I 'Effin Love You part 31

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There has been some confusion and I feel really bad about that. Okay, so part 24 has been edited. I didn't realize that I had Summer tell her mom and dad the truth about Josh in part 18. I forgot about that. I'm a very forgetful person, I've been busy, sorry people. Anyway, all better now hopefully. So, yeah. No major changes there.

Here you guys go, part 31.

-Josh's POV-

I needed a plan. A plan that would work. I needed one really bad. It had to be the perfect plan. One where I would get Summer without getting beaten up by her little group of protectors. How would I do that? They were like her bodyguards that were around her twenty four seven. If that boyfriend of hers wasn't with her, then Jimmy was. If not him, then one of his mobster buddies. I had already tried getting her back at the ball, which was a bust, and I tried to have her cousin whacked. That didn't work too well either. I needed one that would work for sure. One where I could get to Summer without having one of her protectors come in on it. I sat at the diner, tapping the table- thinking. Suddenly, it hit me. A light bulb went on over my head and I smiled. Got it.

-Summer's POV-

This bag really smelt funny, I thought as I sat in the car after hearing all four car doors slam shut. Gosh, it was really funky smelling. I gagged softly. What did they put in here before? Sweaty socks?

"Ugh," I groaned. I knew they were talking with Jimmy outside. I held still and tried to listen. I could just barely hear.

"So, should we get this started?" I heard Sonny ask. Get it started and over with, I thought. No teasing, Jimmy. Ah, who was I kidding. They had me hostage and were threatening to kill me if he messed around anymore. Jimmy wouldn't mess up now.

"We have your money," I heard Jimmy say. Good, now hand it over nicely.

"All of it?" Sonny asked.

"Count it yourself," Tommy said. There was silence after that. Well, crud. I really wish I could see what was going on now.

-Jay's POV-

"All of it?" Sonny guy asked.

"Count it yourself," Tommy said, tossing him the bag of money.

"This is all from work? Rich boy didn't help you out here?" one of the guys at the end asked, gesturing toward me.

"Rich boy?" Tommy scoffed.

"We wouldn't have been able to use his money anyway. Like your boss said before, he wants strictly work money," Paulie stressed the 'work' in that sentence.

"Yeah, and I suppose it would look bad for daddy if it looked like he got caught up with mobsters," the same guy said.

"Shove it, Donnie," Bobby growled. Donnie glared at him. Jimmy looked curiously at Sonny, who was still going through the money.

"I'll give you a hint, they're in bundles of thousands," he said.

"I know that. Do you really think that I trust you to have all one thousand dollars in a bundle? No," Sonny said, answering himself at the end. Jimmy rolled his eyes.

"Think what you want Sonny, but when my family is involved, I shove goofing around aside," he said.

"Maybe we should teach you this lesson more often then," Sonny smirked. Bobby wanted to go for it again, but was stopped again by Paulie.

"You won't need to," Jimmy hissed at Sonny. That only made him smirk more. When he was done counting the money, he sighed and looked up at us.

"It's all here," he told his boys. They all looked at each other and went around to the back of their car.

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