I 'Effin Love You part 8

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Okay, I couldn't stand it. I really enjoy writing this story and decided to just write two parts for today and skip my other two stories. This is part 8 right here....and to those of you I scared with the little joke saying that I was going to stop writing this story, I apologize. : ) I would not stop writing in the middle of the story. Lol. ILY all.

-Summer's POV-

"Why is that?" Jay asked, humor glittering in his eyes.

"Because I said so," I said childishly.

"What if I did this?" he asked, kissing my forehead.

"Still a douche," I said. He was teasing me about being ticklish again after he gave me yet another freaking tickle attack and I called him a douche. He kissed my cheeks.

"How about now?" he asked.

"Douche. Bag," I said. Mom, Dad, Aunt Flora, Uncle Mark and April all looked out the window when I told him that he was at the flat earlier to pick me up. Mom sent me a text after that saying he was cute and that so far he had their approval. Like I needed it. She said April's judgment may have been wrong when she first saw him. Haha.

"What about this?" he asked, kissing my lips softly. I bit his bottom lip. He pulled back quickly. "What was that?"

"You deserved it," I said stubbornly.

"Summer, Summer, Summer," he said.

"I'm aware that's what season it is," I teased. He chuckled. I sat up, getting a good idea. "Close your eyes."


"Just close your eyes."

"Are you going to like tackle me ninja style?"


"Can I kiss you after that?" he asked. Jay, such a gentleman.

"If you close your eyes," I said. He sighed and closed them. I bit my lip and got a spoonful of whipped cream from the strawberries we had. I dumped it on his mouth. His eyes flew open.

"You're in trouble now!" he said, getting up to chase me. I screamed and ran across the beach, close to the ocean. Water splashed at my feet as I ran away from whipped cream mouth. Being as fast as he is, he caught me in no time. I was fast, but he was faster. He did the same thing when I ran from him on the sidewalk yesterday and wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me in the air.

"Gotcha," he whispered in my ear after putting me down.

"Butt face," I said, turning around in his arms. I snickered at the whipped cream smeared around his mouth.

"Now about that kiss," he began.

"Uh uh, no way. You have whipped cream all over your face," I laughed.

"That's the point," he said. Then he rubbed his mouth all over my face, despite my squeals and laughter. "There, now you're covered with whipped cream, too."

"Oh, well," I said, kissing him. When we parted he smiled.

"You're going in the water now," he said, smirking.

"Nope. Too cold," I said.

"That kinda sucks," he said, picking me up bridal style. I screamed and he charged and was about to drop me in the water when I grabbed his t-shirt sleeve and dragged him down with me. We both splashed in the water.

"If I go down, you're coming with me," I said.

"I would have gone down with you anyway. Think I would let you go alone? You're too pretty for that," he said, leaning his forehead against mine. Aw, I thought. He kissed me.

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