I 'Effin Love You part 44

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THIS IS THE END! The last part and it's over. *sniffs* enjoy *sniffs again* *wipes tear*

-Summer's POV-

My father was here. I knew that he wasn't really my dad and he was really my uncle, but he did raise me. And even though he didn't show it at times, he did love me. He proved that to me just by coming and giving me away. I really thought that he wished it was me who died instead of April, but he was proving me wrong on that one, too. The music that cued me to start walking down the aisle started and he looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I'll Follow The Sun?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Never question the Beatles, Dad," I smiled. He chuckled and shook his head. I half expected him to ask me why I couldn't be more like April and walk down the aisle to 'Here Comes The Bride'. But then again, I really don't think he would want to compare me to April now. Or ever. We started walking down and I looked around at everyone who came, just looking to see if a few specific people did. I found Jay's dad and his uncle Rick over in the front on Jay's side. I couldn't help but be surprised at seeing his dad there. I really thought he didn't want us to be together. Was he here to stop the wedding? I hoped not. I looked around more and saw my real dad, Mark, over in the front on the side I would be standing on. He was sitting next to Jimmy. I felt somewhat guilty. He was my real dad and here I was, having Fred, my uncle, walk me down. Would that hurt his feelings? I looked two rows behind him and saw Annie sitting next to Austin. I quickly looked away from them. I wasn't really ready to forgive her completely yet. I finally looked forward and saw the only person that I really wanted to see. Jay standing there at the alter, grinning like he just managed to get the girl of his dreams to marry him. I smiled at him. All the while when I was walking down the aisle, I felt peoples stares on me and that only made my cheeks get redder and redder. When we reached the alter, Dad faced me. He pulled the veil back up and kissed my forehead. Then, he handed my hand to Jay.

"Take care of her," he said to him.

"I will," Jay said.

"Thank you," I whispered to him. He nodded, a single tear leaving his eye, and went to sit by Mark. A couple more tears slipped and I quickly wiped them away.

"Shall we begin?" the pastor said. I held up a finger.

"Wait," I said.

-Jay's POV-

I was waiting for Summer to start walking down, when Dad came up to me.

"You came?" I said surprised.

"Don't be silly. Of course I came," he said.

"Well, you have to imagine my surprise. After all, you did let on that you didn't like Summer and that you preferred me to be with Emma," I said.

"After you said you wanted a restraining order on her and that other kid, it kinda came to me that she was a little out of it," he said, showing a small smile.

"A little?" I said. He chuckled and patted my shoulder.

"I am happy for you, son. And if you want to go to UW Madison and study whatever it is that you want to study, then that's fine with me," he said. I hugged him.

"Thanks dad," I said. He patted my back and pulled away.

"Go get her," he said, then he went to sit down next to Rick. 'I'll Follow The Sun' by the Beatles started playing and the church doors opened to reveal Summer being walked down the aisle by the man she first thought was her father. The man who raised her. Fred. She had her veil down and was looking around at everyone there. I saw Mark sitting next to Jimmy in the front row opposite me and Annie was a couple rows back. She stared at Kari. I really hoped that Annie wouldn't start to hate Kari because she got the honor of being Summer's maid of honor. Kari was Summer's other closest friend and since she was a little miffed with Annie....yeah. Summer's gaze fell on me and I smiled. She finally got up to me and Fred faced her. He pulled her veil up, kissed her forehead and handed her hand to me.

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