I 'Effin Love You part 24

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-Jay's POV-

I heard them arguing in the other room. Mom and Dad yelling at the other for having an affair. Excuse me if I found that whole argument very ridiculous. How did they not know the other was having an affair? I mean, gosh, it was just so freaking obvious! I really want to know how they didn't know that! It was oh so very obvious! I balked at mom's screaming and dad's shouting at her to lower her voice because their son was listening. Neither of them had any idea I knew that both of them were having an affair. Sad, isn't it?

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?" Mom screamed at him.



"LOWER YOUR VOICE! Our son is in the other room!" Dad said.

"Like he doesn't know what's going on! You interrogated him about me when you were having your own affair!" Mom shouted.


"DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Mom screeched at him. There was pounding from the floor below. Sounded like the time I was singing in here and that person pounded on their ceiling to tell me to shut it.

"See?! Even the neighbors can hear you!" Dad shouted at her, obviously hearing the pounding. It was really loud.

"Let them hear this too," Mom said. Then a door slammed shut so hard that it made the glasses in my mini-bar shake. Earthquake, I smiled. It was so funny how I could crack a joke in the most serious of situations. My parents could be getting a divorce for all I knew, and I was sitting in here, in my room, cracking jokes about mom slamming a door so hard it was like an earthquake struck. I was such a douche! I started snickering at my thoughts when dad poked his head in.

"I suppose you heard all of that," he said.

"Only a little," I lied. Truth was, I heard the whole dang thing. He he. I wished I could put it on Youtube. He came in and sat down on my bed.

"Here's the thing, it's not looking too good for us. We might be in the process of a divorce here," he said. I knew that. I pretended to be surprised.

"What?" I asked. He nodded. They weren't going to get a divorce. Mom would miss his money too much and with the great lawyer he was, she wasn't going to get a dime of it. And as for him, well he's just a flat out idiot. He might get back with mom just because she was easy to sneak around.

"I'm sorry Jason, but it seems to be going in that direction," he said. Even in a time like this he still won't call me Jay. What was so hard about saying that?

"Whatever you guys think is best," I shrugged. He was surprised by my reaction.

"You have no problem whatsoever with this?" he asked. No, I did not. Maybe if he was busy with a divorce, he would back off of Summer not being rich and leave me alone for a good long while. Besides, what was the point on being married if you were only going to cheat on the other person?

"Not really. I mean, why would you be married to someone who cheats on you?" I asked. He sighed and looked down.

"Good point," he said. "Now, I should get some rest," he said.

"Night," I said. Sounded weird saying my last name like that. He nodded and then left my room to go to his own. Mom probably stormed out somewhere. Watch her cheat on dad while she's out. That would be epic.

-Summer's POV-

We, as in Jimmy and I, were waiting for our lovely parents to get here. They only knew that Jimmy was here. As far as they knew, I was still back at the flat. When Jimmy called them earlier, we had found out that real dad and mom were in some hotel, Flora was renting some apartment, and fake dad was staying in the hotel close to the airport- seeing he was going back to Marshall the next day. Life was swell. I'm seventeen years old and my family was in ruins. When the first knock on the door came, Jimmy sprang up to answer it and I ran upstairs. I didn't want Jimmy to have to tell them all at separate times because they would storm off at the sight of me. I wanted Jimmy to tell them all together so that he would not have to say it more than once. Turns out, the first person to show up was Flora. Now if she saw me down there, I knew that she was going to storm off. She really didn't like me and she had no problem admitting that now. I waited upstairs until the last person, real dad and mom, were here. Jimmy told them to hold on a minute and came upstairs.

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