I 'Effin Love You part 6

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Tee hee! I'm getting good reviews with this story and I just wanted to take a second to thank everyone who has become a fan! It really makes me happy to know that people like my stories. Anyway, people want me to upload, so I'm uploading. Oh, and I'm going to use a comment made by a reader. Just because it sounded like something Summer would say. Thank you RosalieYourNightmare.


-Summer's POV-

"Ooh, I need your love babe, guess you know it's true, hope you need my love babe, just like I need you," I sang with The Beatles, while vacuuming my room. That was my punishment for staying out all night. That and the speech that I was too happy to be annoyed with. I stopped the vacuum and looked up to see April in my doorway, hands on her hips.

"I don't know where Snow White is, so don't bug me," I said, taking my headphones out. She narrowed her eyes at me. "Yes?" I asked.

"Are you actually singing?" she asked with disbelief. Crap.

"Possibly," I said.

"Well, I want quiet time, so could you not?" she said, walking away.

"Go die in a hole, April," I said.

"Excuse me?!" she called.

"I said, go die in a hole!" I called back.

"You are in so much trouble when Mom and Dad get back," she said. My god, she was such a child. She was seriously going to go tell on me to our parents. And she was older than me! I rolled my eyes and plopped back on my bed. The first thing I did was check to see if I had any messages. There was one from Jay. I grinned and read it.

"Summer, when do you want to hang out again? I really really want to see you," I read to myself. Aw. I told him today if he wasn't doing anything. He replied instantly. I could just hear him saying "SURE!" to me. I told him to come here around three. I was going to stay out late with him again whether my parents liked it or not. Jay was....well, let's just say that I only felt really and truly happy when I was with him. Just the mere thought of him made my heart flutter and made butterflies fly around my stomach. My stomach. No Summer, I thought. That's not going to happen again. Even if it did, I was smart enough now to get out of it before I really got hurt. Fortunately, Josh left the last time before he really hurt me. I didn't care where he went. I did care if he came back. Because I never wanted to see him again for as long as I lived. I was done with him. I wanted nothing to do with him.

-Jay's POV-

"YES!" I cried out in my room, immediately clamping my hand to my mouth. Mom was still in the freaking living room!

"Jason, what's up?!" she called.

"Uh.....my favorite basketball team won?" I said. It sounded like a guess and it was. I didn't really have a favorite team.

"Oh, okay!" she said. Phew. My outburst was actually because Summer wanted to see me again. Just as much as I wanted to see her again. I heard my dad walk in.

"Hello dear," he said, greeting my mother. Eh, not going out there.

"Hi sweetie," she said back. Gag.

"Where's Jay?" he asked her. Jay ran away with Summer, that's where Jay.....DID HE JUST CALL ME JAY?! Of all the times I have told him to call me Jay when he called me Jason, now he decides to start calling me Jay. He knows I'm listening. Which means.....oh, that man wants something. I heard Mom tell him I was in my room. He knocked on my door.

"Yes?" I said.

"Jay, can I talk to you?" he asked from the other side of the door.

"That depends," I said.

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