I 'Effin Love You part 25

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-Summer's POV-

I was bored. More bored than I thought possible. Was it possible to be this bored? Jay said he was on his way over, but that was twenty minutes ago. Jimmy was asleep upstairs, and I wasn't sleepy at all. I was upside down on the couch, blood rushing to my head. The doorbell rang and I sprang up to go answer it, feeling the blood rush back down and getting a little headache afterward. I swung the door open and jumped right into Jay's arms. I could feel his surprise.

"Was I missed?" he teased. I kissed his neck.

"Very much, yes," I said. I pulled back and noticed the start of a black eye. My eyes widened and he quickly looked away.

"So how's it going?" he asked guiltily. I lifted his chin and looked at his eye again.

"What happened?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Uh...." he glanced to the side.

"Jay," I warned. He looked at me guiltily again. I gave him 'I'm serious' look. He gave into it.

"Got in a fight," he mumbled.

"With?" I pressed, knowing exactly who.

"Josh," he muttered. I knew it. He could not leave us alone for anything, could he? I shook my head, took Jay's hand, and brought him inside- making sure that I locked the door. I got a wet paper towel and some ice and made him put it over his eye.

"Don't fuss over me, I'm fine. It's Josh that took the real beating," he stated proudly. I rolled my eyes. Boys and their fights.

"Now, tell me, what happened?" I asked him.

"I was leaving my penthouse, got outside, and ran into the douche. He said he was coming to see you and I told him to stay away from you and he pretty much told me to mind my own business and shoved me aside," he explained. He pushed Jay? Josh pushed Jay? I would kill him, but from the sound of it, Jay did a pretty good job himself.

-Jay's POV-

I beat the heck outta that kid. He should have been put in a hospital when I was done with him and all he got in was a punch in the eye which was leading up to a black eye. The douche made me forget that I forgot about Summer's gift though. Which was another reason why this black eye was a great memento. Summer didn't find it such a good memento, though.

"I'll kill him," she said. I took her hand with my free one.

"I took care of him, don't worry," I assured her. She looked up and sighed.

"No," she said quickly, looking back at me.




"Because, he doesn't get off hitting my boyfriend without dealing with me. Even if you beat him up worse, I still want to make sure he gets beaten some more," she said.


"Yes," she said stubbornly. That's what she was. Stubborn. I wrapped my arms around her.

"You're not going to be able to do anything when I have you in my trap," I said. She giggled and wrapper her arms around my neck.

"Oh, trust me. I will," she said, pecking my lips.

"You're in trouble," I mumbled, carrying her into the living room.

-Summer's POV-

"EW!" Jimmy cried out in a teasing voice. I flinched at his sudden burst out. It was morning and Jay and I were sleeping on the couch together. Jay was smiling with his eyes closed, pretending to be asleep.

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