I 'Effin Love You part 26

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Nothing too bad is going to happen in this part, I promise you. And, WOO HOO! This story has made it to round two of the Watty Awards. I would absolutely LOVE it if you guys could help me out and vote and comment as much as you can. Thank you so much for your support so far!

-Summer's POV-

I was sitting at home in shorts and a tank top, staring down at my locket and smiling to myself. I absolutely loved it. I loved the picture in it and I loved the inscription. I loved him. I smiled even wider, if it was possible, to myself. I finally found a good guy. An amazing guy who took care of me rather than hit me. He really was my savior. Jimmy came into the living room where I was and was panting again.

"Outrunning someone?" I asked him. He looked around 'casually'.

"Nope, what makes you think so?" he asked.

"Jimmy, you're panting like crazy. It's obvious you were running," I said.

"I could have been running for recreational purposes," he said. I scoffed.

"Yeah, tell me when that happens and I'll believe you," I told him. "Now, what were you doing?"

"Nothing," he replied, a little too quickly.

"Uh huh, sure. Now tell me."

"I just did. Nothing."



"Liar, liar, pants on fire!" I shouted standing up.

"Immature much?"

"Not as much as you, now tell me!"

"Okay! Okay! Fine, I was outrunning someone."

"Who? Your enemies?"

"Considering they kinda wanna kill me and Tommy, yeah."

"I told you to stop provoking them like that," I said, plopping back on the sofa.

"I...I know," he sighed, looking down. "Can't help it. In my nature."

"Change your nature," I said.

"Ooh, can't do that. Too fun," he said, going upstairs.

"Your going to get shot again!" I called after him.

"I'm made of steel! They can't touch this!" he called down. I rolled my eyes and laughed a little. Made of steel. Yeah, right.

-Jay's POV-

I was sitting boredly at the table, watching Dad pace around in the dining room. He was going over the divorce papers, reading every single detail and seeing if mom was demanding anything that was unnecessary. Like a ridiculous amount of money. Why did he need me in here? So he could have someone to shout at if she did ask for anything like that. He found something he didn't like.

"What is this?! She wants part of the house! She still wants to share a house with me? No, sir, that house is mine! Can you believe this?" he shouted at me. I shrugged and didn't say anything. I learned a few minutes ago that if I tried to say something, I was going to get cut off. I didn't even bother trying now. He went back to pacing and reading. This was actually really interesting to watch. I set my chin on top of my water bottle and waited for him to yell about something else. Uncle Rick walked in.

"Here's the party," he said. "What's up Melvin?"

"You and I are no longer going to be brother in-laws," Dad mumbled, still reading the papers.

"Good," Rick said, relieved. "Was starting to get tired of ya."

"I felt the same way, Rick. I felt the same way," he said.

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