I 'Effin Love You part 18

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-Summer's POV-

I was sitting next to Jimmy's bed, holding my knees against my chest, hoping that he would wake up. Just miraculously opened his eyes and saved me from the hell at home by gracing me with his consciousness. But he didn't. Mom and Mark went home, trusting me to stay here with Jimmy, and called to ask if I knew where 'Dad' and Flora and April would go. Don't know the first and don't really care for the last two. I didn't tell them that, of course. I just said I didn't know and to try to see if they went to Jimmy's place. They checked there and didn't find them. I'd be fine if they decided to move to Egypt or India or something. At least then no one would be able to compare me to April. My comeback could be along the lines of 'oh yeah, runaway to some far away place like April?' That would be fine with me.

"Doing okay?" Jay asked, coming in behind me.

"Okay for my half brother being in a coma, sure," I said.

"I'll take that as a not so good," he said, sitting in the chair next to me. He took my hand and kissed it. Annie came in a minute later.

"Still not up?" she asked, looking at Jimmy with worry.

"No," I said.

"Give it time, I'm sure he'll be up eventually," she said.

"Not right now. They're about to take him in for surgery," I said. The nurse came in and told us visiting hours were almost over and they had to roll him in for his operation. Before we left, I grabbed the doctors arm.

"Please, make sure nothing happens to him," I begged.

"I will," he promised. I nodded and left unwillingly with Annie and Jay.

-Jay's POV-

Summer was dying with anxiety. It really bugged at me to see her like this. I hoped Jimmy would be okay, not only because that I myself loved him like a brother already, but because he meant the world to Summer. To see her like this, was like seeing a whole different person. A guy who was obviously a mobster, walked up to Summer in the lobby on our way out.

"Summer, how is he?" he asked her.

"He's not so good, Tommy. They shot him and now he's in the ICU about to go into surgery. They missed a bullet that was super close to his heart and now they have to operate to get it out," she said.

"God, I should have been there with him. I didn't get to warn him in time!" he said, pounding at his head. Summer grabbed his hands to stop him and looked at him.

"Warn him about what?" she asked.

"Our enemy mob put a hit on him," he murmured, looking around to see if anyone was too close. Summer's mouth hung open.

"WHAT?" she shrieked.

"He was joking around too much for them and they just decided to get rid of him. The boss isn't going to be happy with those guys, but they won't really care. We're going to have to go back to war with them," he said.

"I would say that I'm going to kill them, but that would just end up the other way around, won't it?" she asked.

"Afraid so, dear," he said. She let out a frustrated sigh and I massaged her shoulders. He looked at me. "Hey, how's it goin' I'm Tommy," he said, holding out a hand.

"Jay," I said, shaking it.

"Jay? The Jay?" he asked Summer. She nodded. He scoffed. "Good thing you're not Josh. Would have jumped your butt," he said, walking away. My eyes widened.

"He would have jumped me?" I asked Summer. She nodded.

"He said if you WERE Josh, which you're not, so you have nothing to worry about," she said.

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