I 'Effin Love You part 14

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Okay! A lot of you guys made guesses and a bunch of them are right on and some are close, but not exactly. This one is going to reveal what everyone thought with the flash thingy AND......*drum roll* it's going to have someone you guys really like. Here it is. Part 14!

-Jay's POV-

I pounded on the door. Summer came running and was happy that it was me.

"Hey, what are you doing here? And in a suit?" she asked.

"Where the hell is he?" I asked, coming inside. She looked taken aback by the anger in my voice.

"Where's who?" she asked, following me into the living room.

"I'll kill him," I said, ignoring her and looking in the kitchen.

"Kill who?"

"Josh! Get your ass out here, I know you're here!" I called out. She sighed.

"Josh left a while ago. I told him I'd call Jimmy if he didn't leave....wait, how did you know he was here?" she asked. I turned to her and showed her the picture. She stared at it.

"Jay he came over here and he forced me to kiss him."

"I know you didn't do anything. I know it was all him, trust me Sum. I just want to kill him for coming over here when you don't want anything to do with him and have done everything to make that clear."

"Who sent this to you?" she asked.

"I don't know, I don't have that number in my contacts," I answered. She looked at the number and looked pissed.

"That's April's number," she said, handing me back my phone. She buried her face in her hands, groaned, and plopped on the couch. "She's such a bitch."

"I figured that," I said, sitting next to her and putting an arm around her.

"How the hell did she....oh god," she said, eyes fluttering.


"I thought I saw a flash of light. She was taking a damn picture of Josh force kissing me."

"I'm not mad at you at all. I'm just pissed at him and I want to beat the crap out of him," I said.

"Jimmy already did that."

"Okay, now you told me that Jimmy got rid of him, you never said he beat the crap out of him."

"He did. When he was getting rid of him. Had his mobster friends help," she said.

"Damn. Remind me to thank him later. Lucky guy got to smack him around. Jimmy's good."

"Psh, well I don't want to take all the credit," Jimmy said, coming into the living room.

"You are officially my favorite of Summer's family," I told him.

"Stop it," Jimmy said, teasing. Dork.

-Summer's POV-

"What happened to her?" Jimmy asked, looking at Annie who was still knocked out. I gasped and went over to her. I forgot about her for a minute. Jay came over behind me.

"Josh flung the door open and made her fall back into the wall," I explained. Jimmy looked confused.

"Did you know Josh was over here recently and he kissed Summer?" Jay asked him quickly. My eyes widened. Okay, now there was a limit as to how much Jimmy could take. Jimmy looked at me.

"He did what?" he asked. Jay looked at me like he knew he did something wrong. Jay WANTED to kill Josh. Jimmy WOULD kill Josh. Literally kill him. I don't have anything....eh, stop thinking, I thought.

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