I 'Effin Love You part 3

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I lied! I did upload today! I think I will upload on Illegal Romance tonight too. Not to sure, just saying in case you like that story too. Okay, enough talking er...typing. Here is part 3.

-Jay's POV-

I left the restaurant before I could finish dinner and I was starving right now. I went into the first diner I came across. I had been wandering the streets of New York for two hours without a single call from my parents. Thank the lord for that. I plopped down on the first stool at the counter. A pretty blond from behind the counter came over.

"Hey," what can I get you?" she asked flirtatiously.

"Coffee, please. And a number 2," I said, barely looking at her.

"Sure thing," she said, going to place my order and then coming back to get my coffee.

"So what's a cute guy like yourself doing here this late?" she asked, pouring my coffee.

"It's a twenty-four hour diner, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but I was wondering, you know, I mean....like, are you meeting someone here?" she asked, blushing.


"Oh, well, my shift ends in twenty minutes if you want to hang out."

"Not a whole lot."

"We can always go to one of the nightclubs."

"I'm seventeen. How would I get in?"

"You are the son of that big lawyer who is like famous, aren't you? You should be able to get in no problem," she said. Ah ha.

"I'm not rich," I said. She backed off after that. Figures.

-Summer's POV-

I thought this would work. Parks always had the tendency to calm me down, but I was still mad. Walking around Central Park for 2 hours while listening to music, was not pushing my anger away completely like I hoped it would. I groaned and stuffed my hands in the pockets of my black zip-up hoodie. I thought it would be a good idea to bring this in case it got cold out. I was right. A homeless guy sitting by a tree started rattling his small cup of change. I dug out a ten from my pocket and gave it to him. His eyes went wide.

"Thank you!" he said gratefully. He then rushed over to a woman and two kids. He showed the the ten and pointed at me. The little boy smiled at me and the little girl ran over to hug me.

"Thank you!" she said.

"Your welcome," I said smiling. She ran back over to her family and waved good bye to me. I kept walking out of the park and checked my cellphone. A dozen missed calls from mom and dad and a bunch of texts from all of them. The only ones I was answering were the ones from Jimmy. I checked the time after that. Ten o'clock. Now what? My stomach growled. Food, I thought. I caught a taxi and went to IHOP which was thankfully open until midnight. The waiter and took my order, after hitting on me a few times, and when I finished and he brought the bill, he winked at me.

"Leave me a good tip, sugar," he said. Yeah right. I left him a five for smacking my butt after I got up. There's you good tip, I thought. It was now twenty after eleven. My phone vibrated. I read the text.

"Where r u?" from Jimmy.

"Out," I said aloud. Almost instantly after I sent it, he replied.


"IDK," I lied. He said come back soon after that. I said I would. In another hour or so....maybe. I wandered out on the streets, admiring the lights and the posters and the billboards. It was actually kind of cold here for summer. I rubbed my arms for warmth and saw an entrance to the subway train. I sighed and went down the stairs and got on some random train. I didn't care where it went. I just needed to think. There were hardly any people on. Just a guy playing acoustic guitar in the one corner and a homeless guy sleeping in the corner at the other end. I sat in the middle, right across from the door I just came in. The train started moving again.

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