leading me to the door. I grabbed my back pack and locked the door on the way out, then went with her to her car. We drove to the school and parked in the parking lot. She seemed nervous when we got out. She started twirling her fingers together and was looking around at the other students.

"Annie? What's up?" I asked. She jumped at my voice.

"Oh, nothing," she said, obviously lying. Ohh, I think I know.

"Looking for him?" I asked, pointing at the truck that just pulled in. Annie's hunter slash football playing ex-boyfriend, Austin, got out of the drivers seat and his football playing slash hunter friends got out of the other side. She stared at Austin as he began talking to his friends, waiting for the bell to ring, not even glancing at her or me.

"Go talk to him, Ann," I urged her. She shook her head.

"I can't, Sum. It's going to be too awkward."

"Dude, what if you have every single class with him and you have to be by him in all of them? Don't you think that would be more awkward if you don't go talk to him?" I asked. She sighed and stopped twirling her fingers together, letting them drop to her sides.

"I hate it when you're right," she said. I shrugged and she took a deep breath and walked over to him. Austin may be a douche, but Annie had really liked him. Now, she was with Jimmy and that made her happier. She walked up to him and he looked at her and straightened from leaning on his truck. He said something to his buddies and he and Annie walked away from them. They spent a while talking before they hugged and walked away from each other. She came back up to me and smiled.

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