I 'Effin Love You part 17

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Should Jimmy die or not? I don't think he should. He's my character and even I love him to death. He's an awesome guy, right? Who doesn't love Jimmy? Anyway, I'll get you guys part 17, here.

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Summer's POV-

As we got closer and closer to the emergency room, I found it harder and harder to breathe. My legs wobbled like crazy as we ran inside. Annie was sitting in a chair and jumped over to us when we came in her view.

"Summer! It all happened so fast! We were walking and they were just driving by us and then they just started shooting and they shot him so many times!" she cried. A tall man in scrubs came over then.

"Are you here for Jimmy Day?" he asked me and....Dad.

"Yes, that's my son," Mark answered. The doctor gave a wary look.

"We were able to get his heart pumping again, but I'm afraid he's still in critical condition. We're moving him to the ICU now," he said.

"His heart stopped?" I whispered.

"Only for a few minutes. We were able to revive it," he assured me. Jimmy died for a whole five minutes? I came that close to losing him for sure? And even now, he was in critical condition.

"Is he awake?" Annie asked.

"No," the doctor answered. I felt faint. He wasn't awake and in critical condition and he died for five minutes. I could still lose him.

"I need some air," I said, running outside. It had started pouring down rain. Great. A reminder of someone else I needed. Things were falling apart so fast. I broke down crying at that moment. A pair of arms came around me a little while later and I started crying in his chest.

-Jay's POV-

I held her cry. I had no idea what had happened, but I knew someone was hurt. Badly. Someone she cared for so much, so most likely Jimmy or Annie. Not that she was as heartless as to not care if anyone else got hurt, but those two were the ones she would cry like this for.

"How did you know where I was?" she asked, trying to fight her tears.

"Annie called me," I said. "And your text message."

"I only said I needed you, I didn't say where we were."

"Annie did," I said. She cried some more and pulled away to look at me.

"I'm...sor- sorry," she cried.

"You have nothing to be sorry about," I said gently.

"Yes, I do. I believed your uncle Rick over you and I believed that you would really hurt me like that and get Emma pregnant....and I'm just so sorry!" she cried. I hugged her. She cried more.

"You have nothing to be sorry about," I whispered.

"Summer, oh, Jay," her Uncle Mark said, coming outside. "Is she alright?" he mouthed to me. I nodded.

"I'll bring her in," I mouthed back. He nodded and went back inside.

"Was that dad?" she asked.

"Your Uncle Mark," I said.

"Dad," she sighed.


"I have to tell you, still."

-Summer's POV-

I told him everything Mom told me. About me really being Mark's daughter and Fred's, he he, niece and how no one knew but Mom, Mark, and now me, Jimmy, Annie, and him. He was just as shocked as I was when Mom told me.

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