I 'Effin Love You part 19

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-Summer's POV-

"He's dead," he whispered. My knees dropped.

"What?" I asked.

"Summer! Why can't you be more like April and control your emotions?" Mom yelled at me. I just found out my brother was dead and she's telling me to control my emotions.

"Shut up!" I screamed at her. My world was crashing. Jimmy was dead. That's when I woke up and bolted up in bed, gasping for air. Annie jumped.

"What's wrong?" she asked me.

"Jimmy," I whispered.

"Don't worry, he's going to be fine," she said.

"He's not dead?" I asked.

"What? Why would you think he was dead?" she asked me, raising an eyebrow.

"It felt so real," I mumbled.

"Dream, Summer. That's all it was, a dream," she said. A nightmare. Dreams were places where good things happened. Bad things only happened in nightmares. For example, Jimmy dying would be a nightmare. A really bad, terrible, and horrible one.

"Thank god," I sighed, going back to sleep. That was the freakiest dream I've ever had. Horrible. And yet, it felt so real. It was weird. I heard music outside the window. Curiously, I got up and walked to the window.

"What the heck is that?" Annie groaned, throwing her arm over her face. I groaned myself when I saw who it was. HIM. I yanked my window up and listened to his little song he was playing. Baby Come Back. And I liked that song.

"Butthead!" I screamed. "GO AWAY!" I said, slamming the window back down and locking it.

"Josh again?" Annie groaned. "I swear, you really should throw a brick at him."

"What do you think I'm looking for?" I asked sarcastically, grabbing my emergency bottle. Hehe, Josh was allergic to nail polish remover. He was allergic to one of the chemicals in it. He got mad at me and beat the crap out of me every time I used it and he'd be near me. So, basically I never got to use it without him getting pissed at me. He he ha ha ho ho, I was going to pour it on him. And I did. He started getting blotchy right away.

"God- WHY SUMMER?!" he screamed, rubbing at the bright red splotches. Cause you deserve it, I thought. I pressed my lips together in a smile and shut the window again after I threw the once full bottle away.

"Did you just dump an entire bottle of nail polish remover on him?" Annie mumbled.

"Maybe," I grinned. She smiled.

"Genius," she said, high fiving me. Ha ha. Who says a girl can't take care of herself?

-Jay's POV-

Sneak out ninja style, I thought as I tip toed to the door. Success. Until I got out of the building and ran into Uncle Rick who was wearing a tight men's tank top and shorts. Girls and women behind him were literally drooling at the sight of him. They found me pretty attractive too, by the looks of it. I rolled my eyes. Rick smiled at me.

"Well! If it's not my little boxer!" he teased. I glared at him. "Ooh, still mad?"

"Get out of my way," I said, walking past him.

"Hey, I heard about Summer's cousin. Too bad. I think I'll go to the hospital to help comfort her today," he smirked, going in the building. Sometimes, I thought. Sometimes. I really wanted to beat the crap out of him like I did to Josh. Ha ha, that brought some good memories back. Love it. I walked away from the building, with the girls still drooling after me this time. I went to the Jeep and drove to Summer's house. She ran out right away with Annie trailing behind her. Annie got in back and Summer got in next to me. We drove off to the hospital and ran to the ICU. Mark was laying down by Jimmy's side. He sat up when he heard Annie accidentally slam the door.

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