I 'Effin Love You part 15

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-Jay's POV-

"Why are you telling me this? It's not mine," I said. She looked at me sadly.

"You're in denial," she said, sitting down.

"It's not mine, Emma. You and I have never done anything. Besides, I love Summer. And I don't believe that you're pregnant," I said.

"I really am."

"Where's the pregnancy test then?" I asked. She reached in her pocket and pulled it out. There was a little pink plus sign.

"I can take another one just to prove to you that this isn't fake," she said.

"Go ahead," I said, then I followed her out of the room and to hers. She grabbed a pregnancy test box out from her dresser drawer, took one in the bathroom with her and came back a couple minutes later.

"It'll take a few minutes," she said. I leaned against the door. When it was time, she showed me the new pink plus sign.

"Shit, you really are pregnant, aren't you?" I asked. Not that I cared all too much. It wasn't mine.

"I told you," she said, plopping on her bed. "What am I gonna do?"

"Whoa, hold on there. Don't drag me into your little situation here. You got yourself in this mess, don't make it my mess too. The most advice you'll get from me, is to tell your mom or dad."

"They'll think you're the father."

"Uh....have they met me? No offense, but I really don't like you all that much," I said, honestly.

"Blunt much?"

"Very much," I said, opening her door. "Tell your parents," I said before leaving. Myla texted me and told me to come to the backyard, she had to talk to me. I went out back and the first thing she did was slap me.

"OW! What was that for?" I asked.

"How could you do that to Summer?" she demanded.

"Do what to Summer?"

"Cheat on her with that....that.....tramp!"

"I never cheated on Summer and I never will."

"How is Emma pregnant then?"

"First, how did you know that? Second, it's not mine."

"I overheard you talking and I heard her telling you she was pregnant and that it was yours. I recorded some of your conversation thinking that you were going to reject her and I was going to let Summer listen to how much you love her. Instead I got that," she said.

"Please tell me you didn't send that to Summer," I said. She looked down. "Myla."

"I thought...."

"Myla how could you think that?"

"I don't know! I'm sorry Jay! Look, all you have to do is go tell Summer it isn't true! She'll believe you!" she told me.

"I hope you're right," I said, walking back inside to leave. Please Summer, I thought. Don't believe it.

-Summer's POV-

"What?" I asked for the third time. Mom gaped at me while Uncle Mark looked down.

"Summer, there's something that you should know," he said.

"What?" I asked again.

"Your father isn't your real father," Mom said quickly. It was my turn to gap at her.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"He's not your biological father. He's your step father," she said.

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